A Sorcerer’s Journey

Vol 29 Chapter 1765: Full body king (medium)

[Title: shaman journey 1760th five chapters full body black witch king (in) Author: egrets on the sky line]

The latest chapter of "The Wizarding Journey" pro ~ the domain name of this site: \"166 novel\" shorthand homophonic, very good to remember! Good-looking novels are strongly recommended: live oysters criminal psychology: sin and punishment Sheng Shifanghua entertainment teachers are also crazy undead mercenaries eat in Seoul one night, the chief president is too dangerous to destroy the gods! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang...

"Oh, hey, useless! The king of the sorcerer of the generation is also a stubborn little wizard who refuses to admit his failure, hehe..."

Seventy-nine-seventh times against the bang, the seventh hundred and ninety-seventh was smashed by the black witch king, but Green is also like a demon, not acknowledging the loss of attacking again and again, feeling with Huang Quan Nether Lafite The connection between life and death is as if to force all of their potential, and every time they go all out, but each time they have failed and persevered.

Now that the offensive and defensive trend is reversed, Green has performed more than the Black Witch King in the chaotic void. It seems that he has forgotten that he once sneered at the condescens of the Black Witch King.

Snoring, snoring, snoring, snoring...

Although Green is at a disadvantage, the paper man's body is breathing hard, but he does not show any flustered look. It seems that he has already expected the overall disadvantage he will be in.

At the same time, the "fairy tale" dimension.


"woo woo woo woo……"

Not only the main continent, but the souls of all the worlds are crying. This is a time of natural disasters. The first is the invasion of foreign demons, followed by the internal rules of various worlds, the natural disasters, the souls, and the weak creatures. Surviving and struggling, hating the injustice of fate, the play of fate, the cruelty of rules.

And all this is caused by Green.

"The Creator is not benevolent, we will destroy the Creator and control our own destiny!"

The low latitude weak creatures screamed hysterically.

On the other side, the other side of the Yellow Springs.

Green, "snoring" and "snoring", under the help of Huang Quan's fascinating Lafite, holding the balance of magic wands from the half-squatting state, there have been many damages on the "fairy tale" paper. The new "Fairy Tale" paper page has been replaced, and some of the sorcerer's writings of flowers, birds, and elements have become mottled and seemingly embarrassing.

The three-color ray has never been focused before, Green turned his head, his eyes were extremely gentle and focused, and he nodded toward Huangquan's faint Lafite. On the secluded Huangquan Nether River, Green once again looked at the Black Witch King!


After taking a deep breath, Green’s “squeaky” sound disappeared from the place, and when the next moment reappeared, it appeared in front of the fit black witch king, not believe in evil, the truth balance magic wand 790 Eight times blasted.


The truth balance magic wand and the Titan loss ring seven hundred and eighty-eight times short-term stalemate, Greenish white truth reveals some twilight, "Tale Fairy" paper body on the body of some wizards actually flew from the paper page, As if it is cut tobacco, it is silent in the air.

"Well, ah..."

In the depths of the paper, Green's throat is full of hysterical snoring, and he struggles with all his strength, and seems to have some self-breakthroughs. The deadlock time with the Black Witch King is obviously longer, although it is only a few scales in the superconducting time.

"How many times have you said it, no! Use!"

The black witch king is condescending, and the earth-shattering arrogant roar. At this moment, Green seems to have been squeezed by the entire Huangquan boundary. The pupils of the three-color light suddenly shrink, and the sound of "嘭" is thrown into the Yellow River. Among them.

call out!

After a yellow spring and a ghost arrow, Lafite rushed into the Yellow River to follow.

However, compared with the black and white king's life and death, the meaning of the life and death of Huang Quan's phantom arrow is not worth mentioning. After being easily taken down by the black witch king, it is also sneaked into it.

Glut, whisper, whistle, whistle...

Green's "Fairy Tale" paper sheet body, every drop of Huangquan Nether River water is the "fairy tale" of the alien demon, Green's broken body is shaken by the side of Lafite, and with the "beep" behind, fit After the black witch king followed, a piece of "fairy tale" paper replaced the previously broken part, and Green also recovered from the short and stiff, and saw the black witch who apparently did not want to end the deadlock again. Instinctively restores the truth balance magic wand again.



