A Sorcerer’s Journey

Vol 29 Chapter 1773: First King (Middle)

[Title: egrets on the sky line: Journey Volume IV wizard shadow mystery 1770th chapters first generation of the Witch King (in) the author]

The latest chapter of "The Wizarding Journey" pro ~ the domain name of this site: \"166 novel\" shorthand homophonic, very good to remember! Good-looking novels are strongly recommended: the teachers of entertainment are also crazy and unemployed mercenaries Sheng Shifang Hua eats crimes in Seoul: a night of sin and punishment, the chief president is too dangerous to live close-in agents, but it is a bit late.


Truth balance magic wand haunts the arc, even if it is responsible for guarding Green's ink jade soft finger ring spirit, but the rush has not formed an effective defense, the dimension of the dimensional ball "bang" will run through it, followed by Green Regardless of the extent of the omnipotent soul consumed by the master, a flash disappeared in place, and suddenly appeared in the ice and the evil spirits dominated the sky.

"The truth is righteous, the annihilation collapses, the destruction of the Yuanji!"

The hidden and unsuccessful annihilation of the Thunderball is getting darker and darker. It seems to be a natural time-space black hole. To devour everything into it, Green, who has opened his self-sealing state, has completed this horrible witch surgery and fights against the ice. The evil spirits are thrown in the past.

Feeling the strength of Green's witchcraft, the ice smashing evil spirits dominated the look of the great change, no matter what else, and with the golden corner of the horned beast, the golden angled arc under the force resisted the obstacles, and then quickly quit Huang Quan. The scope of the Nether River.

In the sky, the blasting power of the shredded light and darkness smashed and shredded everything along the way.

call out!

Behind Green, Lafite’s Huang Quan’s stunned arrows flashed away. “噗”, the middle of the imaginary beast that is trying to break away from the Yellow River’s Nether River, “哞吼吼”, this one-horned horse On the surface, it seems that there is nothing wrong with it, but its ambiguity is gradually lingering.

In this case, it is very similar to the body of many original gods discovered by the Earth World Green.

Such a change, suddenly let the many Kings of the Rings and the blood of the kings are extremely nervous, converging the offensive against the corpse of the ancestors, the corpse of the corpse, and the purgatory bones.

"The King of Wizards!?"

The hail fighting evil spirits dominated the hysterical roar, causing the whole world to sway the soul of the ice soul, and hate anger burning.

The tri-color contempt looks at the hail fighting evil spirits, as if watching the palm of your hand being played by yourself, Green dismissed: "What is the use of loud sound, oh, if the roar can solve anything, the wizard also I don’t have to explore the truth again. Hey, I’m now representing the Wizarding World as the King of the Wizards. You have fully utilized your own value and helped the Wizarding World solve a dilemma. You have acquired the Wizarding World. Friendship. Now I have to leave the other side, Huang Quan, to rule, and you can leave."

Snoring, snoring, snoring...

The Black Witch King looked at the scene and said: "Wisdom, cruelty, despicableness, control, extreme, the king of the early wizards, hey, maybe you really have the opportunity to lead the wizarding world to the peak."

As if I had already foreseen the scene of being a prisoner of the ranks, the black witch king whose power was declining showed no appearance, and then said: "I failed, then you can help me to see it, outside the box. What is higher biology?"

call out!

At this time, one of the strong wills that has been faintly felt by Green has been touched from the distant illusory edge consciousness. Hong Liang said: "Since it is not a dimension war, there is nothing worth looting in the world of the spiritual ring. Resources, then you will leave soon!"

"Gage's Wings and Rings!"

"Is it the East Gate of the Gay Wings?"

The gathered Kings of the Rings are obviously familiar with this consciousness, and should be in the same level as the ice.

"Black Witch King, since the power of desperation in the Wizarding World has been consumed almost, then it is time to end the battle. Are you ready?"

Green asked like this.

"Oh, my desperate roots have been exhausted, and your self-sealing technique is blessed by life and death. It can last for quite a while. I am not your opponent. The king of the early wizards, you do it. !"

The conjoined person on the left side of the Black Witch King has completely melted and dissipated on the other side of the reincarnation. The world of human desperation in the Wizarding World can no longer maintain its full body.

"No, no, no, Black Witch King, I said that you will beat you with a higher dimensional dimension of the righteousness. Since only the other side of Huangquan can play your strongest strength, then go to the other side of the Yellow Springs to end this. The long-standing contradiction, let the wizarding world complete the true sense of unity, and I will become the king of the original wizard in the true sense!"

Green has completely neglected the king of the blood and the king of the spirits gathered in the world of the spiritual ring of ice, and the only remaining among the three colors of light, only the black witch king, since the king of the Gaelic Wings has already launched the will, It has stopped the war that will continue to happen in the world of Spiritual Frost and Ice, facing the coexistence of Green and the Black Witch King, even though these absurd masters who have long-term survival and illusion are not willing to continue the war.

Tearing the cracks in the space, the Black Witch King and Green are fading under the watchful eyes of the King of Blood and the King of the Rings, disappearing into a deeper illusion.

After the death of Green and the Black Witch King in the world of the spiritual ring of ice, the kings of blood and blood are soberly awake.

After the secret transmission, the kings of the blood veins glanced at each other, silently moving toward the door behind the fanning and solidifying world.

Such a scene, is being dominated by the hail of evil spirits in the eyes ~www.novelmtl.com~ The invasion of the Black Witch King caused the loss of the spiritual ring of the ice soul world, and the last sudden shot of Green made the hail fight evil spirits dominate The unicorn beast is suffering irreparable damage, and the angry anger is nowhere to vent. At this moment, seeing the **** kings who have been invaded by these isolated helpers, they intend to flee quietly. The four black and white eyes on the body of the smoldering body are smeared with cold light. Over.

"Since you brought the two masters, you are responsible for the loss of the spiritual world of the ice, and take them."

With the command of the ice, the evil spirits dominated the command of the will, and many of the spiritual kings who had just experienced the earth-shattering world wars were temporarily separated from the wolverines, and the unwilling disguise of the hostile will toward the world’s gates. The creature is locked in.

"Retreat! Leave the world!"

I am thinking about the horrible legends of the ancient blood vessels of the ancient times, and seeing even the powerful and invincible black witch king, even by the world's masters, they have stopped at the door of the world. nearby.

The overall strength of the spiritual ring of the ice soul world is a natural difference from the blood world.

Oh la la!

The blood-colored chain that solidifies the door of the world is rapidly blending into the body of the blood of the lion's steel scorpion. When the **** creatures have returned to the local world, they are “咻”, “咻”, “咻”, “咻”, densely glazed Under the leadership of the Lord of the Rings, the creatures gathered from the world's gates in all directions, and seized the last troops of the **** creatures to return to the local world, and rushed to the door of the world.

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang...

The battle between the two illusory worlds officially began, but the culprit that caused all of this has left here, and inadvertently hundreds of millions of illusory births have become history in the deepest absurd killings. 166 novel reading network

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