A Sorcerer’s Journey

Vol 29 Chapter 1764: Completely black witch king (on)

[Title: Journey Volume IV wizard shadow mystery 1760th chapters full body black witch king (on) Author: egrets on the sky line]

The latest chapter of "The Wizarding Journey" pro ~ the domain name of this site: \"166 novel\" shorthand homophonic, very good to remember! Good-looking novels are strongly recommended: the teachers who eat in the undead mercenary entertainment in Seoul are also crazy, Sheng Shifanghua, one night, the chief executive is too dangerous criminal psychology: sin and punishment lived in the face of destruction of the face, Green seems to have returned During the apprenticeship of the wizard, the days of fighting with Josh, York Lianna, Binghamson, and Robin. ??

It is because of the stability of Green's long-term epoch, and at this moment, it can not help but show some nervousness.

Looking back, the new body composed of the wizarding, the three colors of the blue gaze.

"Although I don't know what the specific mystery you are referring to is here, but here is the source of Huangquanjie on the other side, the source of life and death, the reincarnation of the endless world life consciousness in the eyes of high latitude creatures, based on your current area of ​​life and death. Research, here are just two children who are stalking."

The physical body of the black witch king's sister half, in the body of the female Siamese body, the sound of "啵" under the foot, a two-color flower blooms, and the layers of petals wrap it.

Green's tri-color gaze gaze at this behind-the-scenes, seemingly aware of its essence, low-lying: "The rule of decomposition and reorganization of the two-color flower is supposed to be the consciousness supply after the death of consciousness, with the help of the other half of the body in the energy material world. Here I have completed a certain degree of rebirth, a bug in the endless world dimension, and a rule setting error."

With such understanding, Green's mouth appeared a smear of dignity, and then said: "It seems that the so-called black witch king, should be the existence of two conscious, one is Huang Quan Nether Black Witch King sister, one for the other side of the black witch king brother This is the ultimate form that the ring, Antonio, and Pumirosius fear."

Oh la la...

The "Fairy Tale" paper page reappears.

The dimensional dimension of these wizarding structure carriers is so abrupt in the illusory world of purely square-shaped inscriptions, as if ignoring the rules of time and space, spreading from the unknown.

Here is the purest illusory absurdity, just like the dimension origin in the dimension gap, the energy material world rule is weakened to the extreme here, and some qualitative changes occur in the process of approaching the high latitude rule, taking another rule. Measured.

However, these "fairy tale" papers seem to be invading viruses in the endless world. In the world of Huang Quan, which is supposed to be controlled by the illusory rules of the endless world, the spread has spread.

"Oh, it is worthy of being the generation of the king of the wizard king system, but here is the other side of the Yellow Spring world, the root of the endless world dimension rules, one of the interventions of high-dimensional creatures playing with low-latitude creatures, here Everything is the foundation of the endless world. It is interfered by the high-dimensional creatures' sense of light and arc. With your incomprehensible intangible dimension invasion, you will be rejected by the maximum instinct of the endless world dimension rules. You are looking for a dead end. ”

The other side of the reincarnation of the Black Witch King said that the other side of the body wrapped flowers are more and more numerous.

Oh la la...

Huangquan Ninghe River black water vacated, a drop of black smoke of life and death of the righteous water drops, gathered to Huangquan Nether Black Witch King virtual shadow, "桀桀桀桀" cruel and gloomy laughter gradually echoed.

"The king of a generation of wizards, I have already admitted your position! Can let me and my sister fight for the whole body, you are the fourth in history. You guessed correctly, I have become the rule contradiction of this dimension, I found the conflicting rules of this dimension, and the perfect mosaic into the gap of the rule conflict. I don't think that the power of these different dimensions that you obtained is the higher meaning of the exploration of my dimension!"

In one hand, he controlled the "Life and Death", the ring of Titan's loss, and the black witch who made the real body of Huangquan Ninghe River sneered.

