A Sorcerer’s Journey

Vol 29 Chapter 1744: Trapped

call out!

After a full flight of the moon, Green walked through this super-empty creature for a long journey under the guidance of the creature in the sixth world of thinking, to the birth of the rules of the world.

Glittering, sometimes violent, sometimes soft and gentle, more advanced penetration, even because there is no binding of the will of the rule, at the end of the influence of the balance rule, these glory is not willing to deteriorate into a projection rule, would choose to bypass Green This energy material body is blocked!

"Sure enough, the black witch king!"

The traces of the life and death rules of Huangquan Ninghe River and the pollution of the illusory seal of the ruined eye seem to have been for quite some time. The Black Witch King chose to cooperate with these illusory creatures here, and used it as the black witch king. Slaughterhouse!

From the traces of the traces here, it is obvious that after the black witch Wang succeeded, he was found by the siege, and an unusually earth-shattering battle took place. Eventually he fled and went to find the next "slaughterhouse".

"What is it doing?"

After analyzing the residual atmosphere of the Black Witch King here, Green noticed a seven-level master in the distant void, standing still in the same place, as if he was caught in a suspended animation, and did not notice his arrival.

"This is a material energy world creature that we are targeting. It avoids our influence in this way. Hey, so I come to you to cooperate, you help us make food, we leave you a dead body, This is our perfect feast!"

This illusory creature urges: "If you want to cooperate, you'd better be faster, and there are two energy-material world creatures that can affect us. They are called the Eye of Destruction and the Desire of the Mother of God. They will be responsible for the rescue. Sleepy creatures."


Hearing this illusory creature explanation, Green also immediately clarified the relationship, these illusory creatures really!


Since they can cooperate with themselves, in other words, if there are witches here, can these illusory creatures also cooperate with the rulers who besieged the Black Witch King?

Although there are many concerns, at this moment, under the interests of Green, it is like a black witch king, there is no need to hesitate, and it is rushing toward the master of the suspended animation.

At this moment, even if the other party is aware of it, only Green is the influence of the illusory creature on the sixth sense of thinking, and ignores it.

It’s awkward! It’s awkward! It’s awkward...

This is a thunder-elementized life body. The blue thunder is smashed and smashed. It is affected by the thundering rules of these bursts. The 50,000-degree thunder attacks the corrugated layers, and the general world. The Lord is hard to get close.

Even with the protection of the holy milky light, these Thunder rules also affected the noise of Green, 霹雳啪 噼, 噼 啪 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , Four scattered.

And Green was so big and swaying, step by step to the top of the thunder giant.

This Thunder is dominated by a monster form. In addition to the violent thunder of the main body, the bumps on the surface of the elemental skin have produced many Thunder plants, and some even produce fruit. Some low-level creatures will inevitably gain some incredible singular power.


The Thunder monster screamed in the body, seemingly snoring, smashing the drums, and the Thunder's electric light swayed into the distance with the snoring of "咕咕咕咕", as if there were breathing melody.

"The wild instinct is the seventh layer, the ancestors are real, open!"


The body is constantly expanding, and the grand energy of the ripples of the air, accompanied by the arrogance of the mountains and the wind, is so open.

Ten thousand meters of the body, the bone thorn scales covered, cruel and brutal.

Such a breath, this Thunder monster can not be unaware, but before being harassed by these six senses of illusory creatures for a long time, all kinds of disturbances are full of patterns, tired and unsatisfactory, so they chose to die here, waiting The Eye of Destruction or the ambiguity of the mother-in-law rescue, no longer care about everything, so it is still indifferent.

Therefore, even if Green is so eager to prepare for the top of his head, the Thunder monster has no reaction!

"Hey, hey!"

In the depths of the throat of the fangs, the heart of the throat is full of ridicule and laughter. The Green ancestors are holding the 10,000-meter truth balance magic wand, overlooking the thunder that is still indifferent to their feet, smashing the smashing, smashing the thunder and twisting all directions and darkness. The release of the shocking horror is as if it is a warhammer, and the little ones under the feet are squatting.


At this time, I didn’t have time to scream, and this Thunder monster was completely overwhelmed by the Green Truth Balanced Wand.

With the power of the ancestors of the Green Wizards, the endless world is large, but it is impossible to bear the full blow without any precaution.


Four eyes bulged, and the Thunder monsters that were caught in the body by Green Truth balanced the magic wand, as if the balloon was about to explode, and the dead fish could not believe in Green, and the ancestors on the head were "桀桀桀桀"In the sneer, I can no longer support it, and the "嘭" sound exploded.

The Thunder rule and the annihilation arc are intertwined, the Almighty Soul is consumed violently, and Green's right hand is repeatedly swayed, and a black fireball covers the past.

After a while.

Millions of meters of distant void, Thunder monsters once again appear in good shape, apparently the loss of a huge omnipotent soul!

呲 欲 , , , , , , , , , “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ It's not amazing.

"Which spiritual wizard are you? Sign up!"

The Thunder monster that fled the wind sent out an angry will roar ~www.novelmtl.com~ Is this attack five times more? As the master, the thickness of life is really thin like paper! Hey, the humble ants in front of the wizard's will, the death specimens are not worthy of knowing my name. ”

Green sneered and sneered, so holding the truth balance magic wand waiting in the field, let the Thunder monsters run away.

Other things are handed over to those illusory creatures. If this Thunder monster is really capable of fleeing, it will not be suspended here, let alone in the crisis caused by Green.

really! Only after half an hour of hourglass.

In front of Green, there was a wave of fluctuations in time and space. The Thunder monster suddenly disappeared and you returned to the origin coordinates. It was apparent that the illusory creature swallowed up the time and space experience of the escape. The Thunder eradicated the monsters and almost exploded, and was already waiting for a long time. Green a magic wand squats again.

boom!噼 啪 啪! It’s awkward! It’s awkward...

In the thunder bombing, this cockroach monster retreated.

Although rushed, but because of the preparations, this Thunder monster is not like the previous one, was hit by Green and the **** is not left.

"The eye of destruction dominates, save me!"

There was a roar of will, and I didn’t know if it was useful. In the panic, the thunderous monster screamed, and even stretched out the tongue to counterattack Green. At the same time, the huge body swollen in a circle, and after shaking, Ten Thunder explosions rushed to Green.

After repeated counterattacks, this Thunder monster extended a pair of front paws, at the expense of consuming the Almighty Spirit, while repairing the body, while tearing open the superconducting light barrier, sneaked into the shallow illusion.

call out!

With the help of the truth, Green avoided the thunder and long tongue attack, and was immediately overwhelmed by the thunder of dozens of Thunder explosions.

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