A Sorcerer’s Journey

Vol 29 Chapter 1738: Void rule

Booming rumbling...

"There are strong people coming over, a lot!"

The gap between the vast and empty Nerve creatures is to control the areas controlled by the endless rulers. Compared to those in the vast and horrible emptiness, the energy spent in these gaps is almost negligible.

These only void gaps are firmly controlled by the black witch kings who are besieged, walking between the void giants that have been swallowed by the long-term eclipse, and wrestling with the black witches who are hidden in the hollow giant objects with the lowest loss. And monitor all the movements near the core of the chaotic void domain.

“There are a lot? Are you sure about their identity?”

It is also a great will, and it is in the gap between the empty giants that are constantly fighting in the perennial, and asks the opposite will.

"Not yet, their breath is vacant, strong and weak, only one of them is a ninth-level soul creature, and it is likely that the person is not good."

This consciousness has just been answered, and then, at the deepest level of the mighty power of the void, another consciousness is firm: "It must be the evil wizards of the wizarding community. They are best at disguising their own power. It seems that the black witch in the intelligence. Being rejected by the wizarding world, these wizards came to the rescue!"

"What about it? Let me first test their level of power. If it's just some miscellaneous fish, give it to the imaginary mother-in-law!"

After that, the ruler disappeared without a trace.

Unbelievably quiet, suddenly, it seems that something incredible has been discovered. The master is exclaimed and unable to channel: "No! There is a wizard in the wizard who is good at perception and has discovered me!"

"How come you find out?"

This scared will has just been issued, and it is smashing, twisting all directions and darkness, and the black arc that is shocking and fascinating has passed away. It easily penetrates the layers of void giants. The leader who had previously advocated active temptation came out of hysteria. Growling in amazement.


The team of true spirit wizards led by Green, docked around a group of boundless void giants, allowing the vast storms of the void to continue.

It seems that this void giant seems to have been entangled with another void giant for too long, and has completely ignored everything from the outside world.


Green's tentative approach to this volume is probably enough to communicate with seven or eight wizard-sized world-sized void giants. However, it seems that because the size of this void giant is too large, consciousness is no longer as clear as low-level creatures. Thorough, instinctive in a chaotic state, evolving in a direction similar to the will of the world.

Obviously, this is the virtual creature that truly enters the level of the seven-level dominating creature!

If it is completely wrapped by these hollow giants, it is impossible to distinguish the direction of escape. I am afraid that even if the true spirit dominates, it will take the omnipotent soul to get out of it, and it is difficult to cause it to be intrinsically harmful.

Rather than saying that this is a void creature, it is better to say that it has become the essence of the endless world, and who will fight with a rule without much thought-awareness?

"what are you?"

After a long time, this behemoth responded to such a chaotic message and was very unclear.

On the one hand, the nature of its thinking has undergone a transformation of the material energy world because of the long instinct to engulf and evolve. It has no unique thinking of its own. On the other hand, its volume is too large, so vast and large body, even if the will is conveyed. It is also a very slow process. After an idea, the body needs a small hour of hourglass to react.

Just like the eternal sky city of Pemirosius, the world tree, sometimes the volume is too large, although it is an advantage, but it also becomes a disadvantage.

The long start-up time of the Eternal Sky City is due to its size being too large.


On the shoulders of Green, he said, "He is yours! He is your father, I am your grandfather!"

Without speaking, Green was stunned by the small one, and Xiao Ba was shocked by Green’s sudden move. He seemed to realize what, a pair of small wings rushed and explained: “I didn’t mean that, I swear absolutely. Not taking advantage of you, Baye and you are soul partners, how can you take advantage of you as a father, I am your dearest little eight!"

For a small episode, Green also preliminarily confirmed the rules here.

These super-empty giants have not been turned into material worlds because they have swallowed each other's instinct rules for many years, and thus have gradually turned into being between the rules and the void creatures.

"Looking for the gap between these empty creatures, into the deeper chaotic void."

咻, 咻, 咻, 咻, 咻, 咻, 咻, 咻...

A real spirit wizard follows Green's body, and the force of the rolling emptiness surges. Occasionally, some tentacles collide with the true spirit wizard's protective cover to break the attack power, easily exceeding 300,000 degrees.

In the process of flying around this amazing huge void giant, Green is close to 50,000 degrees of attack, and if he sneaked into this hollow giant object, he was afraid that the attack would easily exceed 500,000 degrees, and if it was against this The attack is spread across several large worlds, and even one after another, the void creatures are densely packed and can never get out. It is terrible to think about it.

Who knows if there will be some accidents inside.

For a full period of time, the pedestrians found irregularities in an irregular undulating arc, which seemed to be a narrow passage formed between the three void giants.

Although narrow, only for the macro level, this channel has at least one small world width, internal fluctuations, and extremely unstable appearance, which may disappear completely at any time because of the wrestling between the three void giants.

The inner core area of ​​the chaotic virtual domain is completely different from the outside!

If you are lost inside and lose the reference coordinates, then face the high-purity void world composed of hundreds of seven, eight, or even eight-level void giants, spanning the vastness of hundreds of large worlds, plus Some very dangerous natural phenomena, the fall is normal.

But it is opposite.

The gathering place of these higher void creatures, as the beginning of the birth of the material world, has different rules of the world at the beginning of the world, and it is easy to produce regular variations. Some fallen masters seem to infiltrate the shells for these empty giants. Fine sand, it is very likely to evolve some treasures with incredible ability rules!

One of the eyes of the incompletely mutated world, similar to the face of Green Truth.


Green waved, and everyone stopped behind him. He was puzzled by the black cord: "Guide~www.novelmtl.com~ What?"

Green just watched quietly. After a while, there was a sneer in the corner of the truth, and slowly said: "We have already been discovered. Later, there is a guy who wants to test it. I can see if it can be reversed. Sneak attack and hit this little guy, don't show any abnormality and move on."

Although it is still far away, the elemental creature, which is like a squamous seabed creature, is about a hundred meters long. It is thought that it can hide the perception of the people in the force of the void, and slowly approach the crowd with the gap of the void tunnel.

It is getting closer and closer.

From the very beginning, Green can only find the abnormality of the force of the void, and then hide the camouflage through the force of the void to see the specific form of the creature, and then penetrate the flat body to see the internal structure of the body and even the omnipotent. The soul of the soul is full, and now it is even possible to gain insight into the essential rune structure that is good at emptiness and concealment!

Under the face of truth, Green's mouth smirked with a trace of evil sneer.

In the hands of the truth balance magic wand suddenly waved out, with the whole body covering the sky, the white light spots poured out, smashing, twisting the high-frequency shock ripples of light and dark, exudes a heart-rending, fearful, unclear black arc flash And passed away.

"No! There is a wizard in the wizard who is good at perception. I have found me! Ah..."

The earth-shattering roar, Green's annihilation strike is not painful and insignificant for the void giant, but it is a devastating attack for this creature, and Green has officially opened the wizard rescue plan!


Ps: Today's train, originally had to finish the manuscript last night, the stomach hurts, it seems that after drinking alcohol, the stomach is paralyzed, sleep and rest, today can only use this chapter to save the manuscript, more chapter, owe a chapter, tomorrow train Come to the station to make up.

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