"Don't care. The nine creatures who stay in the endless world are just the names of those who are ignorant. He can see our essence. Maybe they have encountered other similar people. They dare to create the king of wizards as a new wizard. He should and Like Antonio, there are some adventures that we can't understand."

One of the two consciousnesses, the soft voice of her sister is only for her younger brother, and she is the only confidant in the endless world.

"Oh, rest assured, my sister!"

On the other hand, Green also cast a new body with the "fairy tale" paper.

The Black Witch King is right. Here, the rules of the Dimensionality of "Fairy Tale" are suppressed to the limit. Far from being in the material energy world, the ability to suppress the rules of the Yellow River Nether is just passive defense.

Truth balance magic wand, truth face, "Book of Truth", "Fairy Tale", Nether Spring Lafite, Green's dimension in the Yellow Springs on the other side of the dimension of the power of the dimension, seems to be just that?

"The touch of consciousness has finally opened up the realm of life and death. It is a worthwhile trip. Lafite, we have fought together, and I can't help but have the embarrassment of returning to the wizard apprenticeship."

call out!

The shadow of Rafiin seems to understand the words of Green, and the slamming of the yellow spring secluded arrow on the bowstring spurs out, aiming at the Huangquan Nether Black Witch King.

"Oh, naive, conscious attack is useless!"

On the other hand, the black witch king sister smiled lightly. A two-color petal perfectly fits in front of Huang Quan’s secluded arrow. As a manifestation of the endless world consciousness reincarnation rule, the consciousness attack is completely immune to it and cannot be played at all. Any role, she is a two-color reincarnation!

This point, Green and Huang Quan, Lafite, also know, so they chose to attack the Huangquan Nether Black Witch King as an attempt.

“Hey, let me see what you call the dimensional dimension rule overriding advantage!”

Double-headed and four-armed, the black witch king stands on the top of the Yellow River in the Nying River. The waves are like the Hongbo tsunami. The sister is the master of the illusory world rule. The younger brother is the black witch king of the wizarding world. In the case of the combination, Green also I can't explain what this creature is.


The two-headed, four-armed, black-winged king, the foot of the Yellow Spring, the secluded river, the time, the entire absurd illusory world rule seems to be gathering in this creature ~www.novelmtl.com~ the three-color light of the paper-like form looks up, as if to see the wild The earth is small and insignificant, and it is helpless in the face of the turbulent waves.

The perpetual motion bug is rotating high, and Greene can't even do even the equivalent balance of forced trading!

According to the rules of the endless world dimension, the other party is two consciousnesses, two living bodies, and oneself is only one. If the balance is equal, God knows whether there will be some extremely crazy things.


Green waved the truth to balance the magic wand, and the dimension of the balance of the light stick head crossed the time and space, and slammed into the black witch king.

The light of balance is the invisible body, the body of the stick fits perfectly in the hands of Green, and the dimension of the other dimension of the ball on the other side is changed to a few kilometers after the sensation + shooting in the distant time and space, as if a sky is falling, The special dimension dimension rule disturbs Huang Quan's underworld.

"Oh, useless, useless... useless!"

One arm, that is the fist on the thumb wearing a quaint square ring, dark and skinny, life and death atmosphere, Huang Quan Ningshu also roared for it, once again with the truth balance magic wand.


In an instant, time and space seem to be still, and here is the deepest part of the illusion, the edge of the dimension dimension, and there will never be any more phenomena such as time and space.


After only a brief stalemate, suddenly a sigh.

Only this time is not the Black Witch King, but Green!

The offensive and defensive momentum was reversed, and Green’s “咻” slammed out. The “嘭” slammed on the Yellow River’s Nether River, and the truth balance magic wand returned to its normal form. The people of truth breathed slightly in the mouth, the atmosphere was uncertain, and the three colors were light. Looking at the fit black witch king with dignity.


Ps: After the second one hour later. 8166 novel reading network

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