A Sorcerer’s Journey

Vol 29 Chapter 1737: Chaotic void domain

Waiting for the fire of the purgatory in the void to gradually dissipate, Hessom silently picked up the Furnace Furnace, leaving a group of true spirit wizards to look solemn.

If you say the only thing outside, you will see a magic doll for free, and the button eyes are full of excitement!

"Your world is really interesting! So many powerful creatures, but full of contradictions, what kind of absurd rules have nurtured you monsters, if conditions permit, I would like to experience your wizarding world, hehe."

Green, apathetic and indifferent, looked at the magic doll a little.

"The rules of the wizarding world are very common. It is not because of the rules of the world that the so-called horror wizards are created, but the exploration of knowledge by the wizards."

After a pause, Green continued: "The wizards are actively pursuing the rules and mysteries of high-latitude creatures playing with low-latitude creatures. The absurd fears experienced along the path of the wizards are not understood by ordinary creatures, but for the ultimate goal. The desperation of the process can't be shared with others, and you can only bear all of it silently. When you understand that the pursuit of dimension dimension breakthrough is equivalent to the despair of leaving the secondary esophagus, you are really strong and understand your own smallness."

The magic doll "squeaked" and spit out the toothpick in the mouth.

"Well, the black witch is strong and your own business. I just want the information of the dark and the beginning of the ancestors!"

After nodding, Greene nodded and looked at the people behind him. He looked serious: "There is a conflict between the hunter and the expedition on the way to the world. Now that the wizarding world community has been unified, you don't have to care about it. You can kill it. If the black witch king is to execute the death penalty, it is also our judgment. Our goal is to decompress the black witch king back to the wizarding world. I will use the wizard world salvation rule to carry out the will slavery seal! ”

Will slavery seal?

Unheard of!

call out! call out! call out! call out! call out! call out! call out! call out! call out……

Many wizards greeted the void storm and marched toward the depths of the chaotic void. This is a fanfare. They have been stunned by the world's owners who are hiding in the emptiness of the storm and waiting to find the remains of the remains of the remains.

Occasionally, the owner of the world who escaped slowly, the purgatory furnace of the black ring of the second ring of the real spirit, Hessian, was unceremoniously thrown in the past, refining the blood of the world’s mains who did not know from the time and space, and improving the power of the purgatory furnace, black So was influenced by the King of the Infernal Giant Eba Dang, and became the most savage wizard among the group.

More than ten days later.


The closer to the center of the chaotic void domain, the stronger the Netherstorm is. Under the judgment of Green Truth's truth, the intensity of the Netherstorm attack that has passed from each side is close to ten thousand degrees, and it is terrible!


"I rely on it, scare my prince!"

In such a strong void storm, there are occasional small pieces of empty space stars, and the impact strength is amazing.

After the sound of "啪" was blocked by the milky white light that was surrounded by Green, Green snorted under the face of truth, and it has exceeded 30,000 degrees. It is no wonder that Xiaoyiyi was shocked.

This kind of attack intensity is also a threat to the five-level world.

"Hey, let me see if these little things are the masters of the world or the endless masters!"

A group of super-empty creatures that are comparable in size to the wizarding world, rushing toward a few people!

With the volume of such a void creature, even if these wizards are true spiritual wizards, facing such a huge horror that is not a volumetric comparison of the void creatures, it is difficult to hurt the roots in a short time, helpless.

However, in contrast, the relatively low-level and long-range attacks of the Nether creatures are also difficult to threaten the life of the same level and high-level energy materials.

"Get out!"

It was actually a two-star sorcerer who had been obscured by the world. He snarled in an earth-shattering manner, and the power of the earth-shattering element broke out on the magic wand. This emptiness creature is nothing more than a super-empty creature between the sixth and seventh levels, and even not qualified. How can it be seen by a few people in the most central battle group position of the chaotic void domain?

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang...

The energy of the energy and the power of the void dissipate each other, and the rules of the source of the annihilation are erupted. The random space-time transmission vortex is one after another.

After a stalemate of half an hourglass, the super-empty giant finally realized the terribleness of these material energy creatures and chose to take the initiative to retreat.

This unparalleled horror of the emptiness of the creatures, under the gaze of so many tyrannical spirits, left with arbitrarily, without any burden.

"One generation, take a quick look at the body of this rock giant, have you been enslaved by the Titan's loss?"

On the way, a round of true spirit wizards because of Green's unreserved declaration of war against the black witch king's domineering, seems to have been completely convinced by Green, the saddle before the horse, work hard.

The old witch seems to be ironic to fight against the Black Witch King.

At this moment, the old witch has a new discovery. This is the body of a master of the higher world. With the power of the powerful chaos here, it is difficult to eliminate its incomparably huge body in a short time. The stream was floating, and was photographed by a real wizard in front of him.

After seeing the body of this rock giant, Green’s tri-color squint ~www.novelmtl.com~ nodded and said: "Yes."

"Hey, let me explore, is it a case or a massive loss."

A true spirit wizard sneered, and then the rules of the tribes of the tribes are centered on their bodies, flying around, and the speed is astonishing, rushing into the depths of the void.

After a short moment.

A true spirit wizard seems to have something to gain, sneer: "Hey, this old and undead is still hard, see how long he can hold!"

With the return of many tri-color elf rules, it has brought the ruins of several major world ruins. If the Lord of the World is lucky, it is amazing wealth, but for a true spiritual wizard, it is only The windfall was lost.

Collecting these irrelevant assets is a waste of time compared to the urgency of the mission.


12344 degrees! 13200 degrees! 14230 degrees! 15421 degrees! 16220 degrees! 17523 degrees...

More and more high-altitude storm attacks, as if there is never an end, until close to the 30,000-degree attack, even the current emptiness of the wreckage attack more than 100,000 degrees, Green suddenly stopped, the face of the truth under the tri-color gaze In the distant place, the group of unparalleled horror creatures collided with each other, and they were so violent that they could never see the super-empty creatures at the end. They took a deep breath: "Be careful, we have arrived at the center of this chaotic void."

These super emptiness creatures are the existence of seven, eight, and even eight!

Before the world was transformed into an energy material, the system of these super-empty creatures was only a huge sum than a few, a dozen, or even dozens of wizarding worlds!

This is the center of the chaotic void domain, the natural dangers and miracles of the endless world were born, one of the cemeteries dominated by the true spirit.

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