A Sorcerer’s Journey

Vol 29 Chapter 1736: The two kings declared war!


When the last two-round nightmare wizard flew time and space, descending to the edge of this chaotic void, the shoulders painted black and purgatory fire burning, black shoulders against the purgatory furnace in the void, "bang", "bang" ", "Bang" step by step, each step is swaying layers of ripples.

A terrible and incomparable power, as if it is a soul monster coming from the depths of the Yellow Springs on the other side, it has a soul suppression for lower creatures.

The king of a generation of wizards, Green, a battle of the true spirit wizard, a round of dreams, a true spirit wizard, a two-round nightmare wizard, a round of mechanical wizards, a drop of true spirit wizard, two-star abyss refining spirit wizard, magic The doll, a total of eight people, was sent by the six-ring true spirit wizard in the wizarding world with the fate lever magic wand divided into eight times.

Today's Hessian, also shoulders the resistance to the Purgatory Furnace, although there is no invincible, no attack, no courage, no bravery, no resistance, but combined with his own life and death souls, nightmare The illusion of the illusion of the sorcerer, the blacks and the true meaning of the righteousness, including the fire of the purgatory of this world, the mermaid blood, and the purgatory furnace have completed another fusion.

This fusion has given Hessos a unique way of growing up.

This time, Green's name is black, except for Hessian and his own mentoring. Another point is that he hopes that he can grow faster with his own help and help to cope with the fourth round of the hunting demon expedition that may break out in the future. The battle of civilization!


After Hessian learned of the identity of this little crocodile, the eyes of the burning nightmare staring at the little guy, "桀桀桀桀" sneered.

"Little guy, it's best to show your role. I haven't melted the six-level biological blood for thousands of years, oh..."

Compared with other people present, in addition to a drop of the true spirit wizard sea king sacrifice, the most intuitive and horrible to give the small crocodile is this two-night nightmare wizard.

Especially the purgatory furnace on the shoulder of the black cord!

That is the unique growth mode of the soul of the evil spirits of the other kings, and the eternal growth of the souls of the other weak and weak creatures. The lord of the world who died in this melting pot, the endless dominance, I do not know how many, the sky is full of suffocation day!

The little crocodile only feels that his soul's blood is about to freeze.

Standing in the perspective of the small crocodile, it is like a small ant looking up at the towering horrible giant, and the purgatory furnace on his shoulder is the mouth of all darkness and horror, devour everything, daunting, each The cells are shaking.


Suddenly, it seems that the life and death soul of Hessian caused some changes in the little crocodile. The little crocodile was painful and stunned, but it was not naturally picked up. At the same time, the innumerable runes from its body pores Gushing out.

The poor little crocodile has been foaming at the mouth. In the dark and desperate atmosphere, with the vitality of the small crocodile, a wizard's will projection has come.

"Hey, hey..."

Unbeatable Sen cold horror!

Throughout the pressure of the heart of the bone marrow, the extreme distortion of the deformed distortion, this will projection, is the black witch king!

The Black Witch King projection was triggered by the black rope and the dead breath, because after so many real wizards gathered a little bit, they focused all their attention on the three-eye wizards at the forefront of the wizards, as if boiling hot. A few drops of ice water dripped in the oil pan, and the black witch king exploded completely.

"Green boy, you dare to come here!? If you knew that you have such ambitions, you should abandon you, dare to shake the roots of my despair, destroy me to explore the projection of life and death, hey, you will soon Will appreciate the true cruelty of the endless world!"


Green and Xiao Ba have not yet expressed that after a round of true spirits, they are cold and stunned. They stand in one step and look directly at the black witch king. Mori coldly said: "I don't know how good! The king of the wizard is here to save you. So big love and selflessness, not asking for good deeds, you are so ignorant!"

The Black Witch King's eyes gradually moved from Greene to a round of dreams.

At the beginning of the promotion of a true spiritual wizard, there was a friction because of the natural conflict between the rules of the nightmare wizard and the rule of the black wizard.

As a result, there is no doubt that a true spirit wizard has completely fallen.

There is no need to say much about the relationship between the two. As long as there is enough opportunity, the true spirit of the sorcerer is Green's most natural ally partner on Green's path against the Black Witch King.

"Little guy, don't think that if you grow a little, you dare to let me go! In the last time, there is a ring of true spirits to protect you, look at the face of Antonio's destiny lever magic wand, and spare you once, this time to see who can save You. Hey...he?"

The Black Witch King brought the topic to Green.


I have been in a strange and silent silence before. Suddenly, Green’s face is screaming, and three eyes look straight at the black witch’s projection. He said: “It seems that the Black Witch King was besieged for decades. The energy is still very abundant? Hey, rescue? Although the wizarding world is vast, it is not tolerant of the two kings of wizards. Your black witch king crime has been listed as a crime by my wizard king law. I am coming this time. It is to arrest you back to the wizarding world to accept the punishment to maintain the dignity of the law!"

Green has no expression, Sen coldly said: "Reliably, the law is just, you will not forget your contribution to the wizarding world because of your sin. The punishment you receive is the ultimate guardian of the wizard's will. The king of a generation of wizards will perform the rules of the night and night to complete the enslavement seal."

This is not over yet, after Greenson's cold, the sound is even more cruel, almost hysterical crazy!

"Respected Black Witch King predecessors? If you are afraid of the punishment of the wizard's will law, please go to life! Oh, but IMHO, since you have already projected the will, then you can't escape if you escape to the ends of the earth." Tracking the truth of my truth, it is useless to escape! Skynet is resounding and not leaking, old predecessors, waiting for the punishment of the law under the wizard's will, with the ultimate guardian of your wizard, I can also go to the demon expedition with more confidence. Travel, oh..."


After the Greens, the real wizards ~www.novelmtl.com~ apparently was shocked by the straightforwardness of Green, and they took a breath of cold breath.

In the Wizarding World, the wizard who dared to declare the war with the black witch king, Green is the first in the past!

The wizards looked at Green's back and couldn't know what to say.

On the other side, as if I heard the best laugh, the black witch king's will projection suddenly stayed behind, then immediately turned back and laughed and pointed at Green, almost unable to speak.

"Well, even if Antonio is alive, he dare not be so arrogant with me. You guys don't know how to be tall, come over, I will leave you a position in the slaughterhouse in the center of the chaotic void."

Green was full of confidence, and he snorted and sneered, leaning toward the black rope behind him: "So, what is your choice?"

Under the silent watch of the wizards, the black flame blazing the burning of the Purgatory Furnace, the black rope clenched his teeth, staring at the tall back in front of him for a long time, gradually turned to the black witch king Black Witch King, took a deep breath and then sighed: "Black Witch King, sorry, I can't violate the rules of the times."

Said, Hessian right hand gradually lifted the shoulder purgatory furnace.

The double scorpion is the deepest cold in the abyss, the weird and grotesque evil, the unparalleled momentum, and the unpredictable oppression of the people in the void.

So close, the Black Witch King only relies on the Titan's loss ring to use the vitality of the small crocodile as the source, and the lowered will of the will projection, how can it withstand such pressure?

"It's so beautiful! Hey, since this furnace has been warmly raised, and it is perfectly connected with the third infernal sacral property, it is time to recycle it, then come over!"


The words of the Black Witch King’s projections were just finished, and together with the small crocodile underneath, they were completely overwhelmed by the black-shouldered purgatory furnace.

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