A Sorcerer’s Journey

Vol 29 Chapter 1732: World mother tree

It seems that this road of welcoming paved by the world's tree branches will take a while from the world of the tree.

The green oil-oil blades only block the most important parts of the graceful graceful figure. Two six-level peaks of the world tree elves kneel on the ground, and the stunning slender snow white thighs are exposed.

A world tree elf uses the most tender and delicate world tree buds as tea leaves, carefully brewed, soft movements inadvertently look at the three colors of the green, eyebrows, heart-thinking, touching, shy and charming, let the gesture It seems as if the soul of the viewer is to be hooked.

The other world tree elf is filtered in the life spring that evolved from the rules of the world of trees. It is screened again and again. During the bow movement, the chest is soft and full, and the waves are ups and downs. People can’t help but worry about the next moment. Two poor green leaves will not be able to withstand the inner pressure and be completely blasted.


Green and Xiao Ba Duan took a cup of tea, took a sip of heat, and tasted the beauty of it, and experienced the unspeakable mood.

"Cough and cough!"

Xiaoba’s wings put down the teacup in his hand, a serious saying: “My young master, but there is a beautiful wife waiting at home, dare to seduce my family’s young master to make mistakes. The ice age holy sorcerer is very angry, the consequences are very serious, be careful that you can’t eat it. go!"


A serious little eight attracts two world tree elves with a burst of silvery laughter, and the world tree elf who filters the fountain of life smiles and says: "The perfect male creature like the ancestor of the wizard is the ultimate of all female creatures. Pursuit, if we can leave a trace of blood in our body, it will be our universal nature, that is, the world mother tree will also enjoy the supreme grace, so we must try hard."

Said, this world tree elf beauty flow, eyes like a talking moon, full of joy to look at the small eight.

"It's so beautiful, you are the soul partner of the ancestor's ancestor Green, the famous ancient steel emblem, the eight-year-old eight-vion neovich? Wow... even the most beautiful nine-color phoenix in the tree world, there is no such activity. The charm, the giggling, the respected Lord Yaohong Vivi, can you satisfy me with a wish?"


After Xiaoba was flattered by the world tree elf, the triumphantly floated up. At this time, when he heard the question of the world tree elf, he could not help but be alert. He said: "What desire?"

"Giggle, that... can I hug you? Because I am so unrelenting for such beautiful things!"

In the small eight, I was at a loss, this world tree elf has not yet got the consent of Xiao Ba, and the hands are so gently holding the small eight, put it in the gap between his chest and the crevice, for fear of Xiao Ba because of himself The strength is too big to hurt, the appearance of a very happy and intoxicated.

Greene thought that Xiaoba would be so angry that he would reprimand the bold arrogance of this world tree elf. When he saw it, he saw Xiaoba’s eyes in the chest gap of this world tree elf, and closed his eyes. If you want to die, how can you be half-hearted?

I just want to die here!

The small head forced the eyes to keep squatting between the soft waves, and the small eight-small wings were on the snow-white waves, and they were not honest.

Seeing this scene, Green couldn't help but sigh, and then secretly said: "Colored starling, go back and tell Ye Ye."

This guy first warned the two world tree elves not to mourn for Green, but then they looked like this, and the naked cockroaches were written on the face.

"Cough and cough..."

Green wants to remind Xiao Ba, who knows that this guy looked at Green and turned his head to the other side, completely ignore Green, so that Green is not good on the spot, but I have already thought about it for Ye Ye. Small report lines.

After a little while.

With the world's branches at the foot of Green gradually retracted into the rules of the world's clothing, in the world of trees, the green leaves of the sky replaced the ordinary world, the sun, the moon, the blue sky and white clouds, and so on, the billions of world tree elves and Surrounded by wonderful little creatures, colorful and beautiful, it seems to be the grandest and grandest welcoming ceremony in the world.

Compared to the previous Green in the world of trees, the world seems to have changed a lot, or because of the increase in Green's status?

As the world's branches continue to shrink, it seems to gradually come to the center of the world, it is a super giant tree bred in the void, in the quality of life of Green, this terrible life is too large So that it can't make any active displacement behavior, but as long as it reaches the scope of its rules, it is the absolute dominance. The level of power is not much different than the real world of the wizard world, even in regeneration. Strength and carrying capacity will be even better

At the moment, you are in the other person's body!

"King of the sorcerer, please come with me."

Led by the six-level world tree elf, among the tens of thousands of world tree elves, Green semi-floating on this warmly welcoming and adorned world of branches, marching to a tree hole in the trunk Before, the breath of life on the face makes Green feel refreshed and refreshed in every breath.

The ordinary world tree elves have stopped here. Only some high-level world tree elves continue to embrace Green. In the light of a radiant natural gem, the group gradually came to the depths of the world tree hole.

Tick, ticking, ticking, ticking, ticking...

The essence of the life-like atmosphere, if the lower wizard can live here for a while, I am afraid that the evolution of the passive body can be upgraded to the level of the third-level wizard.

The vast sea of ​​emerald green sap, but it is gathered by the numerous stalactites on the top of the sky. The tide of the sap of the sap of the sap of the sap, this should be similar to the source of the magic of the wizard tower. The place, however, is such a huge world tree, and in the context of the rule of the world, it has formed this vast ocean, vast and magnificent.

A leaf boat, the pontoon is a ginseng gnome, low: "The king of the sorcerer, I have been waiting for a long time, please, the world mother tree will be welcomed at the heart of the world."

Green looked at this ginseng gnome guardian a little more, is a world guardian equivalent to the seven-level biological strength!


After Green, Green went to the boat and looked back at the little eight who was still immersed in the soft wave of the world tree elf. He asked, "Are you walking with me or staying here?"

However, I saw that Xiao Ba was impatient and waved his wings, and Li did not care about Green. The consciousness is self-evident.


Snoring and snoring, Green gestured to the Guardian to take a boat and walk alone to the core of the world tree.

The space in the world tree trunk is illusory. The speed of the boat is not slow. However, in Green’s induction, it is still enough to spend more than ten days before finally getting close to a small one. island.

The giant face of the human wizard, composed of infinite and endless world leaves, is the familiar face of the world tree that Green once saw.

"The advent of the great sorcerer's ancestors is really fascinating! I am fortunate enough to receive the ancestors of the wizards many times, enough for me to write this into the history of the world, hahaha..."

The will of the world's mother tree, which has gathered hundreds of millions of leaves, has spared no effort to flatter Green. It seems that Green's coming is full of life meaning.

However, perhaps at this moment, only the tree of life in the endless world is the true understanding of Green's terrible life!

From the moment when Green is not as good as the rules of the world tree, the rule strength that Green rejects and integrates into the world is the uncontrolled area of ​​the world tree. Compared to the calculation of subtraction that has been actually controlled, the world tree can easily get Green Real. The degree of power.

"Oh, the American Society of Shakespeare, which was donated by the world's mother tree, gave me a great benefit on the road to growth, and the virtues were created and never forgotten."

Green also responded appropriately, and then went on to say: "So, this time, I will come here on behalf of the wizard and will renew the contract with you, and continue to complete the mutually beneficial cooperation between the two sides. I believe that you also know the Wizards World from the Demon Expedition. It’s not too far a day. It’s time to take your real strength. This time, I will be in the capacity of a generation of wizards to discuss with you the subtle conditions in the specific cooperation plan, in order to prepare for the fate contract of both parties. How do you see it?"

“Nature is great!”

Every time the league meeting is attended by the world tree, and there is very little opposition, because the special life of these supreme beings has always been like a round table, ahead of schedule!

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