A Sorcerer’s Journey

Vol 29 Chapter 1730: Legend of the Witch King

"Dimensional gap seal branding? Hey, it’s a naughty little guy, are you not afraid of magic?"

As a ring of true spirits, the crystal cymbals slowly emerged from the palm of the sky, and the insights of the eyes twitched and twisted the metal palm area, and suddenly found anomalies.

In terms of the concealment of the dimensional gap rune imprint, this can be done, and the control and understanding of the time and space seals can be imagined by a real wizard.

"Oh, it’s really troublesome. Originally, your dimensional gap seal is a whimsical thing. Now there are so many old guys who are the soul partners of the old man. No, no, no chance!"

After Xiaoba was drilled out of the dimensional gap, it was still not optimistic about Green’s attempt to seal the Pemrossius eternal sky with dimensional gap seals.

In the crystal cymbal, a round of true spirit wizard stretched out his right hand, clenched a short magic wand, filled with some color and blurred dream light, gently waving.

After these dreamy and fascinating lights swept over the metal palms, the hidden dimension gaps appeared in the runes, and they were neutralized by the fascinating light.

These dimension gaps, which have not yet worked, are branded as seals!

"Hey, the king of a generation of wizards, Green, the time to close the hand, this is the miracle of war that thousands of millions of wizards in the wizard world have accumulated over thousands of years! And in order to better control this dream war Miracle, this Pmyrosius also sacrificed himself for this, turned into a metal cube, and consciousness was integrated into all aspects of this miracle fortress of the Demonstration Expedition Rules. If you can fight with one person, this hunting expedition will not It’s necessary to do it again because we have lost."

After hearing this, Green shook his head and sneered: "The master is saying this! The Wizarding World regards the abyss world as the eternal enemy. I am afraid that the abyss world does not think so. Compared to the wizarding world we have not yet squandered, The worlds that are connected by infinite coincidences may be about to destroy them. As for the fortress of the Eternal City War, although it is indeed powerful, it is only subject to the miracle of the endless world dimension, if the gap is There is no chance for seals, and I still have other dimensions of the rules of the rules!"

"If that's the case, good!"

A true spiritual wizard said: "With the true ancestors of your wizards, the endless world is vast, but you can go anywhere, if you want to play, come on!"

the other side.

The ancient seal sorcerer who controlled the metal giant of another eternal sky city, because Green changed the space unit again and again, almost in the process of stretching in infinite space and time, the conventional means of the ancient seal sorcerer could not play a role. Next, at this moment, a three-color candle was smashed out.

"woo woo woo woo……"

On the candle, it seems that there is a woman's face crying all the time. With the magic of the ancient wizard, the "green" flame slowly ignites, and the old wizard's finger gently picks up. A soy-like fire, a dignified look at Green and a smile on the shoulders, and then fluttered in the past.

"The mystery of the dead soul, the flame of the dead soul!"

The three-color light that was noticed was looking at it with ease.

"The source of the soul of the dead soul?"

The flame of this dead soul is very magical, as if it has a sense of autonomy, and it quickly penetrates the weakness of Green's rules of changing space and time, and rushes to Green.

Green's rule of the wizard's ancestors did change the space-time unit, but it was not the endless world dimension. The time and space rules were generally flawless, but it was like bricklaying. There was a gap in the gap between time and space. At this moment, the ancient seal witch died. It is the penetration of these brickwork gaps.

"Ha ha ha, the king of a generation of wizards! I remember when I saw you at the round table during the War of Civilization, it was just a little guy who was preparing to advance to the wizard of the real spirit. Now it has become the king of the wizarding world, I am this Old bones also want to teach and teach!"

"Drew kid, this kind of thing can be said to come first and then, and the king of a generation of wizards, we are now in history, I will not let you do such a thing!"

Hey! Hey!

Green has become a hot commodity. These seal wizards are vying for the fight with Green, and they have turned into a metal and metal fist. They are carrying a force from the nearby void and bombarding the Green and the Little Eight.

For Pmyrosius, the large-scale consumption of energy railguns is not the hope that Green will be able to understand the power of the ancient and modern wizards for the Demon Expedition plan while reducing their consumption as much as possible.

"Void barrier!"

Using the ability of the ancestors of the wizards to change the rules and units, Green turned the power of the void in front of it into a vast expanse of rocky continents. The continent is rich and broad, and the ability to live like this is no different from the mythical creation god.

Bang! Bang!

The entire continent is trembled. Through the thick continent, the undulating ripples are transmitted to the Green side, and Green is unmoved.

It’s awkward!

The annihilation of the arc lasing, but under the control of the true body of the Green Wizards, the arc of the world's clothing that annihilated the carrier gradually became a liquid, and perfectly merged with the black annihilation of the flame, forming a hidden but not Destroy the Thunderbolt, under the super-intensity compression of the true ancestor of the wizard's ancestors between Green's hands, this annihilation Thunderball is constantly condensed, getting smaller and smaller, and getting darker and darker, as if it were a natural time-space black hole. Both swallowed in.

"Destroy the collapse, the destruction of the Yuanji!"

Green will compress and destroy the Thunderbolt in the direction of the soul flame penetration.

This super-strength annihilation of the Thunderbolt's structure, nature, and internal contains the mystery of truth. Although it has not reached the level of the second qualitative change, it has a great gap compared with the attack power of the simple annihilation. It also depends on the Green Wizard. The nature of the rule of the ancestors changed the nature of the rules to achieve such a magical witchcraft.


This insignificant black ball approached, as if consuming all the light and darkness, and the flame of the dead soul was inhaled by the black ball, there was no room for resistance, and then it continued to rush to the ancient antiquity Sealing the wizard's metal giant, the small black ball is also slightly unstable.

boom! boom!

Another two metal fists slammed into the rocky continent shaped by Green.

Even this vast continent, comparable to the small world, was smashed by the eternal sky city of Pumirosius, and the stones flew and re-emerged as the power of the void~www.novelmtl.com~ Green is firmly locked.

"Twist the door!"

Green painted a door in front of him, correcting the chaotic compression lock time and space.

Unbelievable changes, then Green stepped out of time and space to lock the range, the truth balance magic wand in the hands of 10,000 meters ingeniously in a metal arm branded under the dimension gap runes.

"Bone spirit, 10,000 bones enchantment..."

The true body of Green's Witch is already enough to fight the giants of Pemulusius's eternal sky city.

Although the mechanical wizards on the city of Eternal Sky are not stationed in the tower of the Eternal Sky City, although Pumirosius only awakens the ancient seal of the body to open the main part of the function, although the real city of the Eternal Sky is only activated. 23.57% of the world broke through the Wizarding World and Green, and most of the rest are still under the waters of the Wizarding World.

This kind of battle is not only the true understanding of the greatest connotation of the Demon Expedition, but also the true terror limit of the Wizarding King.

The wizards who live in this era are undoubtedly lucky!

The battle lasted for more than three months, and the void near the wizarding world was turbulent for this rule, and it was extremely chaotic. If it were not for the wizarding world, it would be inevitable that it would be affected.

In the corners of some remote areas of the wizarding world, occasionally the leaves of flowers and plants suddenly fall, and the roots are yellow and withered, which seems to be a sign of a large loss of vitality.

As the king of the last generation of wizards exhibited an unprecedented witchcraft, in the rule of the rule that even the spiritual wizard was difficult to understand, the city of Pemirosius eternal sky chose to take the initiative to end the battle and return to the wizarding world.

At this point, the name of the king of a generation of wizards has passed through the rules of the wizarding world and gradually spread to the world of the wizarding world community.

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