A Sorcerer’s Journey

Vol 30 Chapter 1861: Self-destructing team

"One guy really loves face, forcibly attacked the world at the last time. The fastest update"

The metal cube of the eternal sky core sent Pumi Rothius to sigh the sound, but it was heard, which contained smiles.

"Everyone knows that she and the king of the early wizards are not in the same general relationship. As long as the king of the early wizards is still there, whoever sells him a few thin faces, this guy is asking himself for trouble. But being able to capture the dark honeycomb world is good. With the support of the Quartet, we will be able to move forward and retreat, and we will be more comfortable."

The unknown 讳 seal sorcerer in Crystal 笑 laughed.

"I heard that a round-the-night nightmare wizard should have spent a great deal of cost to attack the world. Even the beginning of the dark ancestors was summoned to a will, but because the black witch king accidentally passed by, it dispelled the beginning of darkness. When the ancestors came to the will, they also disintegrated the willingness to resist the will of the other ancestors. In the final period, the real-world wizards were able to completely capture the hive world at the lowest cost, providing us with a rule transfer place. ”

Another ancient seal wizard was in the mouth.

"The results are always good. The efforts of a true spirit wizard are obvious to all. I don't want to always rely on the king of the wizard to gain prestige."


The eternal sky city that opened fifteen percent of the fighting state, under the protection of the overwhelming sorcerer's sergeant regiment, slowly invaded the interior from the shackles of the dark world.

Incorporating into the will of the beginning of the ancestors, this world of clothing rules is very autonomous, but in the hundreds of millions of flashing dark green wizards rune defense, the huge gap can not be healed, and has been long-term elite hunting witches Stationed to guard against the destruction of the Dark World Wizard.

"The attention of the various groups, the attention of the various groups, the city of Eternal Sky is about to enter the loopholes of the rules of the world, to guard against the enemy army!"

"A group received, everything is ok!"

"The second group received, everything is normal!"

"The three teams received, everything is fine!"

"Four groups..."

The enemies who can damage the city of Eternal Sky must be at the lowest level of the world. Therefore, the team leader responsible for the vigilance is also the elite of all the great sorcerers, leading many hunting wizards to pull up the warning zone.


The most advanced detection robots, like a ball in the void, advancing at a rapid speed, sometimes staying, the infrared spot is in the "beep" sound, constantly sweeping, sonic detectors, elemental analysis devices, nano-kinetic transmission devices emerge one after another.

This is responsible for the safety mission of the Eternal Sky City. It is the Sixth Ring Real Spirit Wizard War Zone!

Presided over by the six-ring true spirit wizard, more than a dozen real spirits dominated the threat, and more than 3,000 sacred marks were used as the main force. The outer layers of the dark world were surrounded by several layers and arranged for millions of kilometers. The guard space eliminates all possible accidents.

The worries of the wizards are not without reason.

The Eternal Sky City is more like a symbol of civilization for the wizard, a super war platform, a metal art world, a heritage witch, a dead object.

But in fact, for the material energy rule, the eternal sky is a living body, an incomparable huge and horrible life, and Pumirosius transforms himself into a super-living body in the core center!

It is precisely because of this that this layer has one of the rules of the world of the beginning of the ancestor's will, and it also has the strong restraint ability for Pumirosius, which is also the best chance for the attackers to be the weakest moment of the Eternal Sky City.

At the same time, the darkness is deep.

"I am afraid there is no chance for such a tight defense."

The scattered and empty star clusters, long-term hidden in the virtual storm, move at high speed, producing amazing impact, and in this chaotic storm, there are several dark shadows hidden, prying to the huge hunting in the extreme far away Demon Sergeant.

"Hey, you have to use no chance as an excuse to respond to no beginning?"

Taunting the words, the shadow said, a purple crystal "wow" was spit out, and the nine slender fingers grasped the crystals and continued: "All contribute some, no time to ask." Good to explain, these purple crystals I am out."

