A Sorcerer’s Journey

Vol 29 Chapter 1769: Through the illusion (below)

[Title: shaman journey 1760th nine chapters throughout the unreal (at) Author: egrets on the sky line]

The latest chapter of "The Wizarding Journey" pro ~ the domain name of this site: \"166 novel\" shorthand homophonic, very good to remember! Good-looking novels are highly recommended: the teachers of entertainment are also crazy and immortal mercenaries Sheng Shifang Hua eats crimes in Seoul: sin and punishment for one night, the chief president is too dangerous to live a life-threatening agent.

Near the end of the crack, the world of the spiritual ring of ice is also polluted by the rules of the blood world. However, because the rule of the world of the spiritual ring is stronger than the blood world, it is relatively less affected. Only the ghost flows along the rules to the blood world. But no blood creatures wandered in reverse.

It’s just a crack of more than a thousand meters. It’s nothing compared to the vast expanse of the illusory world. The illusory world has no world heart and guardian rules, so unless it happens to be a master nearby, it’s hard to detect what.

It’s such a coincidence that the **** rules at this crack happened to alarm a wandering ringing king!

"Yeah, ah..."

The ghosts near the cracks drifted around and desperately fled.

At the other end of the crack, as a pair of narrow **** eyes peeped in, the sound of "squeaky", **** rules invaded and filled in, and some ghosts that were too late to escape were wrapped in **** rules, and the moment was bright from the blue of the invisible body. The spot gradually dimmed and became a part of the blood fog.

In the fearful, unclear, and cruel rules, the "slap" sound, the **** chain stretched from the other end of the crack.

I have already felt the will of the King of the Rings in a relatively distant place. Although I have already noticed it here, it will take quite some time to get over it, and no matter the warning over there, the roaring anger is burning, the king of the blood is screaming. Two steel fangs were inserted into the cracks in the world. The cracks in the cracks of the "scratch" and "skull" were cracked by the king of the blood veins, and the cracks were gradually opened.

As for the blood-colored chain, it circulates around the crack, forming a blood-colored vortex, which ignites the whole blood world rule and injects it here.

This is the ability of all illusory creatures to master, opening the world of vortexes, curing time and space cracks.

In the world of the spiritual ring of ice, pry into the depths of the crack, deep in the **** world behind the king of the blood, in the fog of the unclear blood, an incomparable huge face is gradually forming, close, even the king of the blood It’s just that this face is huge and small, and the corner of the mouth is hung with a leisurely evil arc, in stark contrast to the king of the blood that is completely unaware of the front.

"The smashing of the world of the cracks is actually trying to get the world of the soul of the ice, hehe, hahahahaha, it’s so interesting!"

The monk Wang Hao magnified and laughed, but from the volatility of consciousness burning in his anger, it was apparent that there was no such calm on the surface. While vigorously rushing over, he did not forget to call other nearby spirits with regular resonance. Wang, consciousness has been firmly locked in the king of the blood of the male pig.

The king of the blood of the lion's steel scorpion is ignored.

In terms of strength alone, this ringing spirit is not as good as itself. If it is not in the critical period of curing cracks in time and space, the king of the blood of the male pigs is distracting most of the power. This ringing spirit is not worthy of being a male pig. The opponent of the king of blood.


Deep in the throat, he made a hysterical struggle and screams. The king of the blood of the lion's steel smashed the cracks and tried to shorten the process as soon as possible. Obviously, if other zero kings supported it, there would be only one failure.


Gradually, the ringing spirit appeared in the figure. This is a mournful pale hoe. The cloak covers the body of the body. The top of the head is burning with a pale bone fire. The screaming sound is far and fast. A claw caught the gang of steel in the crack.

During the time, all the blue and white snowflakes were condensed in all directions.

In the sag of the eye socket, the narrow blood of the two scorpions is cold and smooth, and the king of the blood of the male pig scorpion is thick and strong, and the front paws are thick and strong, and the boundary between the king and the king of the ring is smashed.


"哞", the majority of the power of the king of the blood of the lion's steel scorpion was restrained by the cracks in time and space. After a brief blow, the screams of the body could not help but scream, and the body "rumbled" back to the depths of the blood.

The crack that has just been opened for several kilometers is still fully cured in the future, and after a moment of shrinking to more than two thousand meters, it will heal a little.

The Lord of the Rings also quits a certain distance, calms down a little, and looks at the blood fog around him in disgust. Like a fly, the cockroaches of the head are scattered and the blood around them is like a fuel. "噗" The sound of the smoke suddenly opened up, forming a large blank area in a short time.

With the sorcerer's eyes squinting into the empty space, there is no **** fog, and the solidified blood-colored chain is also collapsed a little under the rules of the world. After a sneer, this is not the ringing of the spirit king. The crack, the shimmering light in the eye socket of the skull, seems to have some other thoughts.

It is impossible for the blood world to invade the world of the ice soul, but if... the other way around?

With such a mind, the ringing king looked at the crack, and the cicada curiously peered into the other side and stared at the past. After the consciousness perceived through the layer of blood, it fell on the horrible figure. Suddenly, this ringing spirit is stiff in place.

The pale mask that covers the sky, the three eyes are looking at themselves with ridiculous look, with a verbal arc of incomparable evil.

"Hey, come and play together!"


Still in the state of self-sealing, Green ignored the side of the body, and after being beaten by the Ringing King, he shook his head and shook his head, and the king of the blood of the scorpion, who saw the crack, approached and sneaked a little closer. The shadows under the feet are filled with 咻, 咻, 咻, 咻, 咻, and countless black tentacles entangled toward the Ring of the Rings.


The horror of the cry, the spirit of the king struggled to escape, want to escape to the spiritual world of the ice.

Behind Green, Lafite's shadow gradually emerged from the source of darkness, and a corner of the mouth emerged with a cruel arc, reaching out to the king of the Ringing Spirit, making a gripping posture silently~www.novelmtl.com~ Billion The source of the darkness is as if it is endless, and the King of the Rings has gradually been wrapped into a huge black scorpion. Even the qualifications of struggling have not been pulled into the blood world by "snap". Looking at it more, Lafite threw it in the direction of the Black Witch King.


Green calmly said to the king of the blood of the drone, who had been shocked by the shock.

The king of the blood of the male pig's steel scorpion responded. After slamming a sip of blood around the blood, he did not dare to hesitate and continued to open the crack and solidify.

At this moment, the king of the blood of the lion's steel scorpion is obviously already aware that the world of blood is in an extremely dangerous situation. In this process of fighting high-level creatures that cannot control power, I am afraid that one is not well mastered. The illusory world of the Qing dynasty will become history.

the other side.

After Green settled this, he stared at the direction of the Black Witch King holding the "Life and Death".

In the process of continuous invasion, the Yellow River Nether River not only suffered from the blood world itself, but also as a crack in several large illusory worlds, Huangquan Ninghe River was subjected to the common squeeze of other worlds around it. The Witch King has obviously become very difficult, which is what Green did not expect.

With great interest, Green would like to see what solution the Black Witch King has.

"no solution anymore."

After the black witch snorted, narrowing the flow of the Yellow River and the Nymph River, the fluctuations of time and space gradually emerged, and it was the corpse of the ancestors, the corpse of the corpse, the purgatory scorpion!

"Well? Unreal time and space reverse summoning! Is it the essence of your own cell life?"

Among the three colors of Green, there is a lot of interest, and I am more and more surprised by the Black Witch King. 166 novel reading network

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