A Sorcerer’s Journey

Vol 30 Chapter 1809: Weird gathering place

call out! call out!

These black cockroaches are due to the rules of the desperate world, and they can't leave the darkness of the black pool. Millie and the golden giants will no longer care about the cracks in the sky. After all they have rushed to the Yingu chaos in the center of the pool, these overwhelming silvers are gradually returning. Go deep into the pond.

"Snoring, snoring, snoring..."

The Golden Giant gasped and looked at the circle of his teeth. He said: "This time we are lucky, catching up with this small-scale absurd and absurd rule invasion, if that kind of massive absurd world rule invasion It is the general master who can't escape the claws and become a shell."

Compared with the gold giant, Millie's state is undoubtedly much better, and it is still the image of the wizard who is far from the war.

Shuangying stared at the giant island of the sacrum surrounded by the black pool, in addition to the large sacrum, there are countless metal mechanical wrecks. It seems that once a strong mechanical civilization opened the Dimensional War and broke into the secondary esophagus. Eventually destroyed here, it is history.

Obviously, those large skeletons are the enemies who fought and won.

"The number of exiles in the secondary esophagus seems to be very different from the number given by Green. Even the number of exiles in the micro-aggregate is far more than the intelligence information given by Green. Is it that the civilization was stronger in the prehistoric times?"

However, according to the wizard's theory, the history of civilization development should be the new and old alternately stronger and stronger, and Millie self-vetoed the idea that prehistoric civilization is stronger.

Soon, Millie suddenly thought of something, it is difficult to set the channel: "When the endless world is indigestion, that is when the War of Dimension begins!"

Millie, who thought of this, was pale.

The Dimension War is a dimensional war that can only be opened by the peak civilization. The war of the mighty civilization of the world is trying to break the war of the shackles of the endless world rules. Even in the current world of wizards, although it has reached an unprecedented glory, it is still far from reaching. At that level of the Dimensional War, in accordance with the most ideal state, at least several accumulations of epochs are needed to complete the return of the Demon Hunting Expedition, in order to reach the extent that the material energy world abyss civilization is invincible and launches the Dimension War.

And such a civilization, there will often be two at the same time, and will be arranged in the same time and space by the fate of truth, stage a fight and fight, this is the power of the fate of truth!

In the catastrophe of the civil war in the Dimensional War, all the creatures in the Digestive Esophagus will be the third-party forces outside the two peak civilizations, but the end result is often that the film is not killed, completely solving the endless world dimension esophagus. The problem of indigestion, which is part of the perfect balance of the endless world rule design system.

After a little cover up his emotions, Millie said to the gold giant who was sighed with luck: "What are the detailed rules of the Silver Ancient City? How do we launch the challenge?"

If you can't delay for too long, you must find the clues to the Dark Portal immediately, otherwise if the Dimension War really broke out...

With this in mind, it was the Millie who was possessed by Green, and the heart could not help but mention it.

Surprisingly, Millie didn't move for the crisis. The gold giant slowly said: "From the day I fell into the second esophagus, the silver warlocks took control of this gathering place. He has some special good, like color. Bright things, like symmetrical things, like small and exquisite things, and all these characteristics, the evil seven-color rainbow elves are occupied!"

Said, the gold giant angrily said: "As for this seven-color rainbow elf, this is a rainbow flower that I have cultivated in the mother circle with several years of accumulation. It should have guided me into the illusory world of colorful time and space, and I was unparalleled. Time and space power, but did not expect to be possessed by a low-level illusory world evil spirit. In the pursuit process, I was immersed in the secondary esophagus. The evil elite was sheltered by the silver ancient warlocks, and I was rushed by the silver ancient warlocks. Out of the silver ancient city!"

When I heard the story of the Golden Giant, Millie’s mouth showed a smirk.

Whether it is true or not, it doesn't matter to Millie. This gathering place is still the first time that Millie has heard clues about the dominance of the material energy world. Maybe it is the beginning of the dark ancestor!

The gold giant clenched his fist and said, "There is no rule here. The silver warlock will call the time and space every once in a while. Although the success rate is not high, it is the foundation of this gathering place. According to legend. The chaos is below, there is an auxiliary space. If we can find the auxiliary space and sneak in, we can launch an attack without disturbing the gathering of exiles. At that time, the secrets of the ancient warlocks will be summoned to you. I am only for revenge!"

The more she listened, the more she felt that the silver warlock was the clue to the darkness.

"Okay, let's get involved first."

This is a very large gathering place, and everyone is looking forward to the next one chosen by the silver ancient warlocks.

Although the probability of being selected is very low, even if the probability of success after being selected is very low, it is finally a glimpse of the escape of the secondary esophagus. Therefore, this gathering place also has its own unique and bizarre rules. The exiles here will I am very brightly dressed to increase my chances of being selected.

Increasing the possibility of being selected, in addition to causing the attention of the silver ancient warlocks, there is also a reduction in competitors, so there is no shortage of fighting here, and the city is coming!

"Hey, there are two more fresh meats, one is gray, one is white, and the ugly you have no chance!"

On the wreckage of a ruin of a metal ship hundreds of meters high, a monster that looks like a **** smiles. The strange thing is that it has a pocket similar to a kangaroo on its chest, and a pair of wings keeps drawing out from inside. The color dye made of bone powder is constantly applied on itself.

"Don't ignore these sick guys."

After the Golden Giant glanced at the monster a little, he continued to walk to the island with the silver-clad Millie.

Gully, I can see that this is the trace left after frequent battles. "嘭", below the ravine, a humanoid full of colored scales flew out and landed in the Golden Giant and Millie. Before, the momentum was amazing. However, when this color-scale monster, which is shorter than the Golden Giant, saw the gold giant and Millie's foreign trade, he took a glimpse of it, and even laughed at himself as a hahahaha.

"I thought who it was, I actually came two ugly, don't dirty my hand, I don't need the dark red color of your blood, and I will take my eyes off."

This guy like a lizard man ~www.novelmtl.com~ turned a look of disappointment, and walked away from his own.


Suddenly, in the bones next to it, a colored dragonfly slowly crawled out, only a dozen centimeters, looking at the gold giant and Millie.

What is disgusting is that on this colorful back, every color acne is actually a small cockroach, keeps squinting.

"Poor outsiders, here, ugliness is sin. I suggest that you better dress yourself up, or the abandonment of the silver warlock will make you completely dead."

He even said kindly, and then suggested: "If you are willing to let me kiss and let me get the necessary conditions of mysterious power, I will tell you the exact time of the next occurrence of your silver warlock."

"Today is your bad luck, boring tricks. After leaving Blackpool, your strength is too weak to lie to a fool."

The gold giant said, "噗嗤", the golden big foot will trample this scorpion into a mud.

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