A Sorcerer’s Journey

Vol 30 Chapter 1825: Dimension War (4)

Through the two time-space gates of the secondary esophagus, two large vortices with hundreds of thousands of meters in diameter are formed in the sky of different regions of the digestive tract, and the violent spatiotemporal fluctuations spread to the entire esophagus.

The uncontrollable pressure came from the sky above the head.

One exudes a pale golden soft luster, and the other is a "squeaky" shuffle friction sound, even if it is a dimensional gap, the other side of the Yellow Springs, the ashes of the world, and other illusory absurd rules, and has never brought this to the secondary esophagus. The horrible effect of the specification.

咻, 咻, 咻, 咻, 咻, 咻, 咻, 咻, 咻...

Ming knows that this is the origin of the end of the esophagus cleaning, but there are still some minor esophage monsters shadows gathered together, looking up to the sky above the head.

Initiating the Dimensional War, the Dimensional Legion needs to pass through the layered illusory world from the material energy world, attacking the secondary esophagus all the way, and finally breaking through the endless world dimension of the shackles, launching wars against those high-latitude creatures, and smashing low and medium during this period. The high-level illusory world is not known, even if the powerful illusory world is in the face of the peak civilization developed by several world communities, it is really difficult to parry.

The doomsday cleaning of the secondary esophagus is coming, and the many monsters on the continent of the skull are divided into three different states.

Most of the monsters are completely mad before the death that cannot escape. They are unscrupulous and show their desires and desires. They do whatever they want, neglecting all rules and restrictions, reckless consequences, or killing, or abuse, or revenge, or challenge. Very confused.

The other part of the Dimensional Esophageal Monsters are rationally assembled, forming a super large gathering place. There are thousands of monsters and tens of thousands of monsters. Under the joint leadership of several of the strongest monsters, they have formulated the end of life. Plan, I hope to gain a glimmer of life with a strong enough deterrent.

The last small part of the esophagus monster, but chose to gather at the two places through the time and space fluctuations, I do not know is driven by curiosity, anti-escape, or other, formed two shadows of the current 绰绰Aggregator.

"Escape from here!"

Skinny, skinny and thin, the soul of the dead is dark and rough, and the eyes under the sag are gazing at the door of pale gold. It is crazy, and the sound of "咕噜" and "咕噜" is deep in the throat. Bilu’s mouth is ridiculously ridiculous.

I have forgotten how many years have passed in the secondary esophagus. The passage of time has taken away the vitality of every cell in it, even if the regenerative machine is full of fresh flesh and blood, and then the pure energy nucleus, and the rare life body is shredded by it. After phagocytosis, it is no longer possible to increase the vitality of life for the body.

As death approaches, the souls of the dead can clearly perceive that they are heading for death, and are digested bit by bit by the endless world.

Only the Almighty Spirit can save yourself!

However, in order to obtain the soul of Almighty, except for a few special circumstances, only the rules of self-promotion can dominate a road. To kill the soul in the life of the secondary esophagus, as long as you leave the secondary esophagus to the material energy world, the achievement of the master is almost Ten things are steady!

"As long as you can escape, you will be free!"

The hoarse tones of hysteria, the hunger in the abdomen, caused the sudden death of the sorcerer to disappear from the original, appearing beside a thorny thorny dragon tyrannosaur.

However, as a monster that has also been in the long-term esophagus for a long time, this thorny tyrannosaurus monster will be concentrated to the height of more than ten meters, which seems to be cumbersome but almost at one hundred and twenty percent. Ten's peak power state, "噼里啪啦" Thunder bursting, actually opened the rapid mode, in the process of flying back and the thick claws of the souls of the dead formed a parallel distance, behind the scales of the spurs and long tails, want to counterattack.

"huh huh huh huh……"

The two parallel between the two, the ghosts of the dead suddenly flashed a shadow, the green thorns tyrannosaurus giant beast suddenly swelled, but still have more reactions in the future, "噗", the body spurs scales were ruthlessly torn Open, the soul of the dead actually easily passed through a hole in his body, a touch of dark red blood blooms, and a "咕咚" and "咕咚" in the hands of a powerful beating heart.

Looking up, open the mouth with sharp fangs, like a snake swallowing eggs, the soul of the dead swallowed this heart, temporarily filling the hunger in his belly.

The poor blue-horned tyrannosaurus monster, as a tyrannical monster of the secondary esophagus, will not die immediately if it loses its heart. It will continue to consume the vitality of its own cell storage until the life is exhausted and die.

Other Dimensional Esophageal Monsters saw this scene, apparently avoiding the opening of the souls of the dead, and opened up the distance between them.

咻, 咻, 咻, 咻, 咻, 咻...

One after another, the esophageal monsters, constantly trying to enter the light golden through the door, but at the moment they are faced with not only the problem of the time and space unit scale of the secondary esophagus, but also the unparalleled pressure exerted by the door of the esophagus. Every step closer to it is like carrying a mountain.

"咻", the soul of the dead ignoring the thorns of the thorns of the tyrannosaurus tyrannosaur Thunder arc on his own black and rough skin, but also rushed to the vortex of the sky through the sky.

The pressure is getting stronger and stronger. In this counter-current oppression, the other monsters around have been unable to support the fall~www.novelmtl.com~The souls of the dead are still moving in the sneer, the skinny body Like a healthy fish, after surpassing one after another, the "squeaky" sounds with time and space, and the souls of the dead are bathed in the source of the light golden faith songs.

Bang, boom, boom, boom, boom...

Shallow illusory shock, the soul of the dead know what it means, but it has no choice, only the last stroke of the advance, compared to the Dimensional Esophageal Corps, the endless digestive oppression of the entire endless world dimension It is even more fearful of the souls of the soul!

With the light golden source running through time and space, the ghosts of the souls are so smooth that they can be described as unobstructed. The souls of the dead have never thought that there will be the coming of this day, relying on their own strength to escape the secondary esophagus.

Near, near, near...

The unique space-time fragility of the material energy world, where there is no time and space, some masters can even communicate with the will of many world communities, as well as super-empty giants that are large enough to accommodate dozens of large worlds, and endless rules. ......

The closer the material energy world is, the more clearly the soul can be clearly seen, the horrible army that is rushing from the shallow illusion to the secondary esophagus is approaching!

"As long as you break through them, you will be free!"

Desperate, the souls of the dead are like a meteor through the sky.

"There is one more here."

Suddenly, a 12-winged angel **** led a branch of the billion-dollar Dimension Army. Under the tens of millions of golden streams of the torrent, the souls of the dead were instantly destroyed, like those who were angels. The unreal rules that we swept all the way.


Ps: In the spring heavy cold, the southern climate is slightly unsuitable.

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