A Sorcerer’s Journey

Vol 29 Chapter 1698: Wizard World War (20)

The golden silk is flying, the wild violence and the wise and delicate mixture, the dark and dark shadows of the dark and the feet under the feet, slowly look at a true spiritual wizard.

"So... a respectful round of true spiritual wizards, after losing the metal fire, how many omnipotent souls you have lived from ancient times to today, and how many omnipotent souls are consumed for meaningless battles?"

As one of the two oldest wizards in the wizarding world, a round of true spiritual wizards has many characteristics that are not available to the strong and strong, that is, to recognize the affairs of the time and to see everything in the historical development status clearly.

A round of real spirit wizards stared at Green, shocking the state of Green's self-sealing.

"At least not to be scared by your little guy! You will shoot, I will not consume the Almighty Soul for this, but it will never let you easily achieve the king of the wizard, no, you think I am just Do you rely on metal fire?"

Green Smile smiled.

"Of course not! Hey, no matter whether the master experienced all the mechanical ups and downs after the war of civilization, or the infinite micro mystery, I am willing to teach it in the next!"

At the foot of Green, the time and space are like dominoes in all directions, and the chaos is distorted.

Although it is such a humble speech, Green has step by step toward a round of real spirit wizard Wan Mi mechanical real body to take the initiative, is already overwhelming momentum in the victory.

"Young is so good! Young people now..."

The body of a real spirit wizard is like dust, and it spreads from the top of the head and the ends of the hands and feet.

Although there is no in-depth study of the infinite microscopic, but because of the relationship between metal fires, Green knows that the round of true spirit wizards is in an invincible state of infinite microcosm, which is a world that is even smaller than the limit of biological cognition. The attack of the material energy world is too big for these infinite microscopic fields. It is as if the elephant is hard to damage the microbes, and it is difficult for ordinary attacks to be effective.

Even at this moment Green, it is difficult to have a good solution for it.

Green couldn't help but miss the face of his own truth. If the face of truth is still there, the way to solve it will be much wider.


A penetrating laser flashed, but it was a round of real spirits who made a finger and sneaked on Green.

Losing the truth, the prophet’s insight, Green, although the sneak attack was successful, but the Green at this moment is too strong, this area of ​​five million degrees of attack is only able to break the Green's body strength ripple, for the Green body surface There have been some insignificant damages.

It’s awkward!

The black arc is distorted with light and darkness in all directions, and it is just finished with this finger.

Although this metal finger immediately chose to disintegrate after a blow, it was still hit by Green's annihilation of the arc, and nothing was left. A round of true spirit witches couldn't help but scream.

Green's eyes looked around in all directions, carefully guarding against possible attacks, and sneer in the mouth: "How long does your infinite microscopic state last? Look at your immediate sneak attack instead of waiting for my self-sealing to end. I am afraid Can't it last too long?"

After a pause, Green continued: "It is very difficult to harm me with a small size, but it is difficult to avoid my perception and counterattack when I plan to be a large-scale body. It is a headache." Hey!"

Just like a round of true spirit wizards seeing Green's ability to balance light, Green has also seen through the infinite micro mystery of the real wizard!

"It's really a headache. Even the space-based star guns can't be worn. After you took the only rule of the perpetual motion, this little guy is really difficult..."


the other side.

The second ring of the true spirit wizard dandelion, only half of the strength of the three-ring true spirit wizard, the book of the holy tree dedication to the mysterious immortal five-ring true spirit wizard, holding the fate lever six-ring true spirit wizard, Guanglingbao true spirit dedication eight The sorcerer of the sacred spirit, the curse, the development of the true spirit, the dedication of the nine-ring true spirit wizard, the two-wheeled true spirit wizard, the three-wheeled true spirit wizard, the four-wheeled true spirit wizard, the five-wheeled true spirit wizard, the four-star true spirit wizard, the five-star real spirit wizard Six-star true spirit wizard, seven-star true spirit wizard, sea king sacrifice, mermaid king, blood rain avatar, fighting war knight, flaming soul 10,000 bird.

The existence of many true spirits is so close to the past on the edge of the mainland.

Who is the oppressive, uneasy, and depressed pressure?

As the people get closer and closer, the overwhelming source of darkness finally appears in front of everyone, unlike the Samsung sorcerer and the round of real wizards who are deeply involved, only in the darkness of the source. Talents can feel the pressure in it, which is an absolute field!

At the center of this absolute field, there is an astonishing power ripple, swaying the ripples of power that makes people feel scared.

Even if the weak spirit is standing just before the ripple, it feels that the omnipotent soul of the real body is not moving.

"It seems that the annihilation of the wizard Green won the final victory."

The words of the six-ring true spirit wizards were also confirmed by the public, and everyone had different reactions, but the hidden smiles on the faces of the Sea King Festival, the Mermaid King, the Fighting Knight, and the Second Ring Spirit Wizard are self-evident.

Whether or not Green challenges Pumirosius and the Black Witch King success, whether they have achieved the true first-generation wizard king, their purpose has been achieved.

"All the spiritual wizards obey the orders, recognize the king of the wizards, and return to the city of eternal sky. From now on, they must not hinder the true devotion of the ancestors of the wizards!"