Green, who was coping with the Emperor, once again sullen, falling to the deeper Yellow Spring Nether River, disappeared.

Dimensional esophagus.

With regard to the deep secret stories of the secondary esophagus, the ancient wizards have always avoided talking about it. Even compared to the name of the secondary esophagus, the wizards are more willing to call it the streamer back to the world. It is said that the war of the second civilization in the wizarding world in ancient times, It is the encounter of Antonio's exploration of the secondary esophagus, which is the earliest record of the incomparable ancient demon, and the ultimate of the ancient wizards to explore the illusory time and space.

The endless shards, the conquerors who have been burying hundreds of millions of dollars, tell the desperation of the last fight against the cruel rules of the endless world, as if expressing the means of play with high-dimensional creatures.

Here, at any time, anything can happen. There is no specific rule here. The only purpose is to digest all the creatures caught here and re-classify it as the endless world source and complete the cycle of life consciousness.

The monsters of the big and small gatherings that are trapped here, every time they survive, the strength will be strong, and the death will be closer to one point. The time here has no meaning, but the means of victory for the digestive rules of the second esophagus. First, there is no reversibility.

The gathering place of the city of blood springs belongs to one of the small gathering places where the number of the esophagus is unclear. There are dozens of monsters in the village, and hundreds of people have reached the peak.

The ectopic number of the esophagus is inexhaustible, and this **** spring is also barely one of them. It will condense a few blood essences in a certain period of time, and has the ability to increase the upper limit of blood purity. Therefore, this gathering place is mostly flesh and blood. In order to compete for blood, they fight each other, and some of them are the most powerful.

boom! boom! boom! boom……

On this day, the two famous blood kings are fighting for a **** sperm. This is a common thing in the city of Blood Spring. The shadows of the eyes are secretly peeping here, waiting for opportunities, or comprehending learning blood kings. Combat skills.

The two blood kings are also old rivals.

A mountain dragon and ghost giant python, the 10,000-meter body that was easily evolved in the material energy world, was concentrated in the second-generation esophagus to more than ten meters, suffocating, ghosts filled with suffocating scorpion It is a powerful creature that is rare under the dominance.

An amethyst bone warfare, a life object 魄~www.novelmtl.com~ A sacral bone is transformed into a purple crystal, needless to say, its hardness is only an incredible degree, holding a Mitsubishi blade dagger in the hand, lingering The power of time, a heart in the chest and cheekbone, "咕咚", "咕咚" is powerfully beating.

"There is only one blood, hey, you are late."

After that, "咕 ”", the Amethyst bone warfare will swallow the blood in one bite, and no matter how angry the violent screaming mountain dragon and ghost giant python.

In the extremely harsh environment of the secondary esophagus, only the benefits that have been possessed are truly their own.


The skyrocketing roar, followed by the fierce "bang" and "bang" battle wave marks, and several other blood kings who watched the game in secret watched this scene, and could not help but laugh, obviously this time the mountain dragon ghost reaction The degree is much higher than ever.

The more intense the two men fight, the more opportunities there are for other blood kings to compete for blood.


At this moment, the gray clouds and the sky, some strange rules and volatility came, the old monsters of the city of Blood Spring looked up and felt the horror of the horror, the dramatic changes, they are fighting fiercely. The mountain dragon ghost python and the amethyst bone war magic, can not help but stop, look up.

Oh la la...

With the pouring rain of black, the "咻", "咻", "咻", "咻", except for a few lucky ones who are responsive, other monsters seem to have lost their souls after being exposed to the black rain. The consciousness is general, and the bodies "嘭", "嘭", "嘭", and "嘭" are intact.

call out……


A black shadow descended from the sky and fell to the center of the city of blood springs. After the "bomb rumbling" swayed a shock wave, the city of the blood spring of the sacral continent was wiped away instantly, leaving only a super crater. . 166 novel reading network

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