A Sorcerer’s Journey

Vol 30 Chapter 1806: Hundreds of millions of years ago?

boom! boom! boom! boom! boom! boom!

I don't know which monster started the attack. It was almost in an instant. The whole gathering place was filled with roaring sounds. The intensive energy shock wave was shockingly shaken.

As a member of these monster groups, the ice age holy sorcerer Millie, naturally can not be outside.

Millions of emerald green feathers clutter together, like a huge emerald pompom, which seems to be a will life, and like some kind of illusory creature, even with Millie as the wizard world six-level holy sorcerer I have learned that I can't make a reasonable explanation for this life.

"咻", a green emerald feathers flashed, like a no-fighting arrow, in the first time of the battle against the group + shot to Millie.


The crumbs flew, the feathers were blown into the sky, and the fluttering and falling.

Millie feels that her body has never been tyrannical, the right hand is absolutely zero-degree magic wand, the blue chill is like a 12-level gust of wind, and the other side of the shadow of the sacred bones rushing to their own process, the action is more and more Slow, slower and slower. Although this cockroach is not like the material energy world, it freezes into a huge ice sculpture, but its active power is affected by the cold current, and the stiffness is slow.

This kind of freezing does not really threaten the life of this shadow rule, but it can effectively achieve the effect of temporary seal through slow thinking.

Oh la la!

At this moment, I saw only a few million green badminton corps in the group, and actually shot a pure white chain, ignoring the space and time interval, and instantly connected with the soul of Millie.

Millie was also caught off guard by such a sudden mysterious attack!

However, in the future, too many reflections have been made. The green feathers that have not been too concerned by Millie have now undergone incredible changes in the vision of Millie's soul.

The emerald green feathers seem like a huge whirlpool, while the center of the vortex is a sputum mouth, and the spirals of teeth are circled around the circle, leading to endless darkness.

This is the world of the soul, the synthetic energy field of instinct and self-consciousness.

In the wizarding world, Green gradually touched the threshold of consciousness until the king of the wizard, and thus, in constant research, has become an unimaginable spiritual life. However, this seemingly grotesque life is actually a life of six levels. Level, touched this threshold through mysterious power?

The mysterious power of Huangquan in the other side?

咔嚓, 咔嚓, 咔嚓...

At this time, the shadow of the shackles that had been frozen by Millie was in the process of constant struggle, the ice was gradually shattered, and the ice-breaking sound of "咔嚓" and "咔嚓" was issued. Just when Millie was in danger, she was in danger. "Booming and rumble" sounded a terrifying sound, and it was a strange giant frog descending from the sky, and the green feathers were rushed into the sky.

Behind the green and green feathers that are falling freely, this giant frog of more than ten meters is covered with thick and greasy sap. In addition to the normal skull, there are two grassy patterns on the back, which are distorted. Little girl and the image of the phoenix tree.

The distorted little girl screamed excitedly: "Catch it, catch it, as long as you eat its soul, we can grow a seventh heart, oh, that is the soul that leads to other illusory worlds, 嘻Hahahaha!"

The phoenix tree, the trunk is like a strange hand waving, hoarse: "Can't let them know our secrets, hey, leave here, find the next soul!"

With the bang, the frogs of dozens of meters were spread and spread as the giant frogs slammed their legs.

This giant frog has skyrocketed and disappeared into the sky.


This kind of change, Mi Li can not help but take a deep breath.

Just this monster that suddenly cut into the battlefield, the strength is probably better than the gold giant, although there are factors of surprise and restraint, but this one will hit this group of emerald feather monsters to eat and eat, I am afraid this is what Green once said The vertical and horizontal dimension of the esophagus looks for the ultimate monster to escape.

And this is also the guy who wants to be careful with the six-ring true spirit wizard.

You must not let these monsters know that Millie has the way to leave the secondary esophagus!

咔嚓, 咔嚓, 咔嚓, 嘭!

The cockroach that was frozen by the absolute zero magic wand has completely broken free, and once again rushed to Millie, the five fingers of the shin bones stretched out, forming a five-handed blade, and at the same time, the surrounding sacral continent also formed a wonderful reaction. The roots and bones are vacated, and the wave state even affects other monsters in the chaotic battles around.

Millie also saw that the strength of this group of shadows is nothing but the err, its power lies in the invisible state of nothingness, the general attack is difficult to threaten it, the bones are nothing but a blind man.

It is looking for a new host, and it is the target of its choice.

"From the dead, the elements are real!"

I completely understand that the Dimensional Esophageal Combat is completely different from the material energy world. Even if Milli has an absolute advantage, I don’t dare to care about it. With a scream, the rushing ice and frost elements rise to the sky, and the absolute cold spreads around. Li opened the ice crystal phoenix body, and every feather is so lifelike.

After the real body was turned on, the strength was greatly improved. Millie in the center of the ice phoenix waved the absolute zero magic wand. The wind was mixed with ice thorns. Each ice thorn was like a sharp dagger with super paralysis effect.

In the freezing and smashing sounds of 咔嚓", "咔嚓", and "咔嚓", the bones that resonate with the bones around them have burst into dust.

The sacral bone of the most solid essence will protect it. This strange ball full of spurs rushes to the ice crystal phoenix. The short anxiety between the two is the most common thing in this gathering place.


The high phoenix sounds, with the ice crystal phoenix tail sweeping, the glacier blasting in the air, the bone ball instantly collapsed into tens of thousands of pieces, "bang" fell to the earth, white chilly.

This shadow of the host, in addition to the emptiness of the body, the external force is almost impossible to cause a fatal threat, compared to the presence of many monsters is only the most common guy.


boom! boom! boom! boom!嘭

Crazy long-haired chimpanzee, the left half of the face covered with scars, running through the eyes, the right eye is red, the arms are slamming on his chest, and the bones are slammed into the wild by his wild body. Vibrate, leaping towards the Millie ice crystal phoenix, the powerful and strong arms and the meridians, a punch.

If it is hit by the front of ~www.novelmtl.com~ the consequences are unimaginable, its brute force is afraid that it has reached a rather incredible level of attack.

"This is... 猿化赛亚人?"

Because of Green's relationship, Millie also had a little understanding of this biological group that should have been extinct in this history. At this moment, when Millie discovered the situation of this Saiyan, she could not help but feel awkward.

Can you say that you have come to the history of hundreds of millions of years in the process of sulfur backtracking?


The ice crystal phoenix screamed again.

However, in addition to its own ice crystal power, this time, there are some super-frequency sonic vibrations. In the light and dark distortion, the ice crystal phoenix is ​​suddenly turned into a mysterious form by the original blue and white, and the momentum suddenly increases. The two claws grabbed toward the giant arm.


Another roar of roaring, but the sorrowful sorrow and disappointment, the "bang" slammed from the sky, the **** crisscross cross wound on the broad chest, the dark ice of the uncertain light spread.

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