A Sorcerer’s Journey

Vol 29 Chapter 1741: Solution!

In front of you is the power of endless high-purity void, where material energy is in it, as if it is in a strong pressure furnace.

"It's no wonder that even the Black Witch King is trapped in this chaotic void. These nearby world communities, which were invited by the ambiguous mother-in-law, are dominated by the world's most famous people. It is not the same leisurely generation. This is close to the illusory and absurd rules. The life of the body is really tricky."

When I was thinking about it, in the community of Quanzu world, the ancestors knew that the powerful eye of destruction that was born in this illusion was the target of transmission, and listed it as the same prestige as the world tree, and thus the eye of destruction The strength can be seen in general.

For some true spiritual masters, this is very tricky for the master of illusory time and space, but for some purely passive evolutionary masters, the eye of destruction is just the same thing. After all, the endless world is still passive evolutionary creature. most!

This time it was lucky, and it met the wizards who applied the large-scale universal application of the illusory space-time rules.


Under the face of truth, Green sneered and took out the Skynet crystal ball.

For the average creature, the eye of destruction is an unknown rule life born from the depths of absurd illusion, and it controls the rare and mysterious rules. The rule is the frame of the endless world. This is the ultimate power pursued by the endless masters.

but in fact!

Under the powerful image of the energy and material world, the Eye of Destruction is a “weakness” that cannot sneak into even the shallowest illusory world. That is to say, any creature that loses some of the omnipotent souls into the shallowest illusion will completely get rid of the destruction. Everything in the eye.

But for Green!

Because of the auxiliary insights of the face of truth, Green easily understood the essence of the power of the eye of destruction, and because of Green's unique experience in the esophagus of the Dimension, he happened to discover the source of its power.

When he evaded the sinister storm under the bones of the sacrum, Green also had a terrible and frightened battle for himself, and the fear was not the same!

On the other side of the Skynet crystal ball, the six-ring true spirit wizard showed a doubtful expression.

"Hey, the six-ring true spirit wizard, I wanted to leave you in the wizarding world to host the overall situation, not letting you participate, but this mission is really important, the king has to ask you to take a deep illusion. This The eye of destruction is dominated, and the one-in-one battle of the true spirits is perfect restraint, but because of the special rules of the eyes of destruction, it is difficult for a sorcerer to really drag the other person, or you Take the book of Destiny to the secondary esophagus to solve its power source, and also as a page to add a fate."

After a pause, Green sighed: "Destroy some omnipotent souls in exchange for a page of destiny. Today, when the hunter expedition is about to open, it will not lose."

After that, Green handed a minor esophageal coordinate in the depths of memory to the six-ring true spirit wizard.

The doubts instantly become a surprise, and the material of the page of writing destiny is something that the endless world violates the balance and is rejected by the dimensional dimension.

This kind of thing is extremely difficult to find in the endless world, and it is also the reason for limiting the play of the Book of Destiny. Therefore, every page of destiny is extremely precious. Strictly speaking, the six-ring true spirit wizard is such a thing!

For the general ruler, a page of fate is enough to determine its life and death, bad luck will always accompany it to death!

Of course, for some tyrannical life, because the fate of the page of bad luck results in too slow, even if you can't figure out whether it is the fate of the page effect, but the superposition of fate pages will greatly enhance this curse effect.

In theory, as long as the number of pages of fate is sufficient, there is no endless world dimension of life that curses immortality!

"There is still such a thing? The source of strength is hidden there! Hahaha, well, I will go to the second esophagus, and there will be a lot of omnipotent souls in the infinite time and space of fate."

The six-ring true spirit wizard is a fanatic.

"Be careful, in addition to the six-level monsters trapped in the secondary esophagus, there will be some regular collisions and frictions, and there are other lurking means of a powerful world community. There is not much involved in our wizarding world. If there is a chance after the incident, try to inquire about the information of the Abyss Mozu, I believe it will be rewarded."

Converging the fanatic expression, the six-ring true spirit wizard nodded and closed the contact with Green's crystal ball.

Green put away the crystal ball, looked at his shoulder and was so anxious that he couldn’t speak a straight foot. He comforted: "The face of truth has already had an insight into its weakness. I believe that the six-ring true spirit wizard It will solve its rule base. When it is not dead, it will be removed from the nearby world community. If you are in a hurry, you will return to the dimension gap. You will not be affected by it in the fantasy world."

After the small eight evils made a smear of the neck, the tears drilled into the dimensional gap.


Hey! Hey! Oh...

A harsh burst of sound.

In the super-empty organisms, especially these super-empty creatures that have remained in the endless world for a long time, they have already possessed the world of illusionary energy materials but they cannot be transformed. These violent vanity forces are evolving into the tangled contradictory process before the world rules. In the middle, any energy matter organisms move forward in it, and there is a feeling of walking in a high-pressure furnace to be melted and decomposed.


Fortunately, there is the infinite energy support of the perpetual motion brilliance, even if it is surrounded by the extremely harsh environment of attacking about 500,000 degrees every moment, Green does not have to consider the survival problem, it is impossible to open the ancestors of the wizard to complement the body.

It’s been like this for more than ten days.

According to the world of energy materials, Green has already traveled at least a large world distance. The three colors of light under the face of truth are scattered with the traces of the traces of the essence of the runes. In theory, as long as the black witch Wang did not leave the endless world dimension dimension, and one day he will be found.



Suddenly, with Green's painful snoring, even with Green's unparalleled life intensity, suffered such a sudden attack, can not help but fly out, the small half of the body was shattered, in a state of witchcraft text chaos.

"Drilling crystal!?"

What caused Green to be so traumatized was actually a skull-sized diamond!

This is not to blame Green for slackening. According to the conventional understanding, Green is self-defeating against the rule changes and high-energy clues. However, in this special rule region, the region evolved from the initial rules of the world. www.novelmtl.com ~ Actually caused such trauma to Green, and it was incredible.

Drilling crystal, one of the hardest materials known to the wizarding world, is generally used in a variety of high-grade knives and drill bits, occasionally decorative, grinding it into a special water chest to refract light, beautiful.

"I hope they can be careful, no wonder those foreign world masters are firmly in control of the void."

Muttered to himself, Green Truth balanced the magic wand head, and the page "Fairy Tale" flew out, but could not provide repair help because of the destruction of the eye seal.

Shaking his head in the sigh, Green took a deep breath, the body quickly returned to the original, and continued to move forward, it seems that there is no consumption at all.

However, at the same time.

The sorcerer's world is endless, and the sea is about a hundred miles away. It is much smaller than Green's birthplace, the East Coral Island.

On this small island with no gardens, it has its own unique ecosystem and is thriving.


On the island of Bali, which was still flourishing at the last moment, the vegetation seemed to suffer from intense high temperature exposure, withered and yellow, and the small animals that had been alive and kicking lost their vitality. The original island of flowers and flowers was quiet, even The vitality contained in the land is also gradually dissipating.

"No, no! What happened, why is this! Why!"

The guardian of Haihua Island sensed the end of the world of hundreds of miles of small islands, panic, despair, helpless sobs, and after a little recovery of some rationality, immediately reported the incident to the higher guardians.

After only half an hour of hourglass time, the guardian of the spring who got the abnormal information of Haihua Island put down the algae in his hands, and the turbid and deep eyes looked at the sky.

"A generation of witches repaired their wounds with the wizarding world. Has the battle of the two kings been opened?"

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