A Sorcerer’s Journey

Vol 29 Chapter 1745: Infinite pursuit

It’s awkward! It’s awkward! It’s awkward! It’s awkward...

In the difficult stalemate, the black arc gradually penetrates the thunderfields formed by dozens of external thunderstorm fruits, and in the process of constantly canceling each other out, the annihilation force gradually devours the outer layer of the violent blue-violet arc, surrounded by all directions. Affected by the annihilation arc, twisted and gathered.


In the darkness of the blackout, a roar of human ancestors broke out.

The dim and dark dimension of the dimensionary sphere broke out, and immediately after the outer thunderfield was like an explosion balloon, it was pierced by a milky white spot. The truth balance magic wand was swept a few times by the ancestors and completely irritated the surrounding minefield. The residue is cleaned up.

"Cough and cough, not the king of the wizard, although this creature is the same as the material energy field, but there is no power to fight back in front of you, hehe..."

The mind warns of the sixth sense, the scream of the illusory creature.

In the anti-deduction of Green Truth's face, it seems as if I have heard about the illusory creatures innumerable in droves. I am experiencing food, joy, excitement and cruelty because of the time and space of the Thunder. Laughing.

This feeling is like a group of vampires living in the dark, enjoying a blood feast!

Although I don't know what kind of illusory creatures these rules are constructed, it is impossible to walk into the essence of my life without any reason, and explore the mystery of the heart, which is the ability that high latitude creatures can have. It seems that they are likely to obtain some of the essential memory information of life through the time and space experience of the material energy world. Perhaps it is like a virtual creature, is a regular life?

The essence of the emptiness is to constantly devour each other and finally form a world of material energy. This is the alternating cycle of the power of the endless world and the material energy, and it is also the sideline of the rules.

And these creatures that walk in the sixth sense of thinking alertness are probably the unknown deepest illusory, high-latitude bio-spoofing rules of low-latitude biological consciousness perception?

Green was thinking about it, and in response to this illusory creature, "桀桀桀桀" sneered and responded: "This lord is not weak, but compared with my power, oh, it is not worth mentioning. If you continue this Like a few times, it will die."

"You can rest assured that this guy is not as difficult to start as you are, with the sixth sense of fear that you bring to it, his field of thinking and alertness is just a piece of meat on our chopping board, hehe!"

Unreal creatures are sharply laughing, and Green seems to have seen the scenes of these sticky and ugly creatures experiencing the thunderstorms.

According to the rules of balance, in the world of material energy, such contact is like the rule of the wizarding world. It should be in a state of frequent alternation, so that the material world can make corresponding evolution in the process of constant adaptation, and gradually form the rules of endless world.

But now!

This super-empty creature has not yet become a material energy world, but there is a part of the rule illusion. The end of the balance rule fails to effectively plan these areas, thus causing the illusory rules to affect the material energy rules here and lose balance.

"That's good, the lord who can rescue it hasn't come yet. It's better to be faster on your side."

Green urged, in exchange for a sharp and harsh laughter in the illusion over there, and then quickly and completely depressed.

This time, after more than ten hourglasses in the past.


In front of Green, time and space suddenly became a wave of fluctuations. It was the thundering and thundering monster that returned to the original point and appeared in front of the true face of the Green People.

Compared with before, this Thunder monster has obviously expanded a lot. After returning to the original point of these illusory creatures who are walking in the sixth sense of thinking, they also understand their situation in a flash and witness the giants in the head. The horrible warhammer that was lowered again, screaming in the depths of the throat, screamed, "Slow! I am a mixed-race world flower threshing Zhan Yuwang, just invited by the ambiguous mother-in-law, not by The wizard world enemies, please also let the master let me go, I am willing to..."


The giant giant has no intention of staying, and the truth balance magic wand crashes down.

The black annihilation of the arc and the explosion of the thunder and lightning of the electric light, "squeaky", this Thunder monster has not finished, it was smashed by Green's magic wand.

With such a degree of injury, it is inevitable that only the omnipotent soul can be consumed to survive, and it is impossible to recover by relying on cultivation.

It’s awkward! It’s awkward! It’s awkward! It’s awkward...


The black arc swallowed the remnants of the Thunder monster. During this period, the Greens ancestors took a deep breath and screamed.

Even in this super-empty giant object, the violent sound waves are like earthquakes, and the "bomb rumbling" shock spreads.

For a moment, the Thunder monster flickered and appeared again in the millions of meters.

"You actually do this to me! This king swears! This life will not be the same as the wizarding world! You guys who have sneaked in from unknown time and space, if the king can escape from here, he will definitely see a killer in the future. !"

The Thunder monster, who calls himself the flower thunder fruit Zhan Yuwang, swears a poisonous oath, a hate deep into the bone marrow, and does not endure ~www.novelmtl.com~ as a common low-level creature, evolved bit by bit to At the level of dominance, the flower thunder fruit, Zhan Yuwang, did not know how many hardships he would experience in his life, and he would stand out from so many bio-ethnic groups and become the seven-level master of the endless world. He experienced too much experience in the long years.

In contrast, a wizard with a complete evolutionary system is much easier to evolve than this.

"Hey, dare to say a lot in this, then... this king will end your life this life!"

Green is also somewhat impatient, and the ancestors of the ancestors are really empty-footed, so they are chasing the past with the fleeing fruit of the genus Zhan, and this flower is really scared. As soon as the powerful hind legs slammed, the place disappeared instantly.

It’s awkward!

The element is teleported, and Green is rushing to chase it up.

This flower thunder fruit, Zhan Yuwang seems to have noticed something, and suddenly raised his head, but he saw more than ten ostrich heads burning with black flames, staring at himself with fierce glare, then "咻", "咻", The "咻" and "咻" fall, and they open their mouths and bite at themselves.

This time, the flower thunder fruit Zhan Yu Wang trembled back, but did not return to the origin of the coordinates, suddenly realized that this is the real situation, one side for the self-control of the alarm, and the other side for their own discovery of the crisis in advance.

"Don't the king really want to be buried here?"

The desperate thoughts are fleeting, and the thunder of Zhan Yuwang’s tongue gathers a omnipotent soul. The sound of “噗”, in front of the void, reveals a hole leading to the shallow illusion, leaving its own material in the void. After the energy returned to the clue, one head plunged in.

"Hey, where are you going? You can't escape the palm of your hand!"

Green chilled and laughed, but he also plunged into the shallow illusion, and both disappeared.

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