A Sorcerer’s Journey

Vol 30 Chapter 1862: Predatory vanguard

From the distant wizarding world community, the invasion of the dark world by the Legion is no longer what the ancestors can cover up.

After nearly zero thousand years of resistance, the news about the invasion of the Demon Sorcerer Legion has spread throughout the Diablo World, and the big and medium-sized worlds are in full swing.

The demon sorcerer is not limited to the gap opened by the stellar orbital!

As early as before the invasion of the Diablo World, the Demon Expeditionary Legion had not only crossed the tens of thousands of small-scale battles with the Diablo World, but the traces of the lower-level hunters and wizards infiltrated into the Diablo World have continued. For thousands of years. The hunters and sorcerers left behind in the thousands of small worlds in the dark world, not only a legend, but also the corpses after the failure of the exploration mission, the conspiracy of the wizard on the dark world, early It has been brewing for thousands of years.

Although the unification of the dark world has been completed, there is no prestige in the beginning of the dark ancestors, and the transformation of its own life attributes has been transformed into a supreme existence of the dark world.

But in fact, the unification of the world of the ancestors of the old and the old sacred ancestors is not long. The dark world has no unified historical emotions and values. Even the general beliefs are not, just relying on The forcible unity of the absolute power of the beginning of the ancestors.

The beginning of the dark sacred ancestors still believes that the second class of esophagus and weak meat is a set.

The weak meat and strong food are forced to be unified. In the illusory world where the cruelty is squeezed by the endless world's digestive rules, and the people in crisis are in danger, the promotion of strong rules is the only way, and the only axiom that everyone recognizes, but The resource-rich material energy world, such as the promotion of the rules of spiritual, cultural, and will, is no longer a concept than the secondary esophagus.

It is also true that the dark world looks like a powerful appearance, but inside is another matter.

The core area of ​​the dark world, the dark sand world.

"Hey, this planet was bought by the Black Witch King at a big price. Now we have to clean up the ruling power on this planet. Seeing that your tribe should be just an ordinary clan, the combat power is 7345, you also It is considered to be one of the few strong players on this planet. If I surrender and surrender, I will be my follower from now on. I can consider letting you out of this tribe."

In the sky, three Saiyan people wearing tight-fitting battle suits are surrounded by hands, and the right eye is wearing combat force detecting glasses. The furry tail is constantly sweeping, and the corner of the mouth reveals the usual evil, cold, proud smile, overlooking the ground. Green skin tribe.

The simple tent, the rough coat of the animal skin, and the totem carved by the rock, this is a primitive tribe of **** blood, the broad arm of the biceps muscles, the horrible, pale green skin, bare head, They were armed with spears, axes, and hammers, and roared at the three Saiya warriors at high altitude.

On the top of the primitive tribes on the ground, dozens of powerful flying powers are as enemies, and they are guarded against the three Saiyan warriors.

"You are not wizards. They have promised you what conditions, why should we invade our homeland?"

Sinking and calming, this tribal leader has a cool and intelligent mind.

"Hey, Sergey Bay, it seems that he is delaying time."

In the back of this blue tight-fitting battle suit, the Saiyan warrior, in the cruel and funny laughter, took out a small bottle, "叮叮咚咚" swayed, and opened the bottle cap and sneered: "Then let these spores People first play with them, think clearly and answer."

As a grain of seeds was sprinkled, in the shock of the primitive tribes on the ground, a giant tree rose from the ground, followed by flowering, and only one meter of spores broke out. The whole process was Complete in a few minutes.


The hoarse laughter, these sphincter people seem to be excited about the big flesh around them, licking their lips, a low-level predator.

"435 combat power, 354 combat power, 5 combat power, 422 combat power... Oh? There is still a variation, 1352 combat power, hey, kill them!"

The Saiyan warrior who summoned the spores was ruthlessly ordered, as if the dog was loosened by the chain, and the spores could no longer restrain their own killing desires, and they screamed and rushed toward the ground tribes.

"The patriarch!"

The tribal elite warriors with flying ability also refused to watch the three Saiyan warriors at high altitude, landed on the ground, and rushed toward the group of spores like wolves, to stop the slaughter of these spores.

The first Saiyan warriors did not stop all of this life, sneer: "These spores are good and have such a number. It seems that your men don’t seem to be able to cope, how, big, you want Ok?"

The rough and primitive tomahawk clenched in the hand suddenly turned into a residual image, and the sound of "嗡", the battle axe broke out and disappeared!

"The Frost Lion clan,] never be a slave!"

"嘭", the front-most Saiyan warrior's body shield was broken and flew out.

The Saiyan warriors on both sides saw this scene. The "bang" sounded, and the raging energy and spurt burst out. The angry roar said: "You are looking for a dead end! You and your tribe will be the planet." Resist the strength and turn it into dust!"

The Saiyan warrior "嗖" disappeared into the shadow of the disappearance, and the next moment appeared in front of the resistance tribe collar, the power of violent, amazing punches continued to fall, the space "boom", "Boom", "Boom", "Boom" explosion shock wave is endless.


Another Saiyan warrior swallowed a pill, the body's visible swells in the naked eye, the dark fluff broke out, and the muscles bulged, turning into a hundred-meter giant scorpion, blushing Only the last mind is kept in the eyes, and the arms "bang" and "bang" beat his chest and rushed to the tribal civilians who were strangled with the spores. www.novelmtl.com~哼哼,哼哼哼哼,哼哼huh huh huh huh……"

The Saiyan warriors who were defeated by the tribes slowly adjusted their postures, and the **** was stunned and laughed. It seemed that they were not angry because of the resistance of the tribe.

However, the next moment, the situation has changed!

"Stop 7ooo slag, give me to die!"

"Boom", a shock wave descended from the sky, dazzling white light drowned the tent inside the fence...

the other side.

In the dark sand world, the ruler Shawang clan is spread. Under the three-month uninterrupted bombing of hundreds of elite Saiyan warriors, the largest Shawang clan camp was uprooted and pitted on the ground. Countless bones and wreckage, a savage savage and scarred Saiyan warrior slowly flew Xing Fei, constantly giving a fatal blow to the Shawang clan who has not completely died.

"found it!"

A Saiyan warrior shouted in excitement. After robbing a baby from a mother, he killed it with a shock wave and handed the baby to the middle-class warrior collar in the sky.

Rolling the smoke, skyrocketing.

Several spaceships rushed from afar and were responsible for transporting damaged battle suits, combat power detection glasses, necessary purified water, high-energy food, and transporting the wounded.

The Saiyan warrior sneered at the crying baby in his hand and held it high above the head of many Saiyan people. "Boom", the energy shock wave smashed it into slag!

"The last royal blood of the Shawang clan disappeared, hehe!"

The other Saiyan people saw this cruel scene. Not only did they not show morality, but they were in a state of blood and screaming.

"We have completely conquered the world!"


Ps: The second is after ten o'clock. 8

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