A Sorcerer’s Journey

Vol 29 Chapter 1740: Overcoming illusion


Eight rainbows Nevis, who drilled a small head from the gap of the dimension, happened to hear the roar of the empty tortoise. After a moment of smashing, he immediately drilled out from the gap of the dimension and pointed to the head. One hit, I don’t know how many omnipotent souls that have consumed the eternal sorcerer’s dominance: “I’m going to kill you, I’m afraid to play the idea of ​​calling the Lord’s beast? I’m telling you today, you’re going to have a big deal. Come out, kiss my son Xiaowan!"

With the call of the little eight, the sleeping will of Green's little black flame was suddenly awakened and activated.

The soul of the 10,000-headed bird "叽叽喳喳" and "嘶吼嘶吼" screamed, and the overwhelming black flames skyrocketed, and the incomparable huge black ostrich head illusion gradually disappeared, stretching to the surrounding void.

In the eyes of the cockroach of the empty rot, the black flame beast that has opened its wings has gradually grown to the size of the eye of the ruined eye. Such a volume of flesh and blood, the general material energy world may be difficult to support such a miraculous life. body.

On the other hand, the will of the eye of destruction is extremely calm: "His body? Good!"

Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey!

Booming rumbling...

Everyone present was attacked by a giant blood ball, including Green.

With an enemy, the ruined eye is too arrogant, but it also proves that it does have a transcendental power over the general dominance.

Through the face of truth, Green can accurately sense that this ruined eye dominates the basic strength at least to the level of the true spirit wizard who masters the metal fire at this moment, and belongs to one of the most unique and unique living bodies in the endless world. Extremely rare and grotesque rules are very tricky.

It’s awkward!

The power of annihilation is reflected in Green's most basic will, and the black arc is like a snake in the perfect control of Green, lingering on the magic balance magic wand, stirring the dark and dark changes in all directions, gathering in Green's magic wand tip.

At the same time, the **** shadow of Green's feet swayed, and another **** head was extended on his shoulder. It was blood and blood.

The blood-splitting hunter heart "咕咚" and "咕咚" leaping gently, but a little gasping: "Even my nightmare power is also suppressed by him, the strength can only play half, it seems that its rules are The top controllers in the illusory space and time, if only able to fight against the real energy material, even if you are severely restrained by it. The truth balance magic wand not only provides you with endless power, but also provides it with amazing power. Otherwise, it is impossible to achieve an enemy as it is, which must be a wrong estimate after its strength surge."

Blood and blood can be thought of, and Green can see the most intuitive observation and wisdom through the face of truth.

Observing China on the face of Green Truth, in addition to a sorcerer, a sorcerer, and a drop of the sorcerer, almost everyone is offering an amazing rule blessing for the ruined eye, in theory I thought that it was a true spirit wizard and a two-circle wizard who had the highest blessing on the rule of the ruined eye, and therefore the most negative reaction. However, under the face of Green Truth, it was more intuitive and accurate to discover that it was truly the eye of destruction. Providing an unprecedented horrible blessing, but it is yourself!

The blessing of the ruined eye by oneself is only enough to be worthy of all the blessings of all the wizards present!

From this point of view, the black witch king of life and death is wearing the ring of Titan's loss...


Green responded with a sentence in which the truth balance magic wand was swept away in front of the tears of tears.

It’s awkward!

Along with the eternal glory of hundreds of millions of sacred white glory, the truth balance magic wand is connected with this dripping kilometer of blood and tears. The arc is violently violent, and the light and darkness are strikingly distorted, and the ultra-high frequency squeaky sound waves are vigorously opened.

On the other hand, the thousands of blood and tears that meet the truth balance magic wand seem to be boiling water, and extreme instability changes.


Under the face of truth, Green screamed coldly, and the three colors of light and sharp light flowed through.

