A Sorcerer’s Journey

Vol 30 Chapter 1824: Dimension War (3)

"Dimension War, this is the Dimension War! You crazy, want to die together!"

The desperate world is snarling.

At this moment, for the desperate world, Green is like a helpless parasite. If you can't get rid of it, you can't afford it, but you can't kill it. You can only let the other party absorb the nutrients in your body. The resentment in your heart can't be said, but you can't help it.


The entire secondary esophagus is shrouded in an unprecedented atmosphere, the gray clouds of the sky are swaying, the regular time barriers are consolidating, the illusory world rules are retreating, and even more terrifying is that all living organisms in the secondary esophagus The fireflies that are guided by the rules of digestion, like the darkness, are clearly marked by the secondary esophagus, hiding from hiding, hiding in hiding.

In this way, after the arrival of the second-generation esophageal warfare army, in order to make up the conditions for opening the door of the Dimension, most of these secondary esophage monsters and another Dimensional Conquest Army will be completely digested by the endless world.

"The fate of truth is really clear as never before!"

On the other side, still keeping the right hand inserted into the desperate world of Green, the elements are muttering.

The coincidence of adjusting the rules of time and space is so clear, and so reluctant. The hardships of the two are separated from the distant space, the civilization of the long-term era, dragging the hard life to the same time period of the secondary esophagus, with probability It’s too reluctant to explain it by coincidence.

The black hand hidden behind the scenes has been disdainful!

Although the two civilizations have not yet arrived, they are only the opening doors that open at the same time, but they have already let Green feel the vast power that is far behind the wizarding world.

The three-color gaze gaze at the two non-stop directions of the secondary esophagus. Unlike the desperate world, the desire to completely close the hidden self, the only thing in the green tri-color glory is 憧憬.

at the same time.

In the deep illusory edge of this dimensional dimension, in addition to the time and space rules that have been disdain for the hidden destiny and the endless world convergence, Green as a nine-level creature staying in the endless world, is reluctant to sense the latitude of higher latitude. Overlooking here!

Those high-latitude consciousness is too strong. Don't say that Green is the whole endless world. Compared with these high-latitude consciousness, I am afraid that it is too late. It is a qualitative change. Green can't describe the hopelessness and smallness. .

In contrast, what exactly do these Dimensional War Legiones think that they can fight against higher-latitude creatures at the peak of the endless world?

"I'm afraid, only the battles of the squadrons of these Dimension Wars can make some of the high-latitude creatures outside these boxes feel some interest. In their eyes, what is the look here?"

Green muttered to himself, "噗", actually pulled out the elements of his own elements from the world of despair.

Surrounded by the Huangquan Nether River around his body, after desperately being squandered, the "Song of Life and Death" was closed and was returned to the Black Witch King of the material energy world by Green.

Compared with the black and white king's open and free and free and easy, Green is too boring and hard. The root cause is that Green is not the author of this number, just a learner.

Immediately after the three-color glare of the eyeball twitched, Green's gaze fell on his arm into the world of despair.

At this moment, there are still dozens of giant cockroaches biting on it, like a otter, the mouth of Green's mouth is slightly squatting, and the grip of the truth balances the magic wand's milky white light, and these giant squats, which represent the essential rules of the desperate world. Was completely wiped out.

This high rule is that Green can't learn to integrate itself.


Suddenly, in the desperate world, frogs are generally dull and screaming. Green is gazing at the past, but sees the desperate world that is rapidly blocking the vortex of the passage with time and space barriers. The dark and the moon are like the eyes of the world, and in the center of the whirlpool of time and space. "A sound, a black chain bullet in the chest of the green, "哼" after a sigh, the element of the real state of Green can not help but "噔", "噔", "噔" back a few steps.

Not angry, the Green element is actually scornful and sneer: "Naughty."

The center of the forehead of the three-color pupil, the ice crystal Phoenix Millie said: "The time and space rules of the secondary esophagus are strengthening, and your true body is constantly being squeezed. This size is too large, although it can effectively drive away those dimensions. The harassment of the esophageal monsters, but now the end of the day cleaning is coming, the monsters in front of the two developments to the civilized point of the secondary army, I am afraid that there is no energy to care about it."

Millie’s concern, Green knows.

For the desperate world of small fights and counterattacks completely left behind, Green like a negative heart generally left this coordinate, no longer care about the desperate world.

Feeling the power of different rules in the time and space passages opened by the two Dimensional Legion, Green is low: "It is because of this time and space squeeze that the mainland of the skull can withstand the baptism of the storm..."

Every step of the way, Green's element is really small and small, until it is concentrated to the height of the kilometer. Although in the world of the Dimensional Esophagus, it is still a giant in the world, but it is never exaggerated. And step by step to the distant door that is closer to the distance.

"Since I know a piece of transit in the world, after seeing the next Yuan War, I will use it to leave it~www.novelmtl.com~桀桀桀桀."

According to Green, nature is a desperate world.

I don't know how much like the Green, the strongest ruler who came to the secondary esophagus during the Dimensional War, but it is certain that Green is by no means the only one.

Perhaps according to the rules of the Dimensional War, Green is only a neutral force that affects two Dimensional Legions, similar to the Dimensional Esophageal Monsters, adding some fun to the viewing of higher creatures.


Doomsday cleaning is coming.

The most fearful moment of the monsters of the second esophagus came.

If every day has been in the fight against the endless world of digestive rules, between life and death, feeling that you are being digested a little bit by the endless world, then at this moment the endless world feels that after indigestion, take some The real means, forcibly digested!

No one can escape, and no one can stop it, even if it is hailed as the most terrible real monster world in the endless world, it is just a resource point to plunder along the way.

The heart is desperate, the fear of despair, the last roar of hysteria, the suffocating suffocation that seems to have been desperately seems to have completely erupted at this moment, and even the rules of gathering have been forgotten, and the subordinate esophage monsters who have completely played the desperate killing nature The strength is even more terrible than usual. It is the desperate rebellion that knows that death has no circumvention.

In a long-lasting, massive storm, hidden secrets are hidden.

"The unprecedented rule of the ruining rule has been here for a full fifteen eras, and finally waited for this day! Hey, I am crying? Green Master, Cappuccino, Sister Black, Sorcerer world……"

The low snoring came from the unknown emptiness at the center of the turbulent storm.

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