A Sorcerer’s Journey

Vol 29 Chapter 1731: Invited by all parties

Ten years later, the Wizards World Community edged the new star.

After thousands of years of rest and recuperation, this time-spaced Saiyan is a large-scale dispatch of scholars to the wizarding world to learn advanced scientific knowledge in this medium-sized world on the edge of the wizarding world community. On the other hand, the junior inferior qualifications of the Saiyan children are Large-scale in the hatchery cabin, put into the emptiness of the void, and then return to the small and medium-sized world gradually grown into qualified Saiyan fighters.

This is a special ceremony for the Saiyan people to prove their existence.

The Saiyan warriors who have no fighting power are not qualified to live in this world. This is the battle blood decision in the Saiyan people.

Saqajita sits on the throne of the supreme throne and has unlimited potential. For thousands of years, the fighting power of Sakagitta has been amazingly improved!

And more importantly... Mo Libi is pregnant!

With the bloodline inheritance of the Saiya royal family, and this is the first child of the high-level Saiyan Mo Libi, the baby who has been gestating for nine months in the abdomen will have incredible and amazing potential, and it is also the foundation of this time-lapse exile. Potential guarantee.

In the following words, in theory, with the death of Mo Libi, the fighting power continues to decline. Unless there is a special variation, the potential is generally not as good as one child.

"The venerable King of Saia, the new star has come out with a projection of the spirit of the wizard, requesting a glimpse."

This medium-sized Asian warrior is kneeling on one knee, tampering with a transparent FRP floor, and below it is a bottomless deep lake. After only a few tens of meters of light, the underwater situation can no longer be seen. Can faintly see some of the amazing shadows disappeared and disappeared.

"The real spirit wizard projection?"

On the throne, Saqageta murmured and meditated for a moment, and said: "It is said that after the annihilation of the sorcerer from the destruction of the giant star, the witch master won the power of imagination and defeated all the spiritual wizards in one fell swoop. The king of wizards, commanding this vast starry sky. Now thousands of years have passed, the king of wizards has not given us a mission to the Saiyan family. It seems that the dispatch of the true spiritual wizards of this time should be the case. ""

Say, Saqajita said with awe: "Please come over."


The middle-class Asian warrior got up and left.

This planet has been developed by the Saiyan family for thousands of years, and now has a fairly advanced basic technology and has enslaved several inferior groups as a follow-up labor force.

"Those wizards..."

Mo Libi hesitated, organized his own words, and immediately said: "Through some secret clues, those wizards seem to be very curious about our Saiyan family. Perhaps in their view, we are no different from those of the lower ethnic groups. It is their research object. Through some intelligence, we learned that many inferior-qualified Saiyan hatcheries were secretly hijacked by the wizards. As an experimental specimen, you should be careful of the wizard's king Green. Right, do you want? Calling Bibi Luo back?"

Compared to the amazing fighting power that Saqajita grew up, Molina died during the incubation period. This is her most vulnerable period, and Molly will lose all her growth potential after her birth.

"No, his mission is very important, and I have to personally see the ethnic group that ruled such a huge star field. How much power is in control, how is it better than the father?"

After half an hour of hourglass.

In the **** of several Saiyan elite warriors, Silvana, now a true spiritual wizard, came to the main hall. After a series of etiquettes from both sides, Silvana naturally sat on the crystal high seat and smiled. This fighting power that Grinton has stunned is amazing.

"Oh, the respected King of Saiyan, I will invite you to represent the Saiyan people in the will of the great wizard, and participate in this alliance meeting. Because you signed a special contract with the King of the Wizards, you can only have to listen. Rights, unable to participate in specific discussions, but have the opportunity to meet privately with the King of the Great Wizard."

After that, a Saiyan warrior handed Silvana's hand to the king of Saqajita.

The face smiled, naturally, Silvana noticed the life of Molly in the belly, and her eyes were visually aware of the amazing power that was sprinkled with her special rules. The smile was slightly solidified.


Radiation the world.

As the forefront of the war of the third civilization of the Wizarding World, it has experienced fierce battles. The masters of the mother-in-law have made great contributions to the alliance. Therefore, in the post-war resource allocation, dozens of small and medium-sized worlds have been divided by the alliance. Radiant the world.


It turned out that the six-ring true spirit wizard projections descended to the void around the radiant world.

Throughout such a long time and space, the six-ring true spirit wizard's will has shook a little, and returned to God, and once I glanced at the endless world, I came down.

With the leadership of the elements of the six-ring true spirit wizard, the projection of the will is personally lowered, and the respect for the master of the mother-in-law can be imagined. www.novelmtl.com~ Mountain Giant World.

A round of true spirit wizard projections descended on the nearby void. As one of the two most famous masters of the Alliance, the gods of the mountain giants have always been the mainstay of the wizarding alliance, and the civilization warfare also contributed to the negligence. The power of the mountain giants led by the mountain giants in the Gulong world really played beyond the imagination, that is, during the war of civilization, Green was accidentally rescued by the master.

The old wizard projection also knows the habit of the mountain giant. After a long sleep, it is awakened, and it is inevitable to have a temper. For a good time, the wizard has also adapted.

There is no doubt that in this world, as long as the highest mountain is found, it is the **** of the gods of the sleeping mountains.


Tree world!

With a period of time and space fluctuations, Green leveraged the power of destiny to leverage the power, the body came to the vicinity of the void, and Xiao Ba drilled out from the gap of the dimension and called: "Ha ha ha, the great wizard of the king of the body personally invited, the world tree The face is big enough!"

Truth balance magic wands the magnificent milky white spot spread, and the green wings behind the night slowly flapped.

Green only stood for a small moment in the void, far away, covering the sky and green, it became a spacious road, gradually extending from the tree world to Green.

There are two six-level peak world tree elves standing on the tip of the tree. The leaves are clothes, and the figure is graceful, pure and holy, moving and perfect.

"The king of the sorcerer, we will come to greet you with the will of the great world mother tree, and the world of trees will be radiant because of your arrival."

The two elves moved in unison, and Green was so low that he smiled and took a small eight-shouldered shoulder on the tree-vine surface, as the tree-vine pavement shrank back to the tree world.

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