A Sorcerer’s Journey

Vol 30 Chapter 1807: Saiyan

For the ability of the Saiyan people to violently smash, because of Green's enthusiasm, Millie naturally has a little research. The fastest update

If the ordinary Saiyan strength is composed of a series of changes in combat power, then the giant Saiyan is a super bomb that keeps exploding. The more violent it is, the stronger it is!

However, judging from the fighting power of this giant python, although the Saiyan of the secondary esophagus can be regarded as entering the sixth-level biological level, its ontological strength does not calculate the existence of the excavation, and it is precisely because of this that it is only maintained after the catastrophe. This level is just about it.

Under the ice feathers, the ice crystal phoenix burned two groups of blue ice flames, and the two squats, overlooking the giant python, the sky is falling.

With the element inside the body, Millie's left hand suddenly has an ice crystal lupin fan. The rune on the lupin fan seems to be composed of thousands of strange ice feathers. After a low drink, a "call" is accompanied by an external ice crystal. The phoenix element was really fanned out by the wings, and the time was overwhelming. The white clouds and the azure mixed ice clouds spread around and easily drowned several nearby battle groups.

puff! puff! puff!

After the monsters of these battle groups rushed out of the ice cloud, they looked at the ice crystal phoenix in the middle of the ice cloud. They were shocked by this frosty monster and actively avoided the space that the ice crystal phoenix could affect.

"Hey! Frosty, glacial roar!"

In the center of the cloud in the high sky, with the icy phoenix of the ice crystal phoenix, the ice and the fine ice and fog descended from the sky, mixed with tens of millions of blue ice flowers, spectacular shock.

The violently savage giant gaze gaze at the ice phoenix in the center of the horrible vortex. The dark fur is covered with ice slag. The throat screams in the depths of the throat, and the violent violence ripples open, and the short legs are fierce. The horrible figure rises into the sky, and only one of the remaining red eyes has completely locked the ice phoenix. The top of the thick arm of the meridian, gathered a fist that can easily smash the power of the mountain!

Getting closer and closer.

The special time and space rules of the secondary esophagus, the more the space is flying to the upper air, the longer the space unit will be. On the contrary, the more the body falls to the tibia, the shorter the space unit will be. Therefore, the theory of the last eclipse will never have a so-called end.

Hey, hey, hey!

Relatively speaking, the elemental esophagus, which is extremely lacking in water, is also amazingly cold because of the ice crystal phoenix. With the giant python as the center, it freezes the incredibly amazing intensity of ice crystals, and then the ice crystals are connected into ice cubes, and the ice cubes are getting bigger and bigger. The giant scorpion sprinted against the ice storm.

As the ice crystal phoenix gets closer and closer, the speed of the giant python is getting slower and slower.


The last struggle in the depths of the throat.

After all, this giant python was completely frozen into a large piece of hard ice after a few hundred meters away from the ice crystal phoenix. The smoky blue frost on the surface of the phoenix seemed to burn the blazing flame, and the sound of "嘭" fell to the earth.

The giant clams in the ice are still struggling, and the coldness of the ice is hard to hurt the core of the giant clam. It seems that it will be able to break free after a while.

The high-altitude ice crystal phoenix looked around, did not find the nearby sneak peek into the enemy here, after the two wings, swooped down toward the giant python.

Ordinary Frost Witchcraft is hard to hurt this hugely savvy Saiyan. Millie doesn't want to spend a lot of magic in this crisis-ridden eclipse, so she plans to take a weak click and break the sound of the "喳" sounding at high altitude. In the middle, the sound of "嘭", the ice is broken, a little red blood splashes.

The tail of the giant clam was cut off!


The Saiya warrior, who gradually recovered into a humanoid form, was about one meter six in height. The standard tight-fitting battle suit and combat power detecting glasses were shy and angry for the tail of their own strands, but because of the sequelae of the giant sputum, the whole body was soft. The ice phoenix toes stepping on the chest is like a mountain, and it can't be broken anyway.

Such weakness, shame and anger are difficult.

Slowly, the head of this frost giant stretched out.

Through the vivid and vivid ice crystal phoenix element, this weak Saiyan warrior faintly sees the ice crystal phoenix head, holding the absolute zero magic wand Millie, standing tall and overlooking the figure.


Even in such a weak state, the Saiyan warriors still have not forgotten their fighting instinct, and the right index finger tip has tried its best to gather the energy beam, and the light of the light blooms, pointing to Millie in the head of the ice crystal phoenix element.



However, as the ice crystal phoenix pressed against the paws on the chest of the Saiyan warriors, even with the protection of high-fibre battle suits, the chest ribs of the Saiyan warriors were smashed by the ice crystal phoenix.

Ice cold into the body, seeing this Saiyan warrior is not alive.

call out!


The energy beam concentrated by the index finger of the right hand is deflected, and a dark red energy shock wave spreads in the distant tibia.

Closing the wings, the ice crystal phoenix step by step in this crater covered with cold crystals. After repeated battles, the ice crystal phoenix has already shown the crushing power and deterrence, and the monsters who are surrounded by anxiety and waiting for the opportunity are far away. go with.

Dead death, escape, and the monsters in this gathering place are obviously less.

The other few solved the monsters of their respective opponents and stared at each other. Without seeing the obvious weak, they did not rush.

At the same time, the eyes of the Golden Giant fell on the left hand of the elemental body!

It seems that I was aware of the extraordinaryness there. If Millie felt it, she looked at the gold giant with a look of infighting. There were several distances between the two groups. It seemed that she was irritated by Millie’s intrusion. The Golden Giant went step by step toward the ice crystal phoenix.

Although it was a bit strange, but Millie was not afraid of it, the ice crystal Phoenix element stayed in the same place and waited quietly.

Every step is extremely heavy, and the surrounding battle groups are consciously retreating. It is like a giant who has poured a layer of gold paint step by step, and stops at the ice crystal phoenix for more than a thousand meters.

This distance is the limit of the six-level peak biological, but it is near the danger warning range!

"Unknown ice creatures, I feel unparalleled hidden power from you. If you want, maybe we can cooperate. I need you to block me from the silver ruler ruler of a large gathering place, and I Will kill the seven-color rainbow elves in the gathering place for revenge, after that ~www.novelmtl.com~ I will fully recommend you as the leader of the gathering place!"

Said, the gold giant added: "In legend, the gathering place has a characteristic that is linked to the material energy world. Even the strong ones are summoned to the precedent of the secondary esophagus, fleeing the fate of being digested by the endless world. ”


In the ice crystal phoenix, Millie's blue flame, which got such news, jumped up.

Is it the clue to the darkness of the dark sacred ancestors?

According to the characteristics of the Dark Portal, according to the Wizards World Secret Survey, the Diablo World is not as endless as the sorcerers feared, and there are endless six-level creatures. The Dark Gate should be the same as the Destiny lever magic wand. Known rule restrictions?

And this limitation is the first clue that Miley should look for after the advent of the second esophagus!


Ps: I didn't come back yesterday. I sent a message in the q group. I got home the next day. I added a chapter tonight, at least three chapters.

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