A Sorcerer’s Journey

Vol 29 Chapter 1699: 哒 哒 哒 哒 ……

At the entrance, the colorful radiance spread.

Everything in the world of wizards seems to have been covered with a layer of colorful rays of light, dreamy and fascinating, beautiful and beautiful, extending to the end of the sky, and the three colors of Green are not awkward at this moment.

Green also knows that this is that he is falling into the illusory world from the real material energy world.

Gradually, the surrounding spiritual wizards disappeared in the colorful light, and Green was like a drop of water, involuntarily in the distortion, drifting with the waves.


The smoky black smoke replaces the elemental energy perception. These black smoke should be the energy of some negative emotions. Sometimes, when a large group of black smoke gathers together, it will form a fierce and strange face, and then it will be unprovoked. dissipate.

These black smokes have the ability to hurt emotions, and the restless emotions of baking are deeply disturbed.

Green is still immersed in deeper time and space in the constant distortion, the concentration of black smoke around it is getting higher and higher, and Green is smashing into a smoky face in the distortion of time and space. The boundless dark negative emotions wrap Green, as if The subconscious reserves of countless common creatures in their early years.

There is a period of time, perhaps a certain stage of life, these creatures are violent, abominable, and disgusting, but after all, they mature in the growth of social rules and gradually become the masters of social rules.

However, the negative emotions that these people once appeared did not disappear.

They become a kind of energy similar to the demon, hidden in this illusory world, will be the most vulnerable when people's inner emotional defenses, returning to the material to lead the world of these creatures, quietly sprouting and growing, trying to replace the society The body driven by rules and behavioral education occupies the main idea.

I do not know how long it has been……


After a long period of negative darkness and emotionalization of the world, Green gradually found some brilliance in the process of constant distortion of time and space.

It is a pale green scent, fluttering, they will appear out of thin air, and they will continue to disappear from the air.

woo woo woo woo……

In this smoldering fire, there are rag dolls, small toys, and even some beautiful and meaningless stones, broken flowers and plants... without the spirit of wandering, "呜呜呜" sobbing and weeping.

They are the pleasures of the same year, but they are forgotten in their growth, disappear in the material energy world, and can only exist in the subconscious corners, eager for their masters to recall them one day and give them new meanings.

However, such waiting is extremely desperate, and most childhood memories will be forgotten forever.

At the foot of the worn-out shabby bear, a paper box with a picture of Mom and Dad and the child's stick figure is supposed to be a birthday present for Dad, as the most wonderful happy memory of the child's life. Because the divorce of Mom and Dad was interrupted, this box also became the secret of the child's life, representing a seal, and even as time passed, because of the huge psychological burden, the child chose to actively forget.

woo woo woo woo……

In the box, the villain is also crying, and Green whips along the villain in the distorted time and space and enters his mouth.

It seems to have fallen into a black hole that never ends.

Tick, ticking, ticking, ticking, ticking...

The familiar gear wears the sound, which is the mechanical swing behind the mechanical clock hands.

Sure enough, with the clearing of the three colors of Green, the moment is a time with a huge illusory clock. The circle of "tick" and "tick" hands is half in the real world and half in the illusory world.

"Superconducting time."

Green suddenly thought of some theory of time and knowledge.

The true time is not the limit, the appearance time is not the basic moment, everything is just the biological self-perception of time. For example, in the process of waiting for a date, time seems to be extraordinarily long, but in the long time of reunion, time is again It's that fast, that's the difference in perception of time.

Legend has it that there is a world that affects the perception of time rules. It will shorten the good time and add it to the painful time, so that the good is always short, the pain is burned into the deepest part of the heart, warning people to cherish all the good.

"This is already an illusory world that affects the fundamental law of the endless world. It is similar to the Dimensional Esophagus, the Ashes World, and the Colorful World of Time and Space. Do you still need to go deeper? Antonio, where did you explore it!"

Green's body is still being called by the destiny of time and space, twisting into deeper illusions.

At the center of the illusory clock pointer, Green whirls into the deeper illusory world.

The surrounding light and shadow, as if everything is spinning around itself, Green quietly waits for deeper illusory rules.

Gradually, the surrounding light spots seem to slow down, the space-time structure is stabilizing, and everything around it is gradually appearing in Green's eyes.

哒, 哒, 哒, 哒, 哒, 哒, 哒, 哒...

The strange and boring sound of "哒, 哒, 哒" seems to come from the ear, as if someone is constantly tapping on something with his fingers, telling something, and making a rhythmless "哒", "哒" The sounds of "哒" and "哒" sound so dull and boring, but if you don't take it seriously, you will forget these sounds.

