A Sorcerer’s Journey

Vol 29 Chapter 1692: Wizard World War (14)

Rumble! Rumble! Booming rumbling...

The battle between the underground abyss sculpt and the Greens’s ministry has lasted for more than ten days!

Continuous fighting, even if Green lost nearly one thousandth of the soul of the soul, Ashura's loss is at least three times more than Green. As the owner's ancestors, the soul of the Almighty can not be said. Nothing serious.

Oh la la...

The air is full of wet and salty taste, it is the atmosphere of the sea, Green seems to have heard the wave of sea waves in the ear, and the tri-color ray has long confirmed that he is indeed close to the coastline of the Second Ring Santa, and more inclined to blood Fighting Ashura, apparently know nothing about Green's plan.

"Call... these annoying bugs!"

With a wave of hands, thousands of abyssal dragons fled, dozens of lucky little guys flew out from Green's finger joints, and nearly a hundred were pinched by Green.

As the three colors of the green light flashed, the mysterious power of the cold came from nothingness, and the abyss of the abyss in the Green Ears, "吱", "吱", "吱", "吱", "竟" "咔嚓" has formed a stone statue, falling from the sky. In the blink of an eye, tens of thousands of abyssal dragons have been cursed by the eyes of Green Petrochemical, and finally the line of sight in front of Green is temporarily clear.

On the other hand, Ashura has already left the state of the true devil, still screaming with the ancestral state of the human body and the Green, and it is precisely because of this that Green is unconsciously attacked and retreated to the coastal areas.

"Snoring, snoring! Green, I see your basic strength. Even if the elements are soaring, the sorcerers are superimposed on each other, and because you have just graduated successfully, there is not much change during the period of the sacred mark. It is impossible to provide you with such a The power of horror. The source of your strength is the magic wand in your hand. I feel the power of unprecedented power from its glory! Tell me the name of this magic wand!"

Green is still petrifying and looking at the dense abyss of the dragon, but compared to the huge number of abyss summons and the replenishment at any time, the number of Green Petrochemical is really a lot of money.

"The truth balances the magic wand, hey, you can also call it the Witch's Scepter!"

The magic of Ashura's bodyguard has been beaten, and after getting Green's answer in the gasp, he regrets: "The truth balance magic wand, the fate lever magic wand... the bottom abyss is so poor that it is enough to support The supreme witch of the civilization! Unfortunately, our battles have to make the mechanical wizards profitable."

Under the face of Green Truth, a cold smile, waving the truth balance magic wand, milky white halo, the self-collapse, compression, rotation of the magic wand head is brewing infinite magic, in the green skinny, pale, slender left hand fingers A layer of invisible ripples swayed in all directions.

"Da thousand world ball, down dimension seal!"

In all directions, a large number of abyssal dragons screamed, even at a speed visible to the naked eye, getting smaller and smaller, and finally seemed to be a trivial dust falling on the surface of the Green Magic Wand, but because the number of abyssal dragons is too More, if Green wants to be a lot of "overcrowding" with the big world ball, but it is no problem to improve Green's situation.

Finally, with a glimpse of the sun on Green, Green was finally freed from the repression of hundreds of millions of seemingly boundless abyssal dragons.

“Mechanical wizards are profitable?”

In the left hand of Green, a stream of pure water appeared suddenly. The water torrent seemed to be life-like. He snarled in the palm of his hand and smiled. "Why didn't you give me a chance to break through?"

Seeing the pure water rapids of Green's palm, and feeling the strange calm of the distant ocean, the faint tremor of every cell in the depths of the blood, although Ashura still does not know why, but is keenly aware of Green's conspiracy!

It turned out that Green all the way to repel himself to this point, the purpose is the palm of the hand this group of wizards world sea will!


At high altitude, the water curtains and torrents are gathered into hundreds of rapids, descending from the sky!

"One round!!!"

In the roar, Ashura wants to leave the coastline, but it is late.


A hundred meters of sea pillars swept over and were cut off by the edge of the abyss, followed by a kilometer of waves like a flexible tentacles, hovering over the sky.


As soon as the ancestors roared and relied on the pulse of the earth, Ashura actually shocked the rapids.

However, Green sneered even more, the left palm of the sea cursed the waves were smashed out by Green, waving the extreme abyss magic wand, milky white halo, straight through the heart of the wizard world.


Very strange, never seen, clearly footed the world of wizards, but Ashura feels an unprecedented strangeness, as if he is descending into the exotic world.

Ashura reacted, this must be Green's means!

"Oh, although you can't fully utilize this willpower, if you only temporarily affect the wizard's will to do so, you can still do it, and you lose the world will bless, the power of those marine curses in your blood. I am afraid I am already in the madness? Hehe..."

In the gloomy and ridiculous laughter of Green, I saw that the body of the Axiro ancestors was actually falling off a little bit. The scorpion, scorpion, and scorpion, the skin seemed to be avalanche, and the eyes were destroyed and the body shape was also Gradually narrowed to the same height as the Greens ancestors.

"Ah... it turned out to be a conspiracy of the sea!"

The blade of the abyss is waving wildly, and one sea and another cursed wave is defeated, but at this moment, what is the coastline here, it has been completely submerged by the sea, but the power of the altar of the sea king has been transferred from the water curtain to the endless water source, here In order to endless ocean.

"Hey, the kitten that fell into the water, it’s futile to struggle again!"

Whenever Ashura wants to fly out of the sea, Green will ruthlessly press it down, and then thousands of waves will sweep into the depths of the sea, so repeatedly, Green has already taken the absolute advantage, winning Holding.

With the help of the curse of the sea, at least the strength of Ashura is reduced by 50%. Compared with the huge gap of Green, Green has been able to easily press it down.


Slowly, Green turned his head. Under the face of truth, the three-color light penetrated through the layers of time and space, staring at a silver-white beam in the distant sky. Although the silver-white beam was still very far away, the noise of the rapid whistling was Tell Green that the other party will fall to this place without much time.

"This old guy has really created a monster that can't be! But... Hey, it's a blessing to be the ancestor of the wizard in this glorious era, at least not without the powerful spirit wizard who carries out his will. ""

Green looked at the hopeful scepter who had lost his effectiveness~www.novelmtl.com~ throwing back the dimension gap, it seems that this kind of thing has already been expected, and I have already thought about the response.

"Hope of hope