A Sorcerer’s Journey

Vol 29 Chapter 1766: Completely black witch king (below)

[Title: Journey Volume IV wizard shadow mystery 1760th chapters full body black witch king (at) Author: egrets on the sky line]

The latest chapter of "The Wizarding Journey" pro ~ the domain name of this site: \"166 novel\" shorthand homophonic, very good to remember! Good-looking novels are highly recommended: the teachers of the undead mercenary entertainment are also crazy. Sheng Shifanghua eats crimes in Seoul: a sin and punishment for a night, the chief president is too dangerous to live a smashing face! Hey! Hey!

Nothing like the rebirth of dimensions, the wizard world and the "fairy tale" dimension are required to provide unparalleled support of the original rune to be reborn. When Green is blasted out of the Yellow Spring, the endless world rules automatically restore Green before entering the other side of Huangquan. all.

Perhaps relative to the wizarding world, Green's rebirth requires a lot of energy, even if it is not too much supply in the world of wizarding, but for the endless world, Green is still just a grain of sand in the billions of rules. , insignificant, not worth mentioning.

Green took the truth to balance the magic wand and slowly stood up from the squatting yang.

"Snoring, snoring, coughing and coughing..."

Under the face of truth, the three colors of light gaze around, slightly glance at the relatively intact corpses in the crater, holding the left hand of the book of Truth, but coughing up some of the true blood of the ancestors, "嗤" Dissipated.

Then, in the black downpour, the green of Yang in the crater Yang looked up and stared out at the high black sky.

The strange feeling is not that Green is overlooking the green of the Yellow River under the Nether, or Green is the black witch king at the bottom of the Yellow River.

"In the other side of Huangquan, you can use the "Life and Death" to cast the essence of Huangquan Nether, but leave the other side of Huangquanjie, but she has no ability to cast the other side of the two-color flower, can only exist in an illusory way, and I will not lose the true power of Wu Zu. So... I have not lost to you!"

Green said, it seems that there is another discovery, the three-color light looks at the **** spring at the edge of the center of the pit.

The true blood of the ancestors who had just dissipated was actually absorbed by this **** spring. This should be a clue to connect another illusory absurd world. At the same time, Green faintly felt the greed consciousness of a dominant world, and was eager to get more of himself. Wuzu is really blood.


Under the face of truth, there is a cruel arc in the corner of the mouth. The green bricks once again stare at the completely black king at the other end of the black lake. Cold and cold: "If I don't come out, I will issue a zero at the Union Conference and ruin your Black domain. Compared to dealing with you, even if you deal with ten black wizards, the real world of wizards can afford it! But at that time, I am afraid that you will completely become the master of Huang Quan, rather than the current rule. ""

Hearing that Green had said such "despicable" words, the whole body of the Witch King could not help but anger.

Green's speculation is correct. It is true that the form of the Witch King is completely formed only in the Yellow Springs. On the other hand, the desperate power of human beings, even if it is black, is unbearable.

"It’s said that it has the highest dimension of sinister suppression, but it is not!"

On the other hand, the black witch king’s sister turned to Huang Quan’s younger brother, Black Witch King’s brother: “Through the witch’s true body and the magic wand and the wizarding world, fight outside the Yellow Springs on the other side, unless we have the ability to seal him, otherwise we have no Opportunity, the superficial victory is nothing but the wizarding world to bring the black domain together to collapse, but he also mastered the meaning of life and death, we have no chance to seal. It is a perfect creature..."

At the end of the day, the other side of the reincarnation of the black witch king sister, can not help but can not help, so lamented.

"Do not."

Huang Quan Nethered Black Witch King Shuangqi paint black like an abyss, low way: "There is no perfect creature in the world, the more perfect creatures tend to have more deadly defects, if he has really become a nine-level creature staying in the endless world, maybe Going out to fight is the real opportunity."

"You mean..."

On the other side, Huang Quan, the black witch king sister, seems to think of something.

On the other hand, while Green is urging the Black Witch King to come out, he is more aware of his life and death.

Each creature with life and death is bound to be completely different, and its own life and death are not only attacked by Huang Quan’s vain, such as Green’s clear perception at this moment, some strange rules of the material energy world. Blessing.


Green has a real understanding, it is the power of the most sincere love for Green, is providing a new accumulation of self-sealing for Green!


With the infinite black air spreading over the sky above the head, the Black Witch King actually came to the Huangquan world from the other side in a complete body form!

The mighty life and death of the vastness spreads overwhelmingly. Half is true and half is illusory. This is the same creature as the masters of the ruined eye, but from the perspective of being able to stay in the endless world, perhaps even more Strong!

"Be free to play first, try to spend some of the desperate power of human beings, and once and for all, remove the sorcerer's world cancer, and prevent those desperate force time bombs from exploding in the wizarding world."

Thinking like this, Green holds the left hand volley of "The Book of Truth" and takes the blood spring medium. After the truth, the three colors of light gaze, looking for accurate time and space clues, the right hand balances the magic wand "嗡" As soon as it is concerned, the dimension of the Dimensional Ball carries billions of sacred sacred white spots, and the black smoke of the sky is rushing toward the sky.

He has the true body of the Wuzu, and judges the biological strength by the material energy rule. Under the state of self-sealing, Green is no longer the kind of creature that can be suppressed by the Black Witch King.

Twilight reveals that the black witch's fist wearing the Titan's Ring once again collided with the dimensional dimension ball.


A shocking earthquake shock wave, the area of ​​the bones and squats under the feet of Green has nearly doubled. The six monsters in the distant esophagus have been noticed, and they are looking at it here, but because it is too far away, It is also impossible to specifically determine what happened.

Anything in the secondary esophagus can happen. Except for a few desperate monsters, the vast majority of the monsters are still empty and desperate, without any care.


A sullen sigh, although in terms of material energy bio-criteria, Green has already had the strength against the completely black Witch King, but it is still at a disadvantage. In the process of retreating the energy exhausted, Green is even more embarrassed.


The tri-color ray was full of intriguing and looked at the black witch king. Green opened a **** illusory world~www.novelmtl.com~ took the lead.


The **** bubble of the sky is flying. In this little-known blood world, a blood lord is mad at his own harvest, screaming: "Go and check where the blood comes from, I want to form a There is no history of the Legion to conquer it! Oh, wow, wow, no blood root can make my blood boil like this, what a perfect creature!"

It’s awkward!

Suddenly, the blood world is at a high altitude, and hundreds of millions of blood-colored bubbles seem to have a chain reaction, and they have burst.

Then a dark black annihilation arc distorted the light and darkness. The world seemed to be trembled. It seemed to be an unprecedented passage of time and space through the passage of time and space, squeezing and twisting the illusory world.



The illusory blood creatures in the form of otters are screaming, but they don't help. A hundred thousand meters of pale face in the sky is gradually turning from illusion to reality. Three different colored eyes look at it calmly, and finally Gathered to the master of the sturdy chicken.

"It's just a illusory world that is not too strong. It's estimated that it can't take a lot of desperate power from the black witch king of the complete body state. If you count it, it's a bit of consumption. Then look for other worlds."

This muttered, Green "Hm", a fierce effort, completely from the second esophagus to the blood world, in the Green sense, this is like a gap between the two powerful illusory worlds of the illusory world .


The life and death atmosphere that followed Green's body, suddenly plunged the entire **** illusory world into boundless darkness, which is the deeper illusion of a powerful master.


Ps: The third is to supplement the missing chapter of the day before. 166 novel reading network

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