A Sorcerer’s Journey

Vol 29 Chapter 1700: Dimension dimension source (top)

I walked for a while, and a man with a **** was coming.

There is still some memory for this old Berglin. If you don't see this old man with your own eyes, I am afraid that Green will not remember this face again. The rules of this illusory world are unbelievable. Is it his own subconscious world?

"Hey, Green, what are you going over there? The mountain pass seals the road, I can't, go back!"

The old man was a little deaf, so the voice was very loud and almost shouted.

"Oh, I will go and see, come back later, your old man will go back first!"

Green also responded with a shout, and did not listen to the persuasion to continue walking.

After a while, the landslide warning sign appeared. However, Green still ignored it and continued to move forward. Even the landslides on the road did not care. After stalking the layers of stone, he stared at the torrent flood. According to this illusory time and space rule, It was the mountain torrents that caused the landslides in the past few days and had a natural causal relationship.

Green doesn't care, keep moving forward!

The protection of the light of destiny is forcibly summoned to this time and space, then one can be sure that he will never die.

In the fog, the visibility is only about five meters, hehe.

Oh la la...

The running water in the Pentium was mixed with silt and gravel, and the muddy mud completely blocked Green's way. However, Green did not pay attention to it. So he stepped into the muddy turbid torrent, letting the torrents wash away, but completely circumvented it. Green, Green seems to be covered by a layer of invisible protective film, which is not conducive to Green's rules are automatically offset.

"Destiny call?"

Mysterious and boring "哒", "哒", "哒", "哒" sounds like in the ear, Green does not care, continue to move forward, whether it is blocking the street signs or warning along the way, Green did not pay attention.

Gradually, the surrounding area began to become ridiculous, and it should have exceeded the scope of the city of Bisser.

“It seems that something is not quite right. Bisser City is a city on a large island on the edge of the gem sea. It belongs to the temperate maritime monsoon climate and should not have such a desert environment.”

There are no even sounds of animals around, and the air has become full of oppression. The mud under the feet is like a dead land without life rules. This unprecedented feeling...


Suddenly, an electric light flashed from the dead sand in the foot. Then, a thunder element elf flashed its back wings and said in front of Green: "You can't move any further. This is the limit you can explore. If you don't want to die, go back."

Green looked at this little elite, very strange feeling.

The farther away from the city of Bisser, the weaker his perception, and the mood seems to calm down, and there is no accident because of the elf's warning.

"So, who are you?"

Said, Green bent down, grabbed a piece of sand from the feet without vitality, let the sand fall from his fingers, but found that after the sand fell to the ground, a circle of silver and white data flow light seems to be in all directions. The ripples are generally open.

This is not the loss of all abilities, it should be seen in the normal nature!

When the data flow changes, the monotonous "哒", "哒", and "哒" knocking sounds are obviously much clearer, and it seems that it is not far ahead.

Green did not show an abnormality. After thinking for a while, he grabbed a handful of sand again. It was still a circle of data flow changes, but the light wave was much thinner than it was. There seems to be a rule to eliminate these anomalies. Although it is impossible to see the mysteries of these data streams, it is clear that the fonts that make up the mysteries of these data streams are those square-shaped source runes.

"I am electronic information. You can also call me high-latitude data streams, or the source of the rules. Even the will of God is right. The endless world is compiled by hundreds of millions of people, and then stirred by endless rules. The inanimate elements form a random rule and a balance of things."

Said, this e-mail elf continued: "This is the source of the endless world, you are moving forward is the birthplace of electronic information, the source of wisdom of all things, you do not want to take this into a higher dimension, because you only It will be shattered and erased by hundreds of millions of electronic data streams, and return to the essence of the endless world. Don't blame me for not reminding you."

"You lied to me."

Green has no feelings: "You are just a rule that wants to stop me, just like all the roadblocks before. You appear because the world created here is too small, or my speed." It's still fast, can't you keep up with the speed of shaping these rules?"

At this moment, Green once again grabbed a fine sand and landed on the ground. The data flow of the silver-white spot was almost faint, and the knocking sounds of "哒", "哒", and "哒" also slowed down.

"Hey, what do you think about how you think about it, if you have the ability, you will continue to move forward! Anyway, if you are honest, you will not be aware of how you broke through the rule blockade." www.novelmtl.com ~ But this is already your limit, or honestly waiting for the balance rule to send you back to your time and space."

After that, the lightning elf claiming to be electronically re-drilled back into the desert.

"The feeling of oppression in the wind has disappeared, and the sand is once again full of vitality. In such a real time, why do you feel fear?"

Green has found that in addition to the most basic rational thinking, the inner feelings have basically disappeared completely. It seems that the hormone secretion of the body has completely disappeared, and all the desires of his own are taken away.

"Sure enough, the absolute rationality that the wizard pursues is not unfounded."

Green will spill the sand that has no meaning in his hand, and then walk forward again, and it seems that in order to verify what, the speed of advancement is obviously much faster, accompanied by the "snoring" and "snoring" of the gasping, the boring " The sounds of 哒 and 哒 have become very clear again.

Soon, in the earth under the feet, the hard and dead feelings reappeared. The depression in the air seemed to make people unable to breathe, but Green did not care, but the pace was faster, running at full speed.

Gradually, the distant sky is dimly dim, there are no clouds, no starry sky, it is like an empty void, which is in stark contrast with the misty atmosphere behind the earth and the clear sky in the sky.

"That... that is the power of high latitudes, smearing the power of latitude to break the balance rules!"

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