The fierce force, "squeaky", this drop of blood and tears was rushed into the green, and then the unstable blood ball is like a balloon to explode, the face of the grimace shows a painful expression.


As Green rushed out of the blood and tears, although the attack of the Eye of Destruction was broken, but the truth balanced the magic wand tip, the Thousand Worlds Ball was dyed blood red because of its special illusory time and space. The Eye of Destruction sealed the rules of the illusory time and space in the world.

Not only that, Green's "Book of Truth", "Grimson's Fairy Tales" and even the face of the truth of the Skynet computing server function, have suffered from the seal!

As for other true spirit wizards and magic dolls, it is difficult, or easy, although they have broken the tears of the eye of destruction, but they have all been sealed to varying degrees.

Especially the magic doll, the body composed of half of the ashes and black smoke disappeared without a trace. The body was damaged with a layer of blood, only a small part of the body stood in the void, and the button eyes writhed in the process of fighting the blood and tears.


As for the one-round spirit wizard and the two-yuan spirit wizard, it is a bit too miserable.

Especially for a true spirit wizard, the nightmare rule itself represents the combination of the illusory rule and the material rule. Now, after being sealed by blood and tears, a **** rune has interfered with the source of her magic and the use of the original rules, and the strength has fallen sharply.

"Ah... oh!"

Xiao Ba was also dyed red by the **** color. He wanted to talk, but he couldn’t count it. He was anxious to dry his feet, two wings, one wing kept pointing at the eye of destruction, and the other wing kept doing the neck. .

"If you introduce this master during the war with the Universe, you don't have to be so fierce. The ruined eye is dominated by Skynet's metal destroyer civilized nemesis! To deal with it, it can't be attacked, otherwise every Individuals will provide a huge amount of regular blessings, and if one-on-one, who is more suitable?"

咔嚓, 咔嚓, 咔嚓, 咔嚓, 咔嚓...

What is even more surprising is that a drop of fighting spirits and wizards around the time and space, was suddenly occupied by twisted and broken cracks. Isn't this the attack of the sorcerer's eye?

Oh la la!

On the other hand, a sorcerer in the fight against the spirits was overwhelmed by the overwhelming storm, which is exactly the attack of the Sea King Festival on the Eye of Destruction.


A dark beam of light without any property leaks, spurting against Green's target ~www.novelmtl.com~ The purest power of destruction, a very similar but more extreme destruction rule with the properties of Pumirosius!


Throughout the sky, the white spot is everywhere, and Green also blooms with the purest beam of light, which is opposed to it.

A sacred war witch was attacked by a sorcerer of the sea, and a drop of the sorcerer of the sea was also attacked by a true sorcerer. However, the results of the two sides were completely different, and the sea king sacrificed away. "Cough and cough" is not stable, but the fighting wizard is still moving, still the silent and low-key look.

"A singer fights the true spirit of the wizard to leave the eye of destruction, others quickly leave me here, to avoid providing more rules blessings for the Eye of Destruction."

Roaring, Green took the lead and immediately led the people to leave the area, "咻", "咻", "咻", "咻".

"You will never escape my sight..."

Hundreds of thousands of meters of the eye of destruction slowly closed, when it appeared again with a blood line out of thin air, it was blocked on the way to the crowd, stopped in the gap of the sword of the illusory creature.

"For the time being, enter the void organism and spread it!"

咻, 咻, 咻, 咻, 咻, 咻, 咻.

In addition to the unspoken eyes that are affected by the illusory rules, the rest of the crowd rushed into the super-empty creatures on both sides of the void, avoiding more rule blessings for the Eye of Destruction.

The ruler of the empty rot was eagerly gazing at the green that fled, but he was helpless, and did not dare to follow the past without hesitation. He had to choose the one who was the most seriously affected by the ruined eye to follow.


PS: There is a third chapter in a while, to make up yesterday's, to be around twelve o'clock. I want to update it together, the result is not finished, the train is a bit dizzy.

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