A Sorcerer’s Journey

Vol 29 Chapter 1767: Through the illusion (on)

[Title: shaman Journey Volume IV first mystery shadow Thousand seven hundred sixty-seven through illusory (on) Author: egrets on the sky line]

The latest chapter of "The Wizarding Journey" pro ~ the domain name of this site: \"166 novel\" shorthand homophonic, very good to remember! Good-looking novels are strongly recommended: the teachers of entertainment are also crazy, Sheng Shifang, undead mercenary criminal psychology: sin and punishment for eating in Seoul live for a night, and the chief president is too dangerous, the close agent, Green did not open the real body, these Blood creatures are in the eyes of Greene, but they are only tiny and undetectable low-level creatures.

Only the blood lord makes Green slightly interested, but it is just interested!

In Grinn's perception, the lord is like a puppies who threaten themselves under his feet and try to show a look. If Green dares to hurt him, it is necessary to tear off the fierce expression of Green's flesh and blood.

But it seems very funny to Green.

Although this master is the same level of height as Green at the level of life, but after all, it is just a mad puppies at the foot. If you want Green to kick it off, there are not many opportunities to hurt your own source.

The blood creatures of this illusory world have apparently been frightened by the high creatures that Green has squeezed into the world.

"Which do you dominate, why come to the world of blood?"

The king of blood is a bullhead bat bone wing creature, the long tail is like the barb of the scorpion, a pair of giant tongs demonstrating open, looking up at the three-eyed monster that is coming across the field, trying to control the depth of his blood. The restlessness made his roaring cover the trembling of his legs.

"You can call me to destroy the wizard!"

In the low-level biological induction, the Green consciousness spread like a stormy wave. These lower blood creatures only feel like a 12th-level gust of wind, and the king of blood is constantly muttering the words "Destroy the Wizard" in the wizard language. I hope to find similar ancient biological relics from my ancient memories, and draw bridges and establish relationships.

As for the incomparable black smoke behind the body of Green, it is more purely cold and cold and the rules of death, so absurd and bizarre extreme deep illusory rules, must have awakened the other blood of the blood world, is gradually waking up from deep sleep.

"The latter person is the master of the Yellow Springs in the other side. Because of the pursuit of it, I accidentally came to the gap between this secondary esophagus and the world of evil and resentment."

This moment of time that Green explained a little, has been muttering the king of the blood of the "Sorcerer of the Wizard", suddenly thought of something, excited: "Ten ring wizard, I remember, ten ring wizard!"

The king of the blood vein did not shout out the ten-ring wizard in a way of conscious communication, but the witch language roar!

The ten-ring wizard pointed out that it is not necessary to say more, it is the ancient spirit of Antonio.


Green is a little surprised: "I have even been here?"

At this moment, the consciousness of the other blood kings also extended through the special rules of the world of the cracks. After touching Green and the black breath of life and death that began to invade completely behind him, suddenly a cry came out: "Which is this master?" Come on? Actually have such strength! The king of nightmare, are you calling to come?"

Under the face of Green Truth, the corner of the mouth silently showed an evil arc.

The king of nightmare is obviously misunderstood, but it has not yet had time to make too many explanations. The sound of "噗" is like a torrent of floods, and the smoky smog is spewing out.

Unspeakable, amazing cold and cruel atmosphere, real feeling the pressure of the absurd and bizarre horror creature, the king of nightmare instantly became extremely stiff, and even the speech became extremely difficult, and the bulls opened their mouths and stiffened in place.


With the sinister laughter of the completely black king, the illusion is close to reality, and it gradually becomes very high. The smashing of the blood, the arc of the blood cuts through the sky, and the four arms slowly open the cracks of time and space, and the yellow springs and black rain Falling from the sky, the other side of the flower blooms evil spirits, this double-headed four-armed monster is unmatched and powerful, overlooking the mortal beings in the world of cracks.

Hey! Hey! Oh...

The Yellow River Nether River and the other side of the reincarnation flower rule intrusion.

In an instant, one after another, the ancient consciousness hidden deep in the blood world has completely awakened, and they have gathered at the fastest speed to the Black Witch King.

Even during the eruption of self-sealing, Green is able to completely control his own power, but it is only the fourth time that the black witch king who has recovered the whole body does not have such control, and it is precisely because of this that the response between the two will be so clear. different.

No matter which world the black witch king of the whole body is, it is the world in which the Yellow Springs rule invaded the other side.

"We can only work together to resist this terrible absurd master, and return it to the depths of the other side of the Yellow Springs, the blood world can get a glimmer of life!"

Green took the opportunity to confuse everyone in the blood world.

Because the black king of the complete body state is too strong, unless it is the absolute stable dimensional dimension barrier of the secondary esophagus, the other side of the yellow spring, and the dimensional gap, even the big world such as the wizarding world and the universe world will inevitably suffer. To the rule of Cataclysm caused by the complete black witch, and for the creatures living in the lower carrying world, this is a full-scale invasion and destruction war!

"Where the king of wizards, why use these boring means to confuse these ignorant creatures to death."

The completely black king of the Witch King has been completely defeated by Green.

If there is any shortcoming in the current completely black Witch King, it is that it is too strong, but it cannot fully control this power.

As long as you break away from the deepest illusory world, you will inevitably suffer from the full resistance of native creatures in any world. I am afraid that if you have not yet reached the material and energy world, you will be killed by the endless illusory creatures of one illusory world.

However, in the face of the collapse of the world rules, these indigenous creatures do not think that the Black Witch King is only passing by the private grievances of Green. The billions of blood creatures are driven by the will of the blood, and they rush to the invasion. Black witch king.

Oh la la...

The springs of Huangquan are over, and countless low-level creatures are taken away. The other side of the creatures are instantly enslaved into undead, even if the fourth- and fifth-class creatures can rarely persist for a while.

"Whether you are the illusory master of a powerful world, I swear to guard the source of blood!"

The king of the blood of a eagle-mouthed sheep roared, and rushed to the black witch king. The bangs of "bang", "bang" and "bang" continued indefinitely~www.novelmtl.com~ but no one It can be seen that the king of the blood is nothing but a playful thing in the hands of the Witch King. The other kings of blood are roaring hysterically and rushing up, aiming to stop the Black Witch King. Outside the blood world.

Under the face of Green Truth, the evil smiles, and it is not so sneak attack during this period. For the Green and Black Witch Kings at this time, this is just an episode game between battles, and it is not a mean means.

Wizarding world.

After the black body of the whole body, the black witches left the other side of the Yellow Springs, the black clouds over the black fields gathered at the peak of the Black Witch King at an alarming speed. The sun shone, and one black wizard was shocked and stared at this. A vision.

The Black Witch King Tower is like a black hole, forming a super vortex, sucking in the endless human desperate force accumulated in the dark fog for a long time, and adding it to the powerful and ridiculous life body in the deep and illusory deep, supporting It spans reality and illusory physique.


The Yellow River Nether River has more damage to the rules of the blood world, the rules are chaotic, and countless low blood creatures have become the soul of the ecological catastrophe. At the same time, the time and space collapsed, and it is connected with the unknown illusory world next to it, a time and space. The crack hand cracking rules affect the appearance.

The azure spirit of the blue, cold frost, spread from the cracks, invading the rules of the blood world.

Unbeaten Sen Han soul feeling, this should be a special soul creature gathering place.

Shadow shadows, the lower ghosts on the edge of the crack, feel the exotic atmosphere of the blood world, can only wander in the nearby blue light, the crack deeper, those more powerful and powerful ghosts perceive the changes in time and space, are coming.


Ps: The second is eleven. 166 novel reading network

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