A Sorcerer’s Journey

Vol 30 Chapter 1808: Golden giant

Seven days later. The fastest update

The sound of "嘭", the monster body with two pairs of petrified wings in his hand, was thrown on the ground at will.

The strange wood monsters have some exaggerated mouths. "嘎吱" and "嘎吱" chew the head of the defeated person. The chewing friction is a bit harsh. The monsters look around the other monsters who have long waited for a long time, standing upright and standing on the cheekbones. There is no fear on the mainland, and it is low: "There are exactly thirty, and you can distribute the light of life."

There was a brief tension in the air.

"Since there are just 30 left and I don't want to continue fighting, I will behave in a different way. Don't worry about this ration. It's not a thousand dollars in this Yuanjiji! Oh, this time the face is much more. A few, it’s you!"

The gold giant's eyes are in the monster group, and the focus of several monsters pauses for a while, and no one dares to look at it.

However, the gold giant automatically ignored the standing Millie, holding the absolute zero magic wand, although the previous battle was only a small test, but the ice age of the great mark wizard after receiving the passive blessing of Green Eye, The strength is amazing!

Suddenly, Millie's left-handed Green's eye slowly opened a gap, and the blind pupil looked at the sky and closed again.

"Just, there is an unknown rule in the secondary esophagus. Even I can detect it and be awakened in sleep. This should be an external rule that can affect the entire esophagus. Except for the Dimensional War and the illusion of the Big Bang, it is very It may be the dark door that runs through illusory time and space!"

Green's fuzzy consciousness, Millie nodded slightly, it was a response.

The process of allocating the light of life is very smooth. After the monsters get the light of their own life, they are swallowed in the first time. This wonderful beam of light coming from the unknown time and space is swallowed up.

As for the next light of life, it should be after the millennium.

Millie also obtained the light of life that should be her own. This is a wonderful light spot. Although it is not worth mentioning compared to the attributes of the light of destiny and the light of wisdom, the so-called broken bones are reborn and dead wood sprouts. For it, it is normal but not a property.

After a little observation, Millie also learned other monsters, swallowing the light of life.

Maintaining the minimum consumption for more than a thousand years, one of the surrounding monsters left the gathering place, and Millie and the Golden Giant formed a small team and also left.

The speed of walking on the sacral continent is very slow, and there is no dominant power. The fast march here is to find a dead end. The cracks along the way will tear all the high-speed creatures into pieces.

"What is the name of the gathering place?"

Taking advantage of the absolute zero-degree magic wand, step by step, with the blessing of too strong power, where Millie passed along the way, the frost footprint spread, suddenly asked the golden giant leading the way.

The two super-powers go hand in hand, but in the dimension of the esophagus, it seems so small, the ancient continent has not changed because of the emergence of the two, it seems that they are silently telling them that one day, they will become part of the bones of the feet. .

"The Silver Ancient City is very famous on the vast bones of the mainland. With the strength of the silver sorcerer leader, I am afraid that it will be difficult to confront it in the first year of life, so find you."

The explanation of the Golden Giant did not let Millie relieve her doubts, and then asked: "So, what is the hatred of the seven-color Rainbow Elves and you?"

Watching Millie cautiously, the Golden Giant said: "It is that it hurts me to enter the endless world to digest the esophagus. Otherwise, with my life intensity, I have already achieved endless dominance, so many years of despair, even if I will be here in the endless world. Digest, I have to see for myself that she was first digested!"

It seems that most of them involve the wars of the world war.

Three months later.


In the distant place, the storms are overwhelming, and the Golden Giant and Millie are two strong peaks in the sixth level. In this Yuanjiji, they can only sneak into the underground to avoid the blight of the storm, letting the top of the world look like a doomsday.

"What do you call?"

After such a long time, the golden giant finally thought of asking Millie's name.

"The Ice Age Wizard."

As the storm gradually subsided, the two people who had been silent for a long time broke out of the earth, but then they were shocked by the horror of the sky above the head, standing in the same place.

咔嚓, 咔嚓, 咔嚓...

The crack spread, the rattan waved, it turned out that during the two master battles, it had already hit an illusory world near the secondary esophagus, and then it was urgent to enter the secondary esophagus. The ruler of the cane all over the world wanted to escape into the secondary esophagus. Using the infinite and greedy horrible monsters in the esophagus to block the strong enemies behind, but after all, there is no success, and they are caught by the chasing master before the advent of the secondary esophagus.

Some earth-shattering battles, even a part of the rule ripples affected the rules of this era of high-altitude esophagus, but because the special space-time unit structure of the secondary esophagus was gradually offset, it did not affect the two people under 10,000 meters.



One side is the surprise of Millie. This feeling is like fighting between the masters through the mirror. Every picture is so clear, and the other side is the sigh of the golden giant. The soul of the Almighty is the oldest esophagus. Reliable escape mode, some of the masters are attacked by the endless monsters, it is likely to take the gecko to escape from the tail, thus creating a glimmer of life for the monsters here.

"Let's go, there is no chance."

The battle gradually ended, and the relatively weak time and space that was attacked by the rules was also re-thickened. The phantom was gradually obscured by the rules of time and space.

Very sorry, the gold giant urged Millie.


Millie nodded and followed the gold giant, and the two disappeared again in the endless skeleton.

It took three years to go!

During the period, I stayed in a few gathering places for a short time. Millie also spent some resources in the gathering place to inquire about the door of the dark. The legend about leaving the second-order esophagus is countless in word-of-mouth, but true and dark. The rules of the door are consistent, but they are not found.

Glut, whisper, whistle, whistle...

The dark, ink-like pool marsh is full of odors. At the same time, “咕”, “咕嘟”, “咕嘟”, while bubbling, occasionally form a vortex, sucking in the elemental energy gas above, and spewing some purple black. Crystal.

Millie and the Golden Giant lurk in the periphery of this pool.

"This is the whirlpool of desperate world. Before the silver warlock ruled this gathering place, it was a gathering place for a group of predators. Later, until the ancient warlocks discovered a certain secret, these predators were strangled by them. And established a new gathering place. The desperate world is a crack between the minor esophagus and an unknown illusory world. It is said to be a very powerful creature. If it is accidentally swallowed, it becomes its Nutritional supplementation is equivalent to being digested and killed by the endless world."


"And not only that, but sometimes it is able to spread out its own illusory influence here, I hope this luck is better."

The gold giant whispered a little afterwards and took the lead in flying over the ponds. The speed of the world's whirlpools was desperate. The two people could easily avoid them as long as they were slightly prepared.


Suddenly ~www.novelmtl.com~ no call, a small black monster raided to the gold giant.

Millie instinctively retreats a distance, "snap", metal friction, the heart of the golden giant is bitten by a black cockroach like a monster, but it is difficult to cause real damage, golden skin With unbeatable amazing defense!

"Are you OK?"

After observing the life strength of this cockroach, Millie relaxed a little, but saw that the golden giant turned around was full of fear and whispered: "I don't want to be a desperate world to run fast in the reproduction of the second-generation esophagus. This is its Imaginary nuclear invasion, we must not let them enter the body!"

The golden giants have just finished, "咕嘟", "咕嘟", "咕嘟", millions of black swaying long tails, squirting from the black pool, rushing to the gold giant and Millie, black pressure and dense A pair of people who want to swallow them up.

"The world is breeding technology?"

Milly suddenly, I think of hundreds of millions of years later, the world's breeding technology that the ancient devils have mastered, the rules spread pollution!

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