A Sorcerer’s Journey

Vol 29 Chapter 1797: Nightmare heartbeat

After 1,500 years.

咕咚, 咕咚, 咕咚, 咕咚...

The powerful heartbeat echoed from the room, and the green head that was concentrating on the woodcarving was not lifted. He said: "What?"

At this moment, the wood carving in the hands of Green is just a piece of ordinary pine wood. However, under the Green Knife, the temperament image of Wei Wei’an, who has passed away, has been formed in a vivid and elegant manner.

Green did not look, the left hand index finger skin dissimilation camouflage gradually dispersed, revealing the inner azure spiritual mechanism organization, beautiful, as if the Huadi quantum technology light.

This spiritual mysterious form, Green has also seen, that is the tail of the Xia He commander worm.

This life group is precisely because of the principle of the power of consciousness, and evolved toward the purest spiritual body. They are too powerful to break the **** of the dimensional dimension space, and thus are erased by the unspeakable truth.

Nowadays, with Green's research on the source runes and the nightmare ghost specimens deepened, in the higher latitude consciousness vision, Green's left index finger finally realized this pure spiritual evolution.

Although it is only a finger of the insignificant pure spiritual evolution, but this is a trivial breakthrough, let Green complete the qualitative change of life, if calculated according to the spiritual value of the wizard, Green has exceeded 1024 points of spiritual limit, at least Reached 10,000 points of mental strength!

And this is just Green's completion of the spiritualization of a finger, when it becomes a complete body of spiritual life, the degree of horror is unimaginable!

I am afraid that it is precisely because of such a horrible spirit that Xia He’s commander can drive his Titan’s armor with billions of its size.

Green stretched out his index finger, and the azure spirited index finger gradually melted into the statue, and was taken back by Green, and re-masked by alienation.

Hey, rub, hey!

The statue placed on the ground by Green moved his hands and feet.


Suddenly, the statue opened his eyes and gave a scream. He was shocked to see his own status as a small wooden man. He looked at the giant on the wicker chair and looked at himself. He was terrified.

"Who are you, where am I, I am not already dead? Right, who am I, I am so confused, my head hurts!"

Greene silently looked at the test article.

In the shadow of the rattan, the blood and rain avatar gradually emerged. Looking at the woodcarving life body that was given consciousness by Green, there is a lot of interest: "Independent consciousness, pure life, you have the power of the Creator! In those biographies The **** of depiction is nothing more than that?"

"However, in the other side of Huangquan's secluded world, the conscious body that has not yet returned to zero has been stolen, and it is just as ridiculous as the real creator. It is worth mentioning. In the past few years, I have always been here, I gradually understand the truth, the limit of knowledge is philosophy, if you are interested, I can talk to you."

Low and calm, Green "哗哗啦啦" opened "Fairy Tale", this woodcarving was sealed by the fairy tale seal of Green into the low latitude dimension, and became the "Wei Wei'an wood carving" wizard in the book of "Fairy Tale".

The **** rain is irritating and shook his head: "Exploring knowledge is a matter for your wizards. I have no interest in arguing with you. However, today you are interested in exploring philosophy with me. It seems that here for nearly two thousand years, except for consciousness. With the exploration of the spirit, your mind has also improved in height, oh."

"Oh," Green, stood up from the wicker chair, put the knife on the counter that was full of a level of witchcraft, and patted the clapping: "If you are not interested, don't waste time, let's talk, what? ?"


The **** rain was mysterious and laughed. Under Green’s gaze, he even inserted himself into his chest and pulled out the heart of the **** hunter who was beating and screaming. He said: Your hunter talent is copied, now you should also be aware of the abnormality?"

After Silence’s silence for a while, he suddenly became amazed and slightly interested: “The nightmare of the world! The annihilation of the secret dimension gap seal, only I can open it myself, it is almost impossible to rely on brute force to break. Now the seal is still there. What is linking the two worlds?"

After the blood and rain split the heart, he said: "I don't know, but I can feel that the wizarding world is having something that is drawing the power there. Although it is trivial in general, it is almost negligible, but with me and that. The wonderful connection of the world, even if only the rule has blessed two Baidu, it can clearly sense the will!"

Green’s right hand touched his chin and looked at him seriously. He muttered to himself: “What is the power of the other side? Is it the guardian of autumn, or the life of a devotional devotion? And the big wizard?"

"It seems to be in the direction of the Santa World, but I have been blocked for several times."

The **** rain is full of eagerness to say.

If the nightmare world and the wizarding world are once again connected, with the unique rules of this period, the blood and rain will definitely increase in strength, so it is not impossible to promote the eighth-class creature!

Green, who got the answer, nodded.

I wanted to go after the expedition of the Demon Expeditionary Legion, and then wait for the Wizards World to accumulate some strength and then open the annihilation secret dimension gap seal that was once performed by myself, but did not expect such a change.

"A ring of Santa World? The sea of ​​clouds and the five-tailed fox are also there. This enlightenment education school of the true spirit wizard is not only promoted in the wizarding world, but also popularized in the exotic world. The Enlightenment School and the establishment of the Wizarding World Education Department, the rules blessing is no less than the previous second ring of the real spirit wizard financial rules, promotion to level 8 is almost predictable. Plus I have promised her fairyland heritage exploration, if there is The harvest... Well, if the Sixth Ring Spirit Wizard really had any accidents during the Demon Hunt, the elements and the inheritors.

In Green's eyes, the wizarding world has a whirlpool, as if you were descending from the dimension of the rebirth period, and constantly taking the elemental energy source runes.

However, the original runes it draws are not limited to the wizarding world, but are gathered from the vast void in the world of the wizarding world.

This is the six-ring true spirit wizard!

His growth rate is too abnormal~www.novelmtl.com~ This is not a leap-forward growth of the wizard with knowledge as a lever. It is not a difficult way to promote passive evolution. Even after seeing this scene, even Green can’t help but feel frightened. It is like a pair of high-latitude behind-the-scenes black hands in the dark, in the initiative to play with all kinds of coincidences of the six-ring algae true spirit wizard.

All kinds of coincidences seem to have no probability of margins, but in the view of Greens's view of all beings, it is so obvious that they converge in a spiral, and the closer they are to the six-ring true spirit wizard, the higher the coincidence.

The black hand behind the scenes has been so impatient!

The cold and sweaty coldness filled the heart of Green.

"What an accident can happen, that guy is now terrible. In this case, I will see that the king of the second generation of wizards will be none other than him. The world of wizards in this era is really terrible! Well, if you have time, go quickly. Look up what is going on, oh, Xian Tian and nightmare are all you have to solve, they are all the same, and there is still a thousand years to start the hunter expedition."

After that, the blood and rain are reintegrated into the shadow of Green.

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