A Sorcerer’s Journey

Vol 29 Chapter 1742: Long drive straight into

The essence of Green's life memory has been transformed into the "fairy tale" dimension wizard rune, and with the help of the wizard's world's square source runes, temporarily stored in the endless world dimension.

It is not an exaggeration to say that Green and the Black Witch King are the nine creatures that stay in the endless world dimension.

Since "Fairy Tale" has been affected by the rules of the Eyes of Destruction and temporarily sealed, in order to recover as soon as possible, Green had to use his association with the Wizarding World to forcibly transfer some rules and blessings.

Green as the incarnation of the wizard's will is both the strongest manifestation of the wizarding world and the weakness of the wizarding world. For the wizard's will, the risks and interests coexist, all in one.

"Inevitably, I have to be asked by the guardians of the Four Seasons. This is also the price of forcing the dimension to survive. It seems that after the Demon Expedition solved the crisis of the Wizarding World, the king of this generation of wizards would not want to be the second. The black witch king can only abdicate immediately and start to elect the king of the second generation wizard, hehe..."

A sigh, even the King of Green Achievement Wizards, there are many sorrows that cannot be solved. This is no longer just an external goal, but also has inherent contradictions.

Green is no longer the little wizard who passively enforces the rules of the higher wizards, but the king of the wizard who rules the rules of other wizards. The words and deeds are affecting the changes of the Great Wizards Alliance.

As the ruler, standing at the height of civilization, although Green has its own unique vision and wisdom, but these are just external development models, the collapse of civilization is not just an external shock, but also internal. On the one hand, while trying to improve the overall strength of the wizarding world, Green must also do his utmost to use his wisdom to find contradictions in the social system of the wizard and make his rules more smooth.

In order to address the contradictions that may occur in these next few eras, the Wizards Union Conference is the time when Green is really playing.

I have to say that it is not only the new era all the sorcerers are waiting for the law to be enacted, the giant wizarding squad, the world's lords are also looking forward to it. If they are careless, if they fail to solve the new era rules, they cannot solve them. The contradictions in the internal structure of the civilized system gradually become conflicts, so the loss caused by Green as the leader of civilization is likely to cause far beyond imagination.

The greater the ability, the higher the standing, the greater the responsibility.


Green in the forward, suddenly amazed by some of the rules of variation in this still unpenetrated large void creature, a little stop to stay in place, white and gray face, the face of truth, three colors of light quietly staring.

That is the original rule of the world in the void creature, the birth of the world, gray!

After a small half hour of hourglass.

Green waved his right hand to balance the magic wand, a fist-sized ice crystal instantly formed, spurred into the front of the silky gray ruled strange circle, through the most intuitive experimental observation and analysis of the characteristics of this rule.


Green, a high-purity ice crystal with hundreds of thousands of attacking strengths, gradually turned into gravel under the influence of the rules of the birth of this world. This is the transformation of energy and material properties, similar to the petrology of the truth. Surgery, but not mysterious power, but also some of the beginning of the transformation of the essence of the wizard's ancestors.

"Is it the rule of the beginning of the birth of the world node? If it is similar to the eye of the world of truth, it is in an unfinished state, and it is an extraordinary treasure. It is worth a little delay. ""

Thinking like this, Green tightened the sacred white radiance of the whole body and straightened into the gray area in front of him.

唰, 唰, 唰, 唰, 唰, 唰...

Even though these holy radiances that are surrounded by Green's body, when they are frictionally ruled with the beginning of the world here, they are also losing money. On the one hand, the loss of energy, on the other hand, large pieces of gravel.

After a few hours of hourglass travel, a floating continent emerged in front of it, standing in the layers of sand-sanding rules, overlooking this seemingly endless mixed yellow continent, with an area of ​​several million square kilometers.

"Sure enough, it is the birthplace of a world node! What is this, the stomach of the world?"

In the doubts of Green, the island was born at the beginning of the birth of the world, but it stopped suddenly, and a great will touched it.

"Disgusting bugs, stop your steps, and walk through my body for so long. I will endure it. If you dare to leave your disgusting remnants in my stomach, don't blame me for dealing with the little bugs before." The same, deal with you!"

The icy warning sounds, how can it be half-smooth, is almost the same as normal creatures.

Green was also shocked by this sudden wave of will, and then after the reaction, he was very excited: "It seems that it should be a predecessor of a strange creature similar to the world tree? No, it may be more exotic than the world tree. , the world's living body? Oh, unfortunately can not be transformed into a real material energy world, or it is worth studying."

Said, Green again said: "I am following the owner of this energy, if you can give me some clues, I will leave immediately."

Green took out the black witch king's breath, and this magnificent majestic will silence for a while, slowly said: "A few moments ago, a few bugs chased it through my body, and a small thing gave up after chasing. Into my stomach, I was spit into the core of the chaotic void domain, what about you?"

"The core of the chaotic void domain?"

Green smiled and said: "That's another trouble, send me to the core of the chaotic virtual domain."

With a bang, Green actually took the initiative to fall to the stomach space node of the world!

In the green tri-color ray, ~www.novelmtl.com~ layered stacks of densely-colored stalks and confluences to a point, as if the wind tunnel vortex-like existence, there must be some special secrets.

It was a group of blue and red light, beautiful, and Green wanted to fall into the light group.


Suddenly, the great pressure to wrap the Green, as if it is endless, the external strong sense of squeezing actually let Green have a feeling of facing the world of the world, difficult to move, as if facing the entire world of full exclusion.


After a short moment.


With the help of this super-empty creature, Green seems to be a compressed biscuit, which is rejected by this super-empty creature, and after a short slamming in the endless void, it rushes into another empty body. .

“Removal of material energy friction rules?”

Green was wrapped in a special rule, and it took a journey of more than ten days and dozens of days to complete the void. Now only half an hourglass is completed, but Green has not yet rushed out of this void. Reacted, and then rushed into another void organism.

This new experience, such a short time to travel long distances through time and space, Green seems to see the endless astrological chart given by the Gemini Gemini Gemini, earning himself through the endless world center of the fusiform.

puff! puff! puff! puff! puff……

Through one giant super-empty giant, Green did not specifically resist anything, and he wanted to use the power of the rules to go to the center of the chaotic void.

Judging from the information revealed by the Black Witch King's projection, the other party is likely to be in the center of this chaotic virtual domain!


Ps: In addition to the problem, the battle of the two kings is very difficult, because it is the key part, so it is necessary to make major revisions, rewrite, and today.

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