A Sorcerer’s Journey

Vol 29 Chapter 1771: Play with all beings

[Title: Journey Volume IV wizard shadow mystery 1771st playing chapter of beings: a line of egrets on the sky]

The latest chapter of "The Wizarding Journey" pro ~ the domain name of this site: \"166 novel\" shorthand homophonic, very good to remember! Good-looking novels are strongly recommended: the teachers who eat in the undead mercenary entertainment in Seoul are also crazy, Sheng Shifanghua, a deep love, the chief president is too dangerous criminal psychology: crime and punishment live 枭 枭 close agent "桀桀桀桀, really not Less."

The complete body black witch king and the three synthetic beasts servants stand side by side, the ancestral corpse giant, the upper body has already advanced into the world of the spiritual ring of ice, a big hand is supported at the door of the world, just squeeze in, the other hand However, in the vicinity of the weak and small creatures, the body is too large, for these weak and small creatures, without the need for specific attacks, it is the most dangerous witchcraft.


The ancestors of the ancestors struggled to advance from the other side of the door of the world, and they made a terrible roar.

The ripples spread almost toward the vast space in front, and the countless blood creatures surrounded by the Ring of the Rings and the Ice Souls around the gate of the world suffered from the corpses of the ancestors and were shocked by the blood.

The golden armor, the king of the blood of the dog's head, holds the scepter, and stands fiercely in front of him. A layer of aperture wants to defend the frontal impact of the roar of the ancestors, but sees it in the squeaking noise of the grin, "咻" I flew out.

In comparison, the other blood kings are much more embarrassed, and they no longer care about the life and death of the lower blood creatures behind them.

"Don't touch it!"

After the roaring of the king of the blood of the male pig, the **** chain "哗哗啦啦" spread out, and the muscular body of the male body almost condensed into a piece of cockroaches. The two nostrils in the long nose kept spraying smoke. Very ferocious.

"What do you want!"

The king of the blood of the ox-headed bat, staring at the ice-soul creatures who are still watching the state in the distant place, angered out.

Green is still watching the occurrence of this as an outside observer, and still only regards himself as the master of the situation, whether it is the Black Witch King or the illusory wild animals that are involved.


The magnificent ripples and faint swaying are the complete black witches who are raging at the gates of the world. The deepest dark eyes are not gazing at them.

The spirits of the kings are all based on the control of the soul fire. The form is the ghostly absurd posture of the soul after the sublimation of the soul. At this moment, the 18th spiritual ring of the world that is coming to the soul is the master of Green Spirit. It is comparable to the most powerful existence of the eye of destruction and the desire to be ecstasy.

"The King of the Wizards? I am the soul of the ice soul world ice hail fighting evil spirits! Unless it is the civilized world to launch the era of the war of the era, otherwise it is always illusory invasion of reality, how come the reality of aggression illusion, you put the deepest level of the head The illusion of the lord has come to this end, what is the conspiracy?"

The hail fights evil spirits, like a ghost of ghosts, the burning ghosts hold a silver-colored sickle, and the four abrupt black and white eyes keep turning in the middle of the wildfire.

The inner core of the WISP is like a burning sun core, which leads directly to the foundation of the world rules.

"Conspiracy? Just come and play, you are too big!"

Green said, feeling that the completely black body of the Witch King has left the other side of the Yellow Springs, the power of human despair in the wizarding world is rapidly decreasing, while Shaya smiled: "Little eight."

Green's shoulders fluctuated in time and space, and the small eight probes appeared.

"Wow, that ruined eye was killed!?"

After Xiaoba confirmed that he could speak in the material energy world, he suddenly looked like a refreshing look. He swung out from the gap of the dimension and walked out behind Green's shoulder. He looked around and looked around. I knew that when I saw it, I suddenly made an incredible scream.

"Black Witch King! Unreal World? Green Beast, how did you summon the Eight Lords to the Unreal World!? This is impossible, not in line with the rules!"

Green looked at Xiao Ba, as if looking at his reflection. It is obvious that Green knows some mysteries of truth. Mysteriously, "Oh, I am here to consume the power of human despair in the Wizarding World. As for the reason why you can come To the illusory world, you can't say the secret!"

At the end of the day, Green actually sold the Guanzi, a mysterious and mysterious look.

I saw this three-eyed monster from the world of energy and material tyrannical tyrannical, one pair of ignorant and fearless, the ice smashing evil spirits dominated and many martial arts kings have made a surrounding posture.

In the Black Witch King, for the time being, many blood creatures are blocked, and many ice souls are following the will of the ice scorpion fighting evil spirits.

"Wow, don't you say that it's good to consume the Black Witch King? How do these guys besiege you! Hey? It's really interesting in the fantasy world. It's reasonable to say that I should be in a sealed state. It is an unprecedented experience. Hey, Lafite!?"

Xiao Ba noticed the shadow of the darkness of the source of the darkness, the extension of the shadow of life and death.

Although it is only composed of life and death, but as a personal experience of Green's traumatic little eight, one at a glance recognizes the essence of this shadow.

The spirits of the spirits who are surrounded by Green are dominated by the spirits, and the ice and the evil spirits give the final warning.

"Leave the world, or you will endure the attack of every ice soul in the world of Spiritual Rings!"

In the face of the most direct threat, Green did not pay attention to it. Compared with his absolute control over power, any world that the Witch King went to would be unable to control the catharsis of too powerful forces, causing the world rules to collapse and become disordered. It is bound to be fully resisted by the creatures in the world and protect the world.


Sure enough, with the black witch king and the corpse of the ancestors, the corpse of the corpse, the corpse of the purgatory, and the sacred bones of the sorcerer’s body, the souls of the spirits, the spirits of the spirits The changes in the rules of the world have converged with the state of Green's hostility and gradually turned to the Black Witch King.

The endless black smoke spreads, the black raindrops become more and more dense, and the spiritual plant of the world is a kind of blue-blue soul flower~www.novelmtl.com~ emits some cold power, and it is issued after being polluted by black rain. The "corrosion" of "呲", it is also seen that the world of the spiritual ring of ice is thicker and stronger than the rules of the world of blood, and it has strong resistance even if it is affected by the pollution of life and death.

"You! Dare! Right! Spiritual Ring Ice Soul World! Declare War!?"

In the form of ghosts and ghosts, the hail of evil spirits dominated, and finally moved the main force from Green to the Black Witch King. Facing the initial chaos of the world rules, the ice haunted evil spirits knew that Green was the source of chaos. However, he had to point the finger at the Black Witch King, which was enough to gather anger and question the roar.

"Hey, in the blood world, I have already smelled the shivering of a group of weak people, and the weak ones only have to be slaughtered. Why come to declare war?"

The black witch king said, "Life and Death", "哗哗啦啦" flipped, Huang Quan's Nether River raging, the Black Witch King actually chose to take the initiative, the black torrent flew directly to the previous righteous words to warn the deterrent black witch king's ice bucket The evil singer dominates.

"Good! Good! Good!"

I have said three good ones in a row, and I can imagine the suppressed anger in the heart of the ice.

Under the infighting and intrusion of the Black Witch King, the ice-fighting evil spirits can no longer take care of the Green, so there are many martial arts kings who are "咻", "咻", "咻", "咻" Excited + shot in the past.

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang...

The battle ripples are endless, everything is in accordance with Green's expectations, standing in the blue light and chilling, and Green is still like a bystander, silently watching everyone happen, like playing the game of life.

This world should be able to consume the desperation of the human world in the wizarding world, and it is time to resolve the end of this expedition.


Ps: One more today. 166 novel reading network

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