A Sorcerer’s Journey

Vol 29 Chapter 1768: Through the illusion (middle)

[Title: shaman journey 1760th eight chapters throughout the unreal (in) Author: egrets on the sky line]

The latest chapter of "The Wizarding Journey" pro ~ the domain name of this site: \"166 novel\" shorthand homophonic, very good to remember! Good-looking novels are highly recommended: teachers who eat in the undead mercenary entertainment in Seoul are also crazy for a night, and the chief executive is too dangerous. Sheng Shifang Hua criminal psychology: crime and punishment live 色 枭 枭 特 特 !! Bang! Bang...

The deeper king of blood is coming at full speed, the rules of the blood world collapse and even through time and space resonance, gradually affecting some illusory worlds around, causing unspeakable ridiculous illusory **** of uneasiness, constantly exploring, hoping to find this The stock is uneasy.

It is a terrible thing to be judged by the Wizarding World as a ninth-level creature that stays in the endless world, and to independently set off the horror of the half-court civilization.

"Oh, that world rule seems to be more stubborn, and I can have a good time this time."

Green's tri-color ray also noticed the crack in the blue world of the blood world's time and space rules. At this moment, everything Green did was to consume the power of desperation of the human beings who have been lingering in the world of the wizarding world. Opportunity is familiar with the meaning of life and death.

call out!

The master of a **** chain swaying the appearance of a male pig appeared in front of Green.

Sen cold light eyes staring at Green, the dry skin is full of crying lines, the body is carrying a circle of extremely dangerous blood flame steam, in the Green perception, this should be the most powerful blood in the blood world The king, after a long fight against the Black Witch King, flew over to Green.

"Is you leading it to the world of blood, but standing by here?"

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang...

Even with the five masters joining forces and the support of hundreds of millions of blood-blood creatures, the black witches in the endless black smoke in the sky are not at all rude, and it is difficult to form a confrontation with the Black Witch King. Only five dominators are supported by Philip.

These blood creatures are so chaotic, it is OK to deal with some lower world biological corps, but if they fight against a regular army like the demon wizard, they will be vulnerable, so they have not caused too much for the black witch king. Obstruction.

"It is the master of the deepest illusory absurd world. The power is incredibly strong. You should also have the most intuitive feeling. Even if I add it, it is difficult to resist. It is better to think of other methods."

Oh la la...

The black rain drops from the sky, and the blood mushroom that seems to be constantly beating in the heart is smashed into pieces. The black and white king’s life and death impact on the blood world is incalculable, if not solved as soon as possible. At that time, even if the Black Witch King leaves, the rules of the blood world will collapse and destroy, and I am afraid that it will decline and become the object of arbitrary looting and plundering in the surrounding illusory world.

"any solution!?"

A little swaying, the spread of the life and death of the black cloud of the black cloud, sweeping away, for a moment, the two kings of the **** veins are incomparable, a pair of small eyes squinted at the high-altitude black witch queen, can't wait Asked.

"Oh, the opposite of the crack in the world, I saw a broader illusory world. If you can lead the lord over there, even if it is, I am afraid I can't deal with it!"

Greene pointed to the crack that was blue.

The king of the blood of the steel scorpion and the blood of the pigs has already noticed the three eyes of Green. It is known that Green must have unparalleled uniqueness in the perception. At this moment, he glances in the direction of Green, and also finds the crack of several kilometers. .

In the narrow eyes, only the blue air near the crack is left, and the king of the blood is caught in memories. After a while, he suddenly said: "That is the world of the spiritual ring of ice, according to the memory of the king of the ancient blood of the previous generation, that is An incomparably powerful and illusory world, the ghosts of the Rings have extremely powerful power and are one of the rules of digestive digestion."

"That's great! There is still no reaction on the other side. If we open up the two worlds thoroughly, then those who are martial arts will have to fight!"

Green is like a devil who confuses the world, causes all the roots of chaos, and the hoarse voice is low.

"Well! You can't beat others, but you can't beat me! I feel the same terrible power from the depths of your body. Just standing in front of you, I can't help but shudder, can only beat death with absolute concentration. Fear, you are not as incomprehensible as it is! You...what is it here!?"

The king of blood is staring at Green, and he is cold and cold.

Yep! ?

Green is silent, and the three-color glimmers are slightly stunned. He is also staring at the uninviting king of blood. He clings to the right-handed balance of the magic balance wand, "Oh," and "Oh," it seems to burst at any time. A terrifying battle.


At this time, in the battle group with the Black Witch King, Green’s first contact with the king of the blood of the ox-winged bat was “snapped” by the black witch, and it was like a broken kite. Falling, "banging rumbling" fell behind the earth formed by the illusory rules, "bang", the hard earth should be like a bloodless lake, blood and water.


Green suddenly smiled and completely broke the stiff atmosphere between the two people. Leisurely said: "Yes, I just casually accompany the other side of the Yellow Springs to play and play. It happens to be in this world. It is good to consume some of his power. .novelmtl.com~ If you don't listen to my advice, no problem, hey, and I am equal to the two Xeon masters, you have to think clearly."

Green's indifferent appearance makes the king of the blood veins extremely angry, but does not dare to show any disrespect.

At this time, the three-color light of the Green slightly tilted toward the direction of the crack in the blue light spot. "嘿嘿嘿嘿" said with a low smile: "It seems that there is also some awareness. You have to think about your choice and decide early."

call out!

The king of the blood veins had no more words, and suddenly rushed toward the blue crack.

The azure atmosphere filled the place, and the ghosts wandered around, curiously observing the nearby blood creatures. Because the powerful blood creatures in the vicinity have been drawn by the kings of the blood, they are sent to the battlefield of the Black Witch King, so the nearby blood creatures are The blood bubble at the lowest end of the food chain, and occasionally the blood bubble into the blue-blue breath range, it will be "squeaky" and frozen into ice.

Similarly, even after the azure ghost enters the blood fog range, the azure body will soon be eroded by blood fog and melt into a part of the blood fog.

As for the far-reaching life and death of endless black smoke, it has not spread to this place for a while, and there is a clear distinction between azure and bright red.


With the overwhelming **** smog rushing into the azure atmosphere near the crack, the sound of "Yeah" screamed, and the lower ghosts wandering nearby were shattered and melted, and the other end of the crack was attracted by the breath. The ghosts also fled back.

In the thick icy atmosphere, the king of the blood of the steel scorpion, the scorpion of the scorpion, squats in the crack to see the world of the spiritual ring.


Ps: Sorry, I was updated at 11 o'clock last night. The result was asleep in bed, a little tired, and this chapter also remembered. 166 novel reading network

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