"Cut, knowing that there is no chance, those guys still force the task to us."

The people in the mouth of the ancestors refer to the dark ancestors who first followed the ancestors of the ancestors in the core area. Nowadays, the world community is unified, and the old ancestors are one, but they become the oppressors of the dark ancestors. The status is far apart.

However, although the ancestors complained, they took out a capsule from the pocket under the dark cloak and sprinkled it out.

"I take it from a disposable space capsule exchanged by the unknown world community technology civilization."

After several other ancestors also made some sacrifices, in a blink of an eye, a suicide corps was formed. The ancestors of the head with dark corals shook their heads: "This suicide squad, it is no problem to attack the space fortress. Even a small sky city can cause some damage, but I want to make a devastating blow to that monster..."

Said, this holy ancestor shook his head and did not have any hope.

"Oh, it was just a coping. Is it necessary to sacrifice a few of us to make an indelible historical contribution to the future development of the Diablo World?"

call out! call out! call out! call out! call out! call out! call out……

During the speech, this suicide corps consisting of dark monsters and weird toys, filled with disposable space capsules, rushed toward the rule of the world of the hunter demon expeditionary wizarding corps.


Almost at the first time, the guarding wizards discovered this small army that was rushing from the darkness of the darkness.

"Warning! Vigilance! Found that the Dark Creatures attacked, the number is between 2,000 and 3,000, and the biological level is between the third and fourth levels. The deeper void has not found more targets!"

After the alarm came out, the cautious hunting wizards would not arbitrarily dismiss the enemy without knowing the specific information of the enemy. The head slave monster became a good choice, and the later squadrons and metal robotic regiments gained momentum. To be sent.

After a short kill, the body of a seriously wounded dark monster suddenly burst into a dazzling white light!

Unbelievable and amazing sucking force, the large group of slave monsters who have not waited around the siege have reacted, and the blasting rumble, the heat wave shock wave in the depths of the void spreads out, and even rushed to the front of the hunting wizard A low-level hunter is obviously shocked by this change.

Such an attack has long been beyond the scope of the general hunting wizard or even the holy mark wizard.

"The 301 squadron, what happened, what is the ability of the enemy attacker, the specific level of life is several levels, there is no assessment of the ability of the Skynet combat capability, immediately send me the details!"

This is more than a hundred thousand degrees of attack ~www.novelmtl.com~ Although it is not a big deal for those high spiritual wizards, but for the holy marks wizard, but they are not afraid to neglect!

Even if you can't take the essential damage to the city of Eternal Sky, it is enough to create a space fortress.


During the response of this elite demon sorcerer, the rumble was rumbled, another emptiness exploded again, the shock wave spread, and the core attack degree was equally amazing.

After a short moment.

The dark creature information of this self-destructive attack squad was spread throughout the garrison by the exploration of the elite sorcerer.

These dark creatures, the inner body has swallowed a disposable space capsule, and the disposable space capsule contains a large number of unstable spar explosives. The explosion power is unparalleled, and it is not a bomb of general significance.

After hearing this analysis, even some realist wizards are asking for explosive specimens for experimental research.

Fortunately, this self-destructing squad is only coping with it. In the case that the Demon Sorcerer’s Legion is fully prepared, even the space fortress is not damaged. The eternal sky city peacefully invades the inside of the Diablo World as the core of the Wizarding Civilization Expeditionary Legion. The base opened the official invasion of the Diablo World.

Several Diablo ancestors did not even appear. They saw that the self-destructing raid squad sent by them had been systematically cleaned by the hunters and sorcerers. They clearly understood the powerful fighting ability of this foreign civilization and dared not hide it again. Quietly leaving.

With this attack, going back and disguising a little injury is also a good match.

Although there is no beginning, the dark sacred ancestor is said to be the will of all the corners of the dark world, but it can never be done in all aspects. The creature that transcends the eighth grade is just to talk about it. He still remains a living body inside the endless world. Only. Rw

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