A Sorcerer’s Journey

Vol 29 Chapter 1774: First King (below)

[Title: egrets on the sky line: Journey Volume IV wizard shadow mystery 1770th chapters first generation of the Witch King (under) the author]

The latest chapter of "The Wizarding Journey" pro ~ the domain name of this site: \"166 novel\" shorthand homophonic, very good to remember! Good-looking novels are highly recommended: the teachers of entertainment are also crazy, Shengshi Fanghua, immortal mercenary criminal psychology: sin and punishment to eat in Seoul live for a night of love, the chief president is too dangerous close agent this time, Green is by colorful Xiaguang The world enters the other side of the Yellow Springs.

The fascinating and dreamy rules, once imaginary as the sorcerer's world's highest seals, screamed, Green's square-shaped shell is being quickly disintegrated, leaving only a source of consciousness written by the wizarding language. The gap between the colorful clouds and the cracks infiltrates into the world at the end of the dimensional dimension of the life-conscious life and the cycle of death.

The blossoming two-color flower floats, the death mourning and the birth of the crying eternal cycle, symbolizing the alternation of life and death, two rounds of **** moon-shaped abruptly overlooking everything, Green has come to one of the deepest illusory worlds, the other side Huang Quanjie.

Oh la la...

The black hanging river is eternal and rushing, leaving only the most basic conscious body of Green, naturally feel the sturdy, majestic, vast super-rule body, completely black witch king!

Half is the essence of Huangquan Nether, half of which is the reincarnation of the other side. The completely black king is wrapped in the black hanging river of Pan Heng. The unparalleled pressure is unscrupulous, and there is no more point in the world of spiritual ringing. After the weakness, "桀桀桀桀" almost roaring arrogant laughter resounded throughout the world, and even the other side of the rushing Huangquan Nether River is also depressed.

"The higher dimensional dimension power, I have to look at what you have mastered..."

Suddenly, the Black Witch King had just said half of it. It seemed that he had discovered something fiercely, and his expression of madness and laughter was frozen.

Also, the body of the "fairy tale" paper sheet, Greens shoulders undulating in time and space, the small eight is completely intact, where is the influence of only the conscious body descending on the other side of the Yellow Springs rule?

"Wow, is this the other side of the Yellow Springs? It's so interesting! Hey, the Green Beast, you look at it. It turns out that there is really a flower in the world. The essence of Huang Quan and the Underworld bear the consciousness of life and death. It will be endless. The world's biological consciousness is sent here, and those other shores are responsible for zero reorganization. Yeah! Two **** moons, high-latitude monitors? I heard that..."

The new illusory world, the new illusory rules, the small Bayi appeared in the other side of the Yellow Springs and was completely attracted by the rules of the world.

"La la la la, it's really interesting. Although the world is a lot of boring, it seems to be more affected by the high dimensional dimension than the gap between the dimensions. Oh? My Green Beast, you become this kind of La!"


Green seems to have expected this, "桀桀桀桀" sneer, three-color gaze gazing at the black witch king, hoarsely said: "My soul partner Yahong Niweixi, is the wizard left by the ancient tenth ring Antonio The world is in contact with the proud works, and it is also my competent partner. Now, the power of the dimensional dimension involved in the Eight Rainbow Nevis, can you understand the Lord of the Dark Witch?"


The completely black king of Wuquan, who is dominated by the other side, is silent and oppressive. Whether it is the true essence of Huangquan or the reincarnation of the other side, it is impossible to see the true essence of Xiaoba.

It is a dazzling rule of light, but it has no similarities with the lower-order micro-rules of the general chain form. There is no similarity in the rules of the roots.

"Good! Then I will understand the power of the higher dimensional dimension rule of the king of the early wizards!"

The whole body of the black witch king is low and squatting, and the part of Huang Quan’s phantom sticks out a palm. The "Life and Death" is "翻" flipping, and the black hang of the river is under the control of the Black Witch King, and it is slowly standing in the form of a giant. Up, the unbeatable attitude is condescending to look down on Xiaobei Wei Green, and this Huangquan Nether Giant is a corpse of human ancestors!


In the process of Huangquan Nether, the black witch king also went through the process of controlling the wheezing. The giant locked Green in an unmatched manner, and a pair of giant hands seemed to grab the sky and fell from the sky.