"This this……"

In Green's eyes, everything overlaps with everything in memory. The face of truth is wide open, and the three-color pupils are shrunk into needle tips. After a moment of stiff body, they snorted.

Here, it turned out to be the home of the old Ham, Green's childhood in the small nest in the city of Bisser!

Everything here is so familiar.

The dilapidated felt was smashed, the squatting chamber pot, the kerosene lamp on the table, the wooden raft under the bed, and even the stones on the earthen stove were exactly the same.

“Through time and space back to the wizarding world of my childhood? Impossible, impossible... never impossible!”

Boom! Boom! Boom!

"Green is dressed, and he will be late if he doesn't leave."

The familiar knocking sound is not the old Ham who can be, Green can not open the wooden door unbelievably, "Oh," he is seeing the old Ham sitting in the carriage, "Hey," "Oh, let's go." Sucking his cigarette rod.

After the old Ham looked at Green, he was careless: "Get on the bus, today is a big fog, go early."

Green looked quietly, this is indeed the old Ham, but he did not seem to be surprised by Green's wizard dress, or the Green in his eyes is another look, childhood look?

It is worthy of being the edge of dimension dimension explored by Antonio. The rules here are really different!

Except for the faint "哒", "哒", and "哒" sounds, everything is the same as that in Green's memory.

At the same time, Green was surprised to find that the rules here are more qualitative than the material energy world, the illusory world, and even the dimensional gap. Even the omnipotent soul and the truth are here. Also completely lost the effect!

Did not show an abnormality, Green sat on the old Ham's carriage, the horseshoe stepped on the road, "哒", "哒" sound, and gradually became the one with the "哒" and "哒" that did not know where to come from.

Hey, hey.

After the old Ham took two cigarettes, the fingers pressed the smoke pot, and after the fire was extinguished, he carefully took it away and cherished it. He looked at the green road behind the wooden carriage: "How did you fight again yesterday, they bully you? Already?"


Green is silent, no words, but old Ham seems to have expected this, and said: "You, temper is too big, we are just ordinary civilians, tell you how many times do not cause trouble. People It’s not easy to live. Everyone has his living method to live. You look like us. Every day, I am responsible for dumping garbage to the Viscount House. The Viscount does not look at us. Usually the old housekeeper is making a fortune on our heads. But as long as we don't work one day, we guarantee that the Viscount will slap him a **** head. Like our old horse, if we don't take care of it, don't let it be happy, as long as it doesn't work, we will I haven't had to eat it..."

The familiar discourse is exactly the same. After seeing the old Ham in the contemplative Green, I don’t know what kind of heart, respectfully said: "Know it."

But at this very moment, Green found some surprises.

The fog is very large, the visibility is almost less than five meters, and the white mist seems to float in the water. However, the strange thing is that such a large fog, but only the visibility on this road is enough to be twenty or thirty meters, it seems that I am afraid that it is wrong. Yes, this is extremely inconsistent with the rules!


With such a fierce call, Green is really uncomfortable.

"I want to pee."

After the old Ham looked at Green, he stopped the carriageway: "Spread the roadside."


The city's main government, the guards, the streets of Bisser City, the garbage of the banquet, the villagers smiled, and Green even saw Lafite in his childhood!

Everything is so familiar, so real, only the strange "哒", "哒" sound and fog, let Green feel a heavy weight, know the mystery of this illusory time and space rule, I am afraid it is hidden in the two It is.

At noon, the fog is still awkward, but the top of the head is clear, and Green suddenly said: "Grandpa, let's go to the mountain and see."

Old Ham was sucking the cigarette rod and responded: "The sun is about to go down the mountain. What to do there, I heard that the road was crushed by the rocks a few days ago, and the carriage could not pass, go back and rest."

"No, I am going to play!"

Green actually learned the little boy ~www.novelmtl.com~ said to the old Ham.

The omnipotent soul in Green's body can't be stimulated. It can be said that Green at this time has completely become a completely ordinary person.

If it is other creatures, I am afraid that I am already scared at the moment, but Green does not, because Green is a wizard, and the source of the power of the wizard is wisdom!

"You kid, go go, don't run away, get up early tomorrow."

Then Oldham no longer cares about Green, letting Green fall into the fog and gradually move away.

嗒, 嗒, 嗒, 嗒, 嗒, 嗒, 嗒, 嗒...

The boring monotonous "哒" and "哒" sounds don't know where they came from.


PS: I have been thinking for a long time. It is better to update separately today. It is a suspense to give everyone an hour to think about it. So update the chapter in advance and everyone can freely guess!

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