A Sorcerer’s Journey

Vol 29 Chapter 1701: Dimension dimension source (below)

Green stopped a little and stopped to look at it. At the speed visible to the naked eye, the sky that was originally gray and empty was gradually filled by the rules, as if the rules of the clear sky gradually filled the piece of "blank".

Snoring, snoring, snoring, snoring...

Green continued to sprint and rushed forward, sprinting at a speed close to the sprint, and soon surpassed the speed of the clear-air rule, but Green still did not stop, still moving on, and gradually, the rules of clear sky after the match were not seen. Even the distant land has turned into a dark "blank zone", but Green is still moving forward.

哒, 哒, 哒, 哒, 哒, 哒, 哒, 哒...

The noise of the knocking sound is almost in the ear, and the land that Green can see is less and less, less and less, leaving only a small piece of land under his feet, and the surrounding has become Endless dark "blank zone", can't see the sky, can't see the ground.

Green doesn't care, keep moving forward!

Finally, gradually, the soil beneath Green's feet disappeared. Green was moving in the darkness. There was no sky, no land, no reference, and only Green itself was ignorant and fearless.

"No, no, why is this, why..."

Suddenly, Green’s “frightened” discovery, even disappearing itself, is being swallowed up by the “darkness gap”, which means that he is being erased by the fate of truth.

Is it just true that the warning of the self-proclaimed electronic information data flow Thunder Elves is true! ?

I am being purified by the source rules and disappearing!

Green was horrified to stop at the place. At this moment, Green has completely lost in this endless darkness. There is no distinction between upper, lower, east, south, west and north. Even if you want to return, you can't find the direction.

Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey!

The knocking sound is clearly audible.

After a while.

In the long wait, Green found that the blank part that he had been swallowed up by the darkness was being replenished, and the darkness of the feet was also filled with dirt and gradually spread to the distance.

Standing in the same place, not moving for a long time.

I don't know how long it took, the soil gradually spread to the end of the horizon, and even the sky re-emerged. The air gradually flowed with the wind, and even the earth's vitality was gradually restored. The rule of the clearer sky was closer to here.

The percussion sounds of "哒", "哒", and "哒" gradually disappeared.

Green, who had not moved for a long time, raised his head fiercely, his eyes were firmer than ever, biting his teeth, taking a deep breath and pursuing a rush to the front!

It’s still the previous change. Everything around it has turned into a dark blank area. There are no rules, no energy, no dead space, and Green’s body is being swallowed by the darkness, but Green is still moving forward. Stay.

The hands and feet disappeared, the body disappeared, spread from the neck, and lost the limbs. Green's will and eyes were still moving forward, but Green was fearless, following the increasingly close and clearer "哒" and "哒" "Sound, never stay.

do you died……

Just as Green was swallowed up by the darkness, and caught in the moment when the real "dark blank death" was actively wiped out...

Of course!

Everything Green has seen has changed like never before!

Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey! Oh...

Green looked up and looked at the dull and monotonous "哒" and "哒" sounds. It was an area consisting of dozens of nearly a hundred squares, each with different symbols, and those "哒" "," "哒" sound, precisely because these squares are constantly falling and falling back, as if on these squares, there is a pair of infinite giant hands constantly hitting these square buttons.

At the same time, one after another square-shaped runes are generated in nothingness, arranged in a neat data chain, which constitutes everything in the sky, the earth, and the air.

These dark green native runes are the rules of the endless world!

Green reached out and looked at himself.

In "Fairy Tale", the commander of Xiahe Civilization tells his meaning, the two square-shaped runes...

At this moment, my body is composed of endless dark green runes. Their dense relationship constitutes their own skin mechanism. Their brightness and darkness constitute their own body essence, and their flow changes constitute their own magic. Operation and omnipotent soul consumption.

The face of truth, the balance of truth, the magic wand, the soul of omnipotence, the means of witchcraft...

Green has restored all abilities, but in the essence of this data flow world, along with the boring "哒" and "哒" sounds, it has no meaning, just a relationship of data flow changes.

The radiance of the balance of magic wand is exchanging information with all the data streams that you can see, and can interact with each other. The truth is analyzing the changes in the spectrum of the dark green rays of these data streams. The so-called final step back to the truth. Is this essence seen through the spectrum? The Book of Truth can tear a thick data flow rule barrier and awaken some gloomy data streams...

"Ohh Ohh ohh……"

Green suddenly lost all his strength. Half a squat on the ground composed of data streams, he burst into tears in his face, as if he was a helpless child, fearing everything unknown.

Tears are insignificant information secreted by the data flow in Green's body. Even breathing is the body's constant exchange of in vitro and in vivo data streams.

Gradually, the sounds of "哒" and "哒" are blurred. The information flow of the square's original rune information has already constructed everything around Green. The darkness drowns the data flow in front of it, and then gradually spreads to the end of the sky.

Everything is back, Green is walking between a mountain.

Looking at everything around him, Green grabbed a handful of dirt but seemed to forget that it was earthy and his eyes were ignorant. When Green fell again, the soil turned into a witch coin, and he was stunned. On the ground.

"The ideal turns into reality, the ultimate power of the wizard, the true instinct of the eighth layer of the ancestors of the wizard..."

The tears in the corner of the eye, Green regained his body, the helplessness of the soul, and swaying, Green did not have any joy for the discovery of his truth, even the change of the truth balance magic wand is not moving, as if Everything has no meaning.

Truth balances the magic wand attribute.

I. Energy trading: The energy source of perpetual motion, the birth of perpetual motion is based on the new human beings that God can't make a piece of stone that he can't move. God is not omnipotent. If the endless world is shaped by God, there is bound to be a BUG in the endless world!

Mastering the perpetual motion is the identification of the contradiction of the fate of the truth, destroying the rules of the endless world balance. The degree of energy blessing is based on the exploration of the fate of truth, and the denial of self on the basis of the endless world rules.

Basic grasping conditions: from absolute atheism to behind-the-scenes conspiracy theories.

Holding the demand attribute: the protagonist of the times, the attention of the public.

Five energy blessings: 3500000 degrees + 700,000 degrees + 400,000 degrees + 300,000 degrees + 5 million degrees.

The balance of magic wand is also known as the Witch's Scepter. At this moment, Green's fifth blessing ~www.novelmtl.com~ has directly increased by 5 million degrees!

The degree of energy blessing is based on the exploration of the fate of truth. The negation of self on the basis of the endless world rule cognition directly raises five million degrees. It is conceivable that Green's self-denial on the basis of endless world rule cognition has arrived. To what extent.


Truth Balance Magic Wand Hidden Attribute: Get equal to Lost.

Lost, helpless, fearful, once the Black Witch King and Antonio, there have been, and now Green sees What Antonio has seen, then what did the Black Witch King see in ancient times?


PS: The answer is revealed. If you can return to the world of material energy, it can be said that Green is the second black witch king, and the nine-level creatures that stay in the material energy world, the protagonist officially entered the dimension of the "Witches Journey" dimension time and space.

Three more, nothing more than a year ago, just wrote the main part of "The Wizard of the Wizard", ask for a subscription, full order, 呜呜呜, sell Meng rolling, seeking rewards, recommended tickets, monthly tickets, New Year's money...

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