Seeing this scene, the paper man form Green did not have any change in his appearance. He seemed to be muttering to himself, and he seemed to explain to the Black Witch King, using a hoarse tone to calm down: "The form of low-latitude creatures at high latitudes can only be Embedding into thousands of higher biological consciousness in the form of conscious fragments, forming an alternative eternal rebirth, and thus affecting the creator of the same latitude and destiny, forming a mysterious force beyond the constraints of the rules."

Said, Green's "fairy tale" paper people real body, turned out to be a little illusory fade.

After a short pause, the paper man continued: "And I happen to be a creature that has survived the nine-level biomass change and barely stayed in the endless world, although in that short period of time, the high-latitude rules that I have realized are not counted. More, but if it is only above the endless world dimension, it is enough!"

At the end of the day, Green's voice was a little hysterical, and he snarled: "The truth is righteousness, dimension dimension, surf mud doll mysterious projection summoning."

During Green's brief promotion to the Nine-level creatures, it was the process of spreading consciousness into millions of breakthroughs in the endless world dimension and spreading to higher latitudes.

In this process, Green sees thousands of higher-dimensional ideological creatures at the highest angles of low-latitude creatures, whose intensity of consciousness cannot be described, even as the top conscious body in low-latitude creatures, for They are just tiny grits that are not worth mentioning, and the only grit is scattered into millions of aliquots, sneak into these high-latitude ideologies, and complete the high-dimensional rebirth of consciousness grafting.

High-latitude ideologies, both strong and weak, seem to be caused by different levels of attention to the endless world dimension.

In a short period of time, Green can only remember a few conscious bodies with high attention, and one of the two strongest sensions that Green felt is the "surfing clay doll" consciousness!


A vast expanse of light came from the sky across the Yellow Spring.

From the real power beyond the endless world dimension, even the endless world dimension of the other side of the Yellow Spring rule, under the influence of this supreme mysterious force, there is a twist and concession, its power is above certain rules, even The fate of truth cannot be explained and influenced!

Amazing scene?

This mysterious power actually made Xiaoba feel the incomparable pressure. Although he was so reluctant, he still succumbed to instinct and bowed his head. He wanted to dispel this strange feeling, but he could not disperse it anyway.

"Millions of starting currency rewards! Haha, even if it is his principled position, the Silver League can affect the will of the endless world rules, and the Green Beast!"

The sound of "嘭" is not only that the Huangquan Nether River is frozen, but the black dragon of the Black Witch King is also blocked by the green ice that cannot be explained!

"What power is this!?"

The whole body, the black king, the other side of the reincarnation, can not understand the mystery of Green's truth at this moment, even if it is a rule bug that she has become the dimension of the endless world, it is also tremble under this unspeakable pressure.

Seeing that the younger brother was banned by this vast mysterious force, the other side of the reincarnation of the real sister was screaming, and the petals of the two sides fluttered, which was the supreme consciousness of the endless world dimension.

Consciousness is not dead, she is truly eternal life!

"Oh, the truth is righteous, dimension dimension ~www.novelmtl.com~澜兮 mysterious projection summoning!"


Another great light came.

Also from the real power beyond the endless world dimension, the endless world dimension, under the influence of this supreme mysterious force, also has a twisted concession, its power is above certain rules, even the fate of truth. Also can't explain and influence!

"Hey, I am the world's first silver league, the egret, you can do it."


The other side of the flower is broken. In the scream of the real sister of the black witch king, the shadow of the mysterious force is also imprisoned. However, this gray-eyed mysterious force projection is muttering: "I actually summon that Guy, the hateful egret, I am your first Bole."

As the light of the two mysterious power projections gradually dissipated, the other side of the Yellow Springs ruled that the Yellow River Nether River was frozen, and the countless two-color flowers were broken. Green "snoring" and "snoring" gasped, muttering: " Egret? Is this a high-latitude creature's name for fate? Speaking, it is obvious that these high-latitude life bodies are fluctuating with emotions, but why can't they feel the joys, sorrows and sorrows of fate?"

"I + **** it grandma bird retreat, Green Beast, you have to go against the sky!?"

In response to the small eight, I dare not convinced, while looking at the black witch king who was sealed by Green "easy", a pair of big eyes are extremely embarrassing.

It looks like you are looking at your perfect collection.

"Cough, it seems that it can be used up to a few times. This dimension can no longer bear my collapse of the balance rule..."

Green gasped, feeling the stiff and cold coincidence factor, faintly locked himself, Green knows, that is the fate of truth, but also the power of the Black Witch King and Pumirosius. 166 novel reading network

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