A Sorcerer’s Journey

Vol 29 Chapter 1796: Climbing vine


Green glanced at Lilith, a strict teacher, but could not conceal the love of the pupils. Although he has not yet announced his identity, Green has already listed him as his fourth disciple.


Lilith smiled badly and knew that her tutor and teacher-mother relationship was very harmonious, and it was very mysterious. It was not just the performance of the first-level witchcraft, but it’s always According to the tutor's knowledge theory, it already has the second-level high-end witch design theory and the basic principle of the third-level witch.


The witch wizard who is holding the magic ring, after a slight suspicion, slowly put down the ring in his hand.

"I see that the weapons made by the masters are not only limited to the level of the first level of witchcraft. They can make me love this. I am afraid that these witches must contain some hidden attributes that affect the spiritual perception and increase the charm. It is said that this is It was the beginning of the birth of the ancient black wizard, which was very popular influencing the mental witchcraft."

It can be seen that the identity of the second-level witch wizard is extraordinary, and the knowledge experience is also very amazing. In today's congenital wizarding era, it is not simple to study the history of ancient black witchcraft.

Even so, the witches can only find the possibility from such hidden history after being influenced by the consciousness attribute of Green's making of witchcraft.

Seeing the witch's ring in his hand is another scene in Green's field of truth.

This ordinary magical guide ring is releasing a circle of magnetic field ripples, which affects the consciousness of the witches through the densely-written primitive runes of the witch's body. Clear resonance.

Of course, all this is the supreme mystery that outsiders can't understand. Green is looking at everything with the essence of the truth.

The witch singer played a little bit of other non-sales, and gradually separated from the unspeakable disappointment. He looked at Greenway with amazement: "Is the master only afraid that it is the three-level sorcerer who survived the war of civilization? Masters who have experienced the ancient wizards can be willing to live in this seclusion, forgetting the legends of the outside world. However, now the King of the Great Wizards is calling, the Demon Expedition is just around the corner, and the Three Rings Tower is also in use. If the master is willing to contribute his own strength, I would like to recommend the dawn wisdom for the master..."

"Little girl, your kindness is my heart, but compared to the next, the main street neon song and dance bar owner is what you should invite."

Green waved his hand and signaled that the witch who followed the two intelligent robots could leave.

As for the neon song and dance bar owner on the main street, it is also a reclusive three-level wizard, but its strength is quite amazing, one of the seeds belonging to the promotion of the holy mark, I do not know why it is seclusion.

It can also be seen that compared to the era of Green, the era of the wizarding world in this era is beyond imagination, and even the small towns that are invisible are hidden. The promotion of the holy mark wizard is no longer one of the hundreds of thousands of wizards. Difficulties.

咔嚓, 咔嚓, 咔嚓...

Two metal intelligent robots followed the witches, accompanied by the next sound, and an airship sailed to other cities in the Sanhuan Tower. The huge shadows slid across the roof of the Green House.


Green, sitting in the wicker chair, seemed to think of something. After sighing, he sat up from the wicker chair and strolled to the partial room.

There are three spiritual cards in the room. It is the mentor of Peranos and the master of Alice and the old Ham. Today, it is the old Ham's jealousy day, and Green picks up three incense sticks in front of the old Hamling.


A ring of the world of Santa.

The former three-tailed fox has now grown its fifth tail.

The little pity is next to the cloud, and this pair of wizards in the world of the world has experienced the third battle of civilization. As a community of destiny that also inherits the inheritance of the immortal civilization, the two people’s desire for the inheritance of the fairyland has now been sent. I hope that I am now in the ring of the real spirit wizard Silvana.

A Silvana is surrounded by clouds and is so vague that a green vine seems to be attached to the endless world rules. It is a wonderful and wonderful plant.

Glut, whisper, whistle...

Below the vine is a milky white spirit, and as Silvana keeps investing in the fire attribute spar, it is constantly boiling, Silvana faintly said: "Shen domain civilization, pay attention to the heavens In one, yin and yang reconciled, thinking that life is mutually inductive with heaven and earth, life is a part of nature, not above the conquest, so this water is a yin and yang reconciliation. With this climbing sky, we must Ability to find accurate space-time coordinates."

The vines look very thin, and each tentacles are inserted into the cracks of time and space. The tops of the vines are constantly climbing, and I don't know where to look.

Jinyun tried to stop and say a few times. At this moment, he finally made up his mind and slowly said: "What happened to Xianyu, how did my father come to the Wizarding World? According to my father, he was nine before his death. The celestial celestial pot of the celestial sacred pottery pottery, which should have been enlightened in the Xianzun Qiankun bag, but I don’t know when it will be converted, and the sudden exile will be here."

Xiao Pui also added: "Small pity was practiced in the lower bounds. It was already in the Xianban. It was promoted to Xiannian. However, the time and space rules of Xianyu suddenly disappeared. The small pity was also exiled by the influence of chaotic time and space rules. That strange place, fortunately, Master Green passed, and the little pity was born today."

Pantiantan grows bit by bit, sometimes making the sound of "咔嚓" and "吱啦", that is the sound of the vines tentacles breaking through the cracks in time and space.

These tentacles extend ~www.novelmtl.com~ I don't know which world, and take in the rules to absorb the nutrients.

The vines are imprinted with dense green inscriptions. After Silvana smells it, he intoxicated: "According to my inference of the fragments of the remains, Xianyu is probably destroyed by external forces, similar to the strengthening of the stellar orbital gun. The edition may be a collision of a strange and horrible rule, perhaps a high-latitude creature. In short, the world of fairyland has been completely broken into pieces, floating in the illusory world."

Suddenly, Silvana said: "Although there is no inheritance of the immortal civilization, it is not difficult to see from the ruins that this civilization has an unusual talent for cultivating plants, just like the black wizards for the synthetic animal cultivation, the elemental wizard The creation of elemental activating organisms should be the sublimation of a certain farming culture. It is a wonderful civilization."

"I really want to see, what kind of world is the birth of my father! Master, how long does it take for Pantian to find coordinates?"

孽云憧憬's question.

"Who knows, the endless world, the world is endless, wait for it, hope to gain something before the hunter expedition."

Silvana calmly said.

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