The silver-white metal flame returned, and the true spirit of the wizard was weak, but the soul of the Almighty was restored. The wolf flew back to the city of the sky, and did not want to wait for another breathing time.

Two rounds, three rounds, four rounds, and five rounds of real spirits saw this. They couldn’t help but feel a little embarrassed. They didn’t dare to stay too much. They followed a round of true spiritual wizards and flew back to the city of eternal sky. .


In a twinkling of an eye, many of the true spiritual wizards who remained in place have been unknowingly shrouded in the source of darkness, and hundreds of millions of people with darkness have passed silently between many real spirit wizards.

"Hey, hey, hehe..."

The gloomy laughter walked step by step from the deepest part of the darkness.

Every step of the way, the flash of time and space cracks spread like a spider web. The face of truth has been re-appeared in the face of Green, three eyes of different colors squinted, staring at the abyss and sorcerer.

“Who else wants to block the King of the Wizards?”

The abyss of the underground that was gazing at Green's eyes, no one dared to look at Green at this moment, and lowered their heads, avoiding Green's gaze.

"So, elemental wizard, what about you?"

Immediately afterwards, Green's gaze was drawn from the front of a famous elemental wizard. In addition to the slightest "worry" smile of the five-ring true spirit wizard, the eyes only looked at the six-ring true spirit wizard, only holding the fate lever. The six-ring true spirit wizard and Green are looking at each other without fear!

Wearing the face of truth, Green knows why the Sixth Ring Spirit Wizard is not afraid of himself.

The Sixth Ring Spirit Wizard is not fearless because of the support of the fate lever in his hand, but from the day he is a true spiritual wizard, he is afraid of something far more terrible than Green, spending all his time in fear, exhausting Hide yourself with all your strength.

The creation of six-ring algae from nothing has given him unlimited potential, and because of this infinite potential, he has fallen into the boundless fear.

What is Green like when compared to what he fears?

The colorful light is opposite to the milky white halo. The six-ring true spirit wizard takes a deep breath: "In principle, the elemental wizard also supports your wizard's ancestors plan and does everything you can to help you promote the wizard's ancestors' plan, but there is one thing. I must explain."

"what's up?"

Green is at the peak of the unparalleled wizarding world, overlooking the ecology of the monks with a wizard, overlooking the six-ring real spirit wizard, the mouth is excited for the half of the wizard king who has already completed, showing a proud arc, as if everything is already Mastered.

"To be the king of the wizard, strength is a must, but it is not the only one!"

The six-ring true spirit wizard arrogantly roared, seemingly angry at Green’s overly arrogant and no longer humble attitude.

"In addition, you are indeed the pride of the elemental wizard, creating new glory for the elemental wizard, but never able to erase the achievements of the former elemental sage! You have not surpassed the peak of Antonio's creation, as long as you are alive, it will always be a wizard. The king is not a myth!"

The curvature of the corner of the mouth gradually converges, and Green's attitude is cooled. Under the face of truth, the three colors of light are swaying, like the flame of the three elements burning, calmly saying: "Is that just the case?"

"And! We need time to ease the contradiction brought about by the rule of the wizard king. The wizarding world also needs to thoroughly promote the wizard's ancestral plan into a rule. The sorcerer's mainland needs to be softly cared for, rather than hard rules and laws. The shock has caused people to feel heart-wrenching. The Wizarding Alliance needs us to rebuild the absolute rule of power and use force to deter and benefit to create a truly complete and unified world community!"

Although the Six-ring Real Spirit Wizard has taken over the elemental inheritance, but from his discourse, no one doubts that he already possesses the vision and wisdom as the ruler of the wizarding world.

And compared to a ring of true spirit wizards, he does not have such ambitions, and can be used as a helper in addition to the ruler, paving a way for the absolute prestige ruler to exhaust the wizard's world civilization. Heart.

"So, what do you want?"


Green has already fallen back from the violent state of hegemony. After the six-ring true spirits sighed with relief, in the incomprehensibility of the crowd, they slowly raised their levers of destiny, and the colorful Xiaguang was a wonderful shuttle, just like being in a dream.

"The legendary ~www.novelmtl.com~ great spiritual wizard Antonio has explored the true edge of the dimensional dimension, and substantively witnessed the birth and death of fate, I think as the king of the first great wizard, you should I also want to know the true greatness of Antonio and the limit of the wizard's exploration of the truth of truth. Then, please take a break for a while and give the wizard world a chance to ease all contradictions."

Said, the six-ring true spirit wizard magical agitation, shouted: "Destiny call!"


Green did not resist, nor did he use the light of balance, because Green knew the final attribute of the fate lever magic wand, and accepted the persuasion of the six-ring true spirit wizard, so he allowed the colorful Xiaguang to completely submerge himself.


PS: Today, the world of the Wizards is over. This is also the main follower of Green's future. After that, many new and true spirits will not be introduced one by one. Please subscribe, reward, monthly, and recommended tickets.

Rolling and selling Meng, almost the New Year, to give the scorpions earn a lucky money, to earn a play card for themselves, to give a grandfather grandmother a filial piety, to save some wife money QAQ......

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