A Sorcerer’s Journey

Vol 29 Chapter 1743: Slaughterhouse 1

Here is a super-empty giant gathering center that is comparable to the eighth grade, and even beyond the eight-level creature!

At this moment, the super-empty creature in which Green is located should have been transformed into a world with some illusory projection rules. After a certain period of fear, some illusion is reflected into the world, and various strange and horrific alien contacts occur. However, it is not the digestive property of the friction between the universal world rules of the secondary esophagus.

Gradually, the rules for eliminating friction that Green has been lingering have been exhausted.

"Hey, is this one of the few super-empty giants in the core area of ​​the chaotic void domain? If it is not because of this long-term mutual engulfing that cannot be transformed into a big world, this super-empty creature that is comparable to dozens of wizarding worlds. The scale, I am afraid that I can directly become a big world, and no longer need to be plundered by the body, and gradually evolve."

As the speed slowed down, Green gradually began to come into contact with the rules of the birth of the world born in this super-empty giant object.

The degree of danger here is not the same as that of the super-empty creatures in the periphery. It is just the power of the void and the awkwardness of some abrupt rules. This is the beginning of the world when the big world was born. Some rules have not yet been made. The balance of the edge of the edge of the rule is equivalent to the destruction of the big world.


The hoarse, squeaky smirk came from the vortex mixed with orange and dark red in front.

Under the influence of this super-empty giant rule, within the vortex, a light of tentacles of thought is extended and integrated into the interior of this super-empty creature.

This seems to be some of the absurd births that walk between thoughts. The sixth sense of vigilance and vigilance walking in the material world of energy and material, Hessian Power has some of these absurd illusory rules.

If it is the master of the general world, the endless master, I am afraid that I have been scared by this ridiculous and ridiculous grotesque, always in tension, similar to some wizard apprentices breaking into the tower of the black tower of the Sorcerer’s College, but never able to Board the top.

However, in the eyes of the wizard who pursues the mystery of truth, after thoroughly understanding the attributes of this absurd rule, knowing the changes in the truth and truth, and naturally adapting to these absurd virtual shadows, they are indifferent.

哒, 哒, 哒, 哒...

Like the high-heeled shoes on the wooden floor, coming from behind Green, almost slammed the ear.

This kind of similar experience, when Green was in the wizarding apprenticeship, explored the tower of the tower of the Black Souta Wizarding Academy. Once it was turned back, it would be affected by the rules, and suddenly returned to the sixth sense of illusion. The origin of the target lock.

The time and space experience of this loss is the food of these absurd illusory creatures!

"Hey, with your thinking, the sixth sense of the world's illusory creatures, what are our energy and material world creatures?"

During the high-speed journey, Green was not affected by this illusory creature, letting him disturb his sixth sense of thinking, and would not treat his time and space experience in the energy and material world as food.

哒, 哒, 哒, 哒, 哒, 哒...

I don't know how long it took, this absurd illusory creature finally gave up, and there is no deep communication with Green. It seems that there are very few wizards who will communicate with Skynet's intelligent brain npc. This illusory creature is sixth from Green's thinking. Feeling walked away.

call out!

Green is flashing in the super illusory creatures, relying on his own speed in such a super-empty giant object. If there is no such special rule, it is a bit boring.

Tick, ticking, ticking, ticking, ticking, ticking...

The feeling of wetness seems to have a greasy tongue swaying on top of his head.

In the face of Green Truth, this creature walking in the sixth sense of thinking seems to have caused some minor end rule changes when it looks for the magic doll over time. In the illusion, it has indeed affected the world of energy and material changes!

Such changes, under the perception of the three-color glare of Green's truth, are the subtle runes hidden in the depths of the rules, which are constantly oscillating, causing a round of resonance ripples, forming some energy-material changes around them.

Obviously, this is an illusory creature that is more powerful than just.

After the initial singularity, suddenly, there was a slight arc of evil in Green's mouth.

Through the unparalleled computational power of truth, Green uses these resonance ripples as a medium to inversely calculate the shape and coordinates of the sixth-sense creature that walks in the mind. In the field of thinking, a pool is like a skeleton. The grotesque guy of liquid!

"The truth is righteous, there is nothing in the middle, and the order transmission disturbs the device."

The order transmission disturbance device is one of the most advanced sci-fi weapons of Vantage Quantum Technology. It is generally used as a weapon against the space fortress of the wizarding civilization, destroying the information transmission of the fortress and letting the wizard lose full control over the fortress.

Therefore, in the battle of civilization, the order transmission disturbance device has almost no threat to the top holy marks and the true spirit wizard, but for the dawn wisdom wizard, it is one of the most headache metal destroyer civilized science fiction weapons.


Sure enough, as Green was at the unknown coordinates, and after creating a disorderly transmission disorder device with nothing to do, the creature hidden in the sixth sense of thinking was obviously affected, and the absurdity of Green’s absurdity disappeared without a trace. The feeling of being locked by the target is of course empty.

After a small half hour of hourglass time~www.novelmtl.com~ ticking, ticking, ticking, ticking...

When the absurd and weird rule reappeared, Green was about to perform the technique of being out of nothing, but in Green's sorrow, there was a vague communication.

"Cough and cough, the dominant power in the world of energy and material, maybe... we can cooperate."

The will is intermittent and extremely vague. If it is not the face of Green's truth, I am afraid that it is difficult for the general ruler to achieve such unimpeded communication across time and space.


Greentown smiled and sneered: "What cooperation? I thought that you are the creatures who walked in the sixth sense of thinking. They just regarded us as children's drawings on paper, and sketched them freely.

"General material energy creatures, naturally, but strange and powerful material energy creatures like you, we are of course willing to cooperate, for example... to jointly kill those weak energy material creatures?"

Suddenly, the three colors of the green light are condensed!

"Are you before me, have you worked with another powerful energy material creature!?"

Green's question was quickly answered.

This sixth-sense creature is hoarse and hoarse: "Yes, we are very happy to cooperate. I believe that this is the same with you! We are responsible for disturbing the trap, whether it escapes to the deep illusion or in the material energy world, as long as it is We influence, after swallowing its time and space experience, it will return to the origin that is locked by our target in an instant, and you only need to wait quietly at that origin, and you can kill it. This is definitely a perfect feast. what!"

At the end of the day, Green can even feel the sigh and eagerness of the other party.

Taking a deep breath, his eyes flashing, and after hesitating for a moment, Green whispered: "Well, take me in the past."

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