A Sorcerer’s Journey

Vol 30 Chapter 1823: Dimension War (2)

"Brightness and justice will eventually win the final victory!"

According to the eyes of history, this should be regarded as an ancient civilization that was annihilated in history.

Billionaires will make the unprecedented darkness and solidarity in the unprecedented unity, and after the ancient dark **** civilization is completely smashed, the will of the bright heaven will be accompanied by the cross of the missionaries, spreading toward the surrounding world community, spreading the wisdom of the world.

Countless Guangdi missionaries went on and on, and struggled for the so-called ideal of justice in their hearts, killing all heresies that did not follow the will of light.

Tick, ticking, ticking, ticking...

The king of the twelve-winged angel, Liliye, stood above the well of light.

In the Well of Light, every drop of golden liquid is made up of the praise songs of the most pure believers of the 120,000. So after more than a decade of accumulation, it is finally the legendary light that never ends. Filled up!

Such a vast and magnificent power, I am afraid that after hundreds of millions of years, Antonio will use the power of fate to incite the energy of the wizarding world, compared with just a cup of water.

The sky above the Well of Light is a huge cross, the 14-winged Angel is nailed to the cross, and the statue is alive.

Legend has it that the Lord has seen through reality and illusion, running through different dimensions of dimension, in order to save the world, to pity the sentient beings, to sacrifice self for a continuation of the civilization of the bright paradise, so that the world can continue to redeem and complete self-rescue, this is also tomorrow. Among the civilizations, the only fourteen-winged angels that transcend the twelve wings.

Nowadays, the bright paradise civilization reaches its peak, the fanatics are countless, and the world is tens of thousands. The surrounding world community is forming an unprecedented super-large alliance. The unprecedented terrorist group consisting of hundreds of world communities is surrounded by all sides. And the number is still increasing, in order to counter the expansion of this super powerful civilization.

"The land of dreams that my Lord has said, the end of the sin of the source of sin, has finally been opened!"

Yan Liye opened his arms, and the light was filled with unparalleled conviction. Standing in the light of the heavenly civilization, he was able to influence the tens of thousands of years of history in dozens of world communities in vast time and space!

In addition to 乞力耶, as the endless world dimension dimension of the peak civilization, the twelve-winged angel has a full 36.

Each one is the unparalleled existence of the commanding party. Even if the passage of time can not affect their ancient physique, the unparalleled combat power and the overwhelming warfare coexist, and the pioneering changes in the excellent ethnic talents will finally be achieved. These twelve-winged angels have invincible myths and legends, and are feared by the endless rulers of the world's foreign civilizations.

"乞力耶, the coalition forces of those who are far from barbarians have been formed. The size of the coalition forces must be even more than the sum of the two previous times. Even the barbarians of the more remote and unknown areas are pieced together. The loss is very heavy, and only the use of the power of the well of the light can completely reverse the pattern of war!"

A twelve-winged angel **** shouted.

Perfect body, beautiful face, sacred and inviolable glory, majestic.

Although the angels are in various forms and have different abilities, they are good at all kinds of fields, but these angels undoubtedly have a more confusing appearance than the strange forms of chasing the truth of the righteous wizards.

"They are just sinners in the world who are ignorant."

乞力耶悲天悯人看看看向这位十二十二天使神王, completely ignore the other party’s anxious praying, the shroud made of shroud is simple and simple, and low and hoarse and hoarse: “The Lord said that Genesis shared seven days, this It is a huge cage that provides a foothold for the atonement of the world. However, the world is ignorant, the cruelty of killing will never stop, and our enlightenment is abandoned by these sinners. They are not worthy of sympathy!"

After taking a deep breath, the face emerged with a touch of perseverance. He said: "Now, we are no longer giving! Sinners are sinners after all, and they are not worthy of being redeemed. They should always be locked in this cage to accept endless struggles. We will follow the footsteps of the Lord, gain eternal detachment, and break the **** of the Dimension!"


All the archangels and angels in the hall are all shocked by the choice of the new will.

The Lord said that he would save the world and lead the world to the light. Therefore, the angels sent missionaries to continue to fight, spread the light faith, bring beauty to the world, and help the world to complete self-salvation.

All the angels once believed that one day the bright will will spread to every corner of the endless world of worldly thoughts. Killing is only a temporary suffering, and it is for a better self-offence for future generations.

However, now, does Li Liye openly violate the will of the Lord, give up the world, and only pursue self-liberation?

"No! You are violating the will of the Lord! The world..."

乞力耶 looked at this ten-winged angel who dared to openly slammed himself.

It turned out to be a close confidant of his own, the archangel who was pulled up by himself. The boldness and unyielding in his eyes was once the most admired quality, but now he feels offended by his offense.

"Put him down."

乞力耶 pointed to the archangel who dared to openly attack himself. In just one sentence, he laid down the **** of the ten-winged archangel who made the endless world dominated and feared, and deprived him of all his rights.

"乞力耶, you can't do this!"

A twelve-winged angel **** stopped the heavenly guardians around him and whispered: "According to the Heaven Act, every angel has the right to express a resolution, even if you are the first king of the king, no The right to deprive an angel of the resolution of the right on this high temple."

"Gamille, do you dare to hit me?"

乞力耶 overlooks this partner who has been fighting and growing together. Yizheng said: "Do you want to give up the freedom of our angels for those who sorrow and give us a sorrow, and resist our ignorant? The Lord’s ambition is to let We save those who are worth saving! But when you look at them, they are treating us with a spear knife. Are they worthy of us to save?"

The voice gradually became indifferent, and 乞力耶 was already impatient. The majesty said: "Camille, I think you are too pedantic."

The 14-winged angel **** Carmel directly looks at 乞力耶~www.novelmtl.com~ The partner that he once admired, trusted, and admired, said one word: "No! 乞力耶, power is blinding you. The eyes! The Lord said that self-liberation is just a jailbreak from the sin of the sin. We are still sinners. Only by leading the world to atone for sin, can we truly save ourselves!"


Under the robes of the shroud gods who had infested the blood of the fourteen wings of the Lord, the scorpion scented with a sigh of breath, and the time of the glory of the tens of thousands of miles of golden clouds was known as the Camille of the sacred angelic king. At this moment, I feel that I am like a lonely sail on the ocean, unable to help, and drifting in the wind.

Even if the will is no longer firm and no longer follows the will of the Lord, his power never decays!

"Gamille! The Lord is no longer there, and I am the Lord's will in the world!"

His face changed greatly, and Camille’s red flame sword appeared in his hand, standing in front of him, and the next moment with the fist carrying the unbridled light of the Holy Spirit fell on the holy sword, a sigh, Camille Out of an arc, unstoppable, flying out of paradise, incredulously looking at the central sword of the Holy Sword in his hand.

"A few eras, your strength is still just the same."

As if the unsettled 乞力耶 calmly said, it would also make the ten-winged angels fall into the dust.

Looking around heaven for a week, even if there is a dissident at this moment, because of the fear of the power of the power, I choose to keep silent.

"Stainy sweat, nausea and blood, and those digests. Since these ignorant people are unwilling to accept our salvation, they will remain in this dirty land of sin forever!"

In the roaring voice, Li Liye shouted: "Collect the Legion, leave the place of atonement with me!"

乞力耶 actually compared the dimensionless world dimension dimension to the land of redemption.

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