A Sorcerer’s Journey

Vol 29 Chapter 1735: Bewildered and playful


Every inch of the body's skin is subjected to amazing pressure. The robes of the appearance are close to the green skin. When Green returns to normal vision again, the "bang" sounds too much, and the breath of time and space is smashed in this unknown void. open!

咔嚓, 咔嚓, 咔嚓, 咔嚓...

Affected by this, the surrounding time and space of Green seemed to be a broken glass mirror. The cracks "咔嚓" and "咔嚓" expanded and spread, and spread to the depths of the void.


Then, these broken spatio-temporal cracks are filled with exaggerated and amazing voids, and feel the thousands of attacks that are smashed around the body all the time. Green feels a little touch, here is just the edge of the chaotic void. Only the zone.

Behind the night, the wings and the wings gradually dissipated as Green broke away from the wizarding world rules. The truth balance magic wand milky white spot silently dispels the influence of the violent emptiness. As a cross-domain creature from afar, Green's tri-color gaze converges toward the group. All the chaos of chaos in the center of the void.

The chaotic void domain is a battlefield of hundreds of unparalleled super-terror creatures, which is equivalent to seven or eight levels. Under normal circumstances, even if the true spirit dominates the road, it will try its best to bypass this extremely dangerous area. The black witch king is in this film. The dangerous area has been besieged for decades, and I don’t know if it’s helpless to escape from this, or to carefully plan the ambush after passing through this place.

In general, it should be the former.

This piece of void is too vast, and there is a chaotic emptiness storm that is enough for the Lord of the World to fear. Not to mention the hundreds of super-empty creatures in the central area, even though it is difficult to get a black witch on the periphery. The exact information of the king reveals a few invisible creatures hidden in the dark, and some low-level creatures that kill each other and are eager to get a bigger body in the storm.

The sorcerer is a group of uncertain energy bodies for passive passive evolutionary creatures, especially the elemental wizards. Through knowledge, the forces are incited by tiny energy, and it is almost impossible for foreign creatures to accurately obtain the specific power level of the wizard.

For example... now!

It sensed the sporadic time and space fluctuations in the periphery of the chaotic virtual space. The six-level creatures that were also mixed around the area of ​​the group did not feel the pressure of the life level, and then they unknowingly approached.

Green has noticed that the original place has not moved, and the three-color light has been aimed at this little thing that is ignorant and dare to take the initiative to get close to himself.

The three-level biological insight has been thoroughly penetrated in the Green Tri-color ray.

The whole is a crocodile-like shape, more than ten meters high, a large necklace with a skull and a skull hanging on the neck, holding a pair of warhammers in both hands, and having a sturdy and sturdy look, although it seems to be dumbfounded. But a pair of thieves sneaked their eyes and sold it. This guy is obviously not as dull as it is, and the little ears squint.

Very cautious, this six-level creature keeps a safe distance from Green, and voices to Greene: "You are also looking for the blood of the ruler?"

Looking for the blood of the victim?

Thinking of it should mean to control the blood that flows down after the injury.

Green's indifferent gesture nodded: "Yes, did you come for this?"

"Ha ha ha ha, it is said that thousands of wizards from the wizarding world community ran out of the extremely powerful eight-level wizards, smashed into the mussel world community, and threatened to find the imaginary mother to plunder, has completely angered this This ancient ruler entangled more than a dozen world community peaks, is chasing the eight-level wizard, although we are not qualified to break into the chaotic void, but only in the periphery is not small Opportunity to find some of the blood of the ruler!"

Speaking of this, this little guy is very excited and said: "Know that the inside is the real master. At our level, if you can get their blood, maybe you can find it more." The path of higher biology! Affected by this, there are quite a lot of tyrannical creatures coming here. Even if it is acquired, it will inevitably cause a big red wall. Those peripheral virtual creatures are also very dangerous. I don’t see how we can cope with it, look for opportunities together, you see how is it?"

Speaking of it, standing on a lower biological point of view, this little guy is not quite simple.

Perhaps because of the long-term consumption of higher metals, this little guy's surface metal scales and bones have undergone metallization. If some heavy metals infiltrate into flesh and blood, the damage caused may be more terrible than the usual poison.

"Hey, my young master has also made a few partners, do you want to go there?"

Originally on the shoulders of Green, a list of slouchy appearances, because this little crocodile appeared a little bit of spirit, actually said so.

After a little glimpse, the little crocodile was even more excited: "Okay, okay! So maybe we can get a better position in the center area, hahaha!"

Green stunned his eyes and saw that the guy was snickering and no longer said anything, so he waited quietly.

"Hahaha, these light spots are so amazing. Even my imprisonment feels a little uneasy in this chaotic virtual space. Your light spot is easy to resist the power of this void, dare to ask you which world community you come from?"

The little crocodile knocked on the side and listened to the Greens.

At this time, the nearby emptiness of the emptiness, a round of true wizards on the fate lever rules, also fell to the periphery of this chaotic void.

Of course, the nearby void of Green is too far away for this little crocodile. It is just like the beginning of Green's advent, and barely noticed this time and space fluctuation.

"There are people coming and coming!"

The joy of the little crocodile, Green said: "It is a partner of mine."

Soon, a true spirit wizard perceives the Green Will, and after quickly coming to the side of Green, the eyes swept the small crocodile and asked: "What is this?"

A terrible look!

The little crocodile snorted and snorted, and was shocked by the sharp eyes of a true sorcerer. However, although a true sorcerer was a nightmare wizard, it was essentially transformed by an elemental wizard. The small crocodile still I didn't realize what terrible monster I was facing.

"Oh, this is a slave controlled by the black witch king Titan's loss ring~www.novelmtl.com~ in the periphery to seduce the lower creatures, I will play it here, wait for you to come over. It seems so More than strong and famous, the main attack, even the Black Witch King is not good, after a while all the staff arrived, we will follow this small crocodile."

Green said the identity of this small crocodile. In an instant, the six-level small crocodile was stiff and petrified, and stood upright on the spot, a pair of unbelievable Green eyes.


A true spirit sorcerer suddenly became interested in this little crocodile. He looked at the kitten's experimental specimen and wanted to strip the cute little creature into a sleek look and laughed at it. Road: "Little guy, do you want to be a nightmare creature, experience the undead strength combined with illusion and reality?"

The little crocodile stepped back and forth, seemingly scared by a true wizard, and terrified.


With a drop of the sea sorcerer, the tyrannical whale, the real eight-level biological atmosphere, suddenly let the small crocodile into an endless nightmare, every cell is shaking.


PS: The single aristocrats, the egrets are with you, "The Wizard of the Wizards" is with you!

Congratulations to ourselves, we have successfully guarded our pocket witches today, and have not been blackmailed by those 20-piece rose merchants. They have not been ransacked twice as expensive as the hotel, and they have not been crowded because of the seven-point steak seat. Breaking the blood, not defeating the terrible bag monster, we focus on studying the life of self-indulgence, haha.

Then, on this happy day, everyone subscribes to the "Sorcerer's Journey", and all the works written by the egret for two and a half years are all subscribed, respecting the author and respecting himself, and then casting a few recommended tickets, and rewarding a few Make money, let the egrets have fun too.

La la la!

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