A Sorcerer’s Journey

Vol 29 Chapter 1772: First king (top)

[Title: shaman Journey Volume IV first mystery shadow Thousand seven hundred seventy-two the first generation of the Witch King (on) Author: egrets on the sky line]

The latest chapter of "The Wizarding Journey" pro ~ the domain name of this site: \"166 novel\" shorthand homophonic, very good to remember! Good-looking novels are highly recommended: undead mercenaries eat in Seoul entertainment teachers are also crazy Sheng Shifanghua one night, the chief president is too dangerous criminal psychology: crime and punishment live 枭 枭 枭 枭 枭 若 若 若 若 若 若 若 枭 枭 枭 枭 枭 枭The sun and the moon describe the battle scene without a light, but it is suitable, but in the world of the spiritual ring of ice, this description is really meaningless.

War For history, death and cruelty are often just taken, but for those who have experienced these cruel historical discoveries, it is not a trivial statement. After everything was destroyed by war, it is a relic, leaving tens of thousands or even The rule of 100,000 years of pollution will become an eternal trauma to the world.

The passage of time, even if the people who have experienced the war are no longer, but the other side of the Yellow River dominates the invasion, it will also become the eternal historical legend of the spiritual world of the ice. "Oh, it is worthy of being a large illusory world that rivals the ashes of the world. Even the completely black king is completely suppressed, and it seems that this illusory world has not been completely alarmed. There are still some unscrupulous wills lurking. In the far more absurd, I can barely sense their existence."

Green is still a leisurely stance, commenting on what happened here, by commenting on the spectator's attitude, and ignoring the two masters who are monitoring their own.

"Oh, after all, it is one of the large illusory worlds that is connected with the secondary esophagus. The strength is enough to be equivalent to the general civilized world. This is the black witch king, otherwise it would be difficult to change any other wizard in the wizarding world. This guy's desperate heritage of humanity has been consumed seven and eighty-eight, I said Green Beast, what final means have you prepared to deal with it??"

Xiao Ba came down in the illusory world. After the initial curiosity, he became adaptable to everything, and even able to summon the power of some dimensions again!

The dimension gap is the imaginary rule. The strength of the small gap in the dimension gap, even if it is only the force of the partial dimension gap, is enough to dominate the general sense.


The trio of Green's tri-color continued to look at the direction of the Black Witch King, and he said: "Since it is almost the same, let's end the mission. As for what means, hehe, of course, is the power of the higher dimension dimension rule!"

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang...

The black secluded river of the Black Witch King's "Life and Death" is being restrained by the rules of the Ice Soul, far from being as comfortable as the **** world. The blue light is like the ripples of the waves, and the silk is gathering in front of the world. , lock the dark river.

The king of the Ring of the Rings, led by the ice scorpion evil spirits, reached twenty-three. If it is not the quality of the master, it is almost close to the wizarding world before the third civilization.

Of course, the strength of the wizarding civilization is the entire wizarding alliance, including many foreign masters.


The hail fighting evil spirits summoned a unicorn horse beast, the golden long horns linger around the terrible thunder, the white horses each hair seems to be smooth and smooth, and a pair of wings linger with the Green Truth balance magic wand The color of the milky white sacred light is moving along with the ice scorpion evil spirits to the Huangquan Nether River, facing the complete black witch king!

As for the other masters, in the dazzling battle, they confronted the corpses of the ancestors, the corpses of the corpses, the purgatory scorpions, and even the whole body, and quickly supported them when the ice smashed the evil spirits.


Covering the sky, the black palm fell again, and it was unbeatable. The six-tailed ringing spirit king, who was locked in the center of the palm of his ancestors, screamed and screamed. The six tails were like cocoons, and they were wrapped and protected. The afterimage was hit, and then there was a loud bang, and the ice soul was broken. The crater spread like a domino.

Bang! Bang! Hey!

However, during this period, other martial arts kings attacked the corpses of the ancestors on the side. After the undead ice birds and the kings opened their wings, the overwhelming blue ice cones descended from the sky, although for the corpse body, it was only the side face forehead area. However, because he did not stand in the wizarding world, he lost his amazing self-repairing ability. Even in the fierce battle for a long time, even with its majestic body, the surface can not help but become everywhere, nowhere to finish.

The ancestors of the ancestors violently wiped the forehead of the forehead, and the sinus eyes looked at the blue little thing that looked like a butterfly. The screaming ancestors of the scorpion roared and were shunned by the undead ice bird.

The demon sorcerer and the sorcerer’s sorrowful screaming screamed on the back of the corpse, and the purple pollution energy spread from the wound to the surrounding area. Caused.

Through the soul of the fire, the spirit of the cold moon, the frosty mirror shines a pale yellow halo, flying around the body of the ancestors.

When it is exposed by the halo, the surface of the body of the ancestors suddenly loses vitality and withers away, but with the huge and vast energy of the deeper cells of the corpse of the ancestors, the wheezing skin quickly recovers. Flexibility.

As for the other Kings of the Rings, the means are also different. The ten corpses of the corpse and the purgatory bones are in a dazzling attack, and they are at a disadvantage of being suppressed.

"The other side is dominated by Huang Quan, you have chosen the wrong opponent! The spiritual ring of the ice soul world has passed since the last war of the 750 million years, and no foreign invaders have declared war, even the Dimensional Army will choose other The weaker and illusory world path reaches the secondary esophagus, and you dare to be enemies with the spiritual world of ice-cream!?"

The hail fighting evil spirits dominated as if they were victors, and they snarled at the black witch king.

Compared with the initial invasion period, because the desperate foundation of the human world in the wizarding world is close to dryness, the power of the reincarnation of the completely black and white witch king is steadily declining, and it is almost impossible to maintain the complete body state. The overall strength has dropped by 4 percent. Ten or so, even falling.

Under the siege of the King of the Blood and the King of the Rings, the Black Witch King, who is continually consuming the desperate heritage of mankind, can barely support his head, and his head is slightly depressed, and the deepest dark eyes are staring at the evil spirits.

"Hey, do you think you have won? You thought it would be over if you defeated me? Hey, that is a really terrible existence compared to me, and now your use value will disappear."

According to Green, it is a green that has been ignored in the fierce battlefield!

Hail Fighting evil spirits dominated the stand on the unicorn horse. After the ghost body generally turned his attention to the three-eyed monster in the distant side, it seemed that the green gray-white face was meaningful and deep, and the screaming and screaming: "Be careful!"


Ps: Tomorrow or the day after tomorrow, I must make up for it. There have been some big things happening around these two days. 166 novel reading network

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