A Sorcerer’s Journey

Vol 29 Chapter 1798: Skynet diffusion

The truth sighed at the door of the witch shop and came a few guests, actually brought by Millie.

"Green, this is the mentor of the Sorrow Wizard of the Three Rings Santa Frost. I want to invite you and me as an external tutor. You see?"

These wizards are all two-level, and they are highly cultivated. They are constantly looking at the goods on the Green vending platform. Their eyes are flashing. Obviously, they are not only seeing the attributes of these magical wizards. By the cheap nature of them, it is inferred that Green is in control of the horror of alchemy knowledge.

"Lilith, come over."

Green's cry, soon, the girl in the room poked her head, holding a mud-like resin glue in her hand, and said strangely: "Guide, what's wrong?"

Green told several wizards: "This is my four disciple Lilith, who has mastered my unique alchemy knowledge and hopes to help you."


Lilith glared at her big round eyes and wiped the sweat from her forehead. The resin glued a forehead, and the sorcerer was over 1800 years old. She also had a sloppy character and screamed: "Guide, I There are three teachers and sisters in front of you. How have you never said that, it’s been one thousand and eight hundred years!”

Lilith is now a second-level wizard, and she is officially a teacher.

Green mysterious smiled: "Let your mother be a dinner party at night, when your father is called, I will talk to you slowly."

"Ah? Ok."

Lilith went back to the house and squeezed the resin glue.


A few wizards still want to say something. The little eight on Milly's shoulder shouted: "Hey, hello, how many of you have gone so far today, are you not satisfied? The disciples of my young master are only four. Everyone is outstanding, at least it is also a famous sorcerer, you are not finished, no, mom!"

Millie grabbed the mouth of Xiao Ba and smiled and said: "Okay, then I will say it. You have come a few times. My husband and I just want to stay here for a while. I don't want to be disturbed by the outside world. Let's go."

A sumptuous dinner, when Lily ribbond his father and mother, and heard Green calmly say his true identity, "hahahaha" burst into laughter, Green also laughed in the process of compiling his own reclusive sorcerer Identity, this time Lilith’s parents apparently believed, and after respecting the ceremony, they were so happy that they were so close.

Only Lilith's eyes flashed, she clearly knows that the instructor's vast knowledge and wisdom, the kind of fear and fear, the more I understand, the more I feel very small.


At the same time, the chaotic world community is empty, and the Black Witch King is wandering as an uninvited guest.

Green's sorcerer consciousness is insignificant for high-latitude creatures, even if the promotion of the nine-level division in the consciousness of high-latitude creatures is only an instant thought, or affects high-latitude biological thinking for a period of time.

But for the Black Witch King of the same latitude, Green's consciousness is enough to really influence the will influence of thinking behavior, and the thinking habits have undergone tremendous changes.

The black fog that never ends, spreads around the horrible figure. The Black Witch King did not go straight to the core of the chaotic world through the world of the world, but in its peripheral world. Wandering, seems to be looking for something.

"Oh, another world, then see if there is any."

This is already the twenty-sixth world that the Black Witch King has been searching for for more than a thousand years. It seems to be a small-scale world.

The boundless black mist is getting closer and closer, like a glimpse of empty ink. In contrast, this small-scale world paper seems to be extraordinarily thin and may be completely contaminated by this smashed black ink.

The unfinished black air has begun to collide with this unknown small world, like the collision of boiling water and rolling oil. The original runes on the world scroll are rolling, and the rules are in a state of intense anxiety.

Under the coat of the world of the rune, the layers are covered with brown and yellow dust. On the surface, this seems to be a world that tends to the rules of clay and sand. The arrival of the Black Witch King has covered the world. The whole world is shivering under the pressure of the Black Witch King, and the tight regular chain of chains is trembled fiercely, and there is a tendency to collapse!


The black witch's gloomy laughter gradually converges, and the cruel and graceful face reveals some seriousness.

According to the experience of the previous world invasion, such a terrible dominance of these small and medium-sized worlds, the turmoil of the internal rules of the world will inevitably lead to a large-scale crisis awareness of the ecosystem. Under the fierce reflection of the will of the world, there will inevitably be one or two wills to test Once you find out that you are like an unprecedented horrible life in a virtual disaster, you will naturally come to justice.

However, the world allowed its own pressure to oppress the rules of turmoil, but still did not have any awareness to explore!

It is as if this is a world full of death, without any life, the strange phenomenon makes the Black Witch King frown.

There is no such thing as a dead world without living things, but there are still many, but most of them are the incomplete worlds with weak rules and weaknesses. The major flaws can be seen at a glance. The world obviously does not reach that level.

"Oh, if that's the case, just open the world and see it!"

In the boundless black mist, a pair of pale and thin palms slowly extend out, and through the infinite black mist in the surrounding area, the black witch king body that opens the real body easily exceeds 10,000 meters, and the tyrannical real body overlooks the small world underneath. Slowly press, press the world's clothing rules out of the two vortexes, take a deep breath, "squeaky", tear a crack in the world's clothing.

"噗", the endless black gas poured into the world.

Both hands use their full strength to support the cracks in the world's clothing, making it difficult to heal, and getting bigger and bigger, spreading black and white, polluting the world, the black witch with loose hair and sullen eyes close to the crack, toward The inside spies into it.

It seems that because the dust storms kept at high altitude all the time blocked the line of sight, the black witch king's nostrils spewed out two black smoke columns, and after the high-altitude sandstorms were dispersed, the black witches once again looked down and saw only the endless sand dunes and strange calm.

After a long silence, the Black Witch King kept tearing open the world's cracks and overlooking his posture, quietly staring, it seems that this is really just a desert world, nothing special.


The wind is raging, but it is only that.

If Green is here, the truth is at ~www.novelmtl.com~ There is nothing to disguise in front of Green, and to directly understand the essence of truth!

"Hey, I have to take a look, is there nothing in the end!"

The purpose of the Black Witch King’s trip was to find some secret contracts that were originally created by the mechanical wizards for the world’s hegemony and the independent consciousness of Skynet. The Tianwang seeds who left the Wizarding World community did not know whether these seeds were The endless world rules have digested, or have already developed, becoming a potential threat to the wizarding civilization. It is like destroying the original world of the soul, and it needs to be completely extinct.

咔嚓, 咔嚓, 咔嚓, 咔嚓...

The mixed yellow sky was violently cracked under the hands of the giant hands, and the cracks in the black and white cracks spread. After a horrible big hand came in, the sky was dyed dark and black. The arc is densely smashed into the sky.


When the sky-covered hand was pressed on the sand dunes, like the most terrible excavator, after hundreds of meters of sand pits were easily excavated, the black witch king raised his hand, and the eyes behind the crack in the world stared at himself. At the palm of your hand, those densely squirming metal excavation robots seem to stop at this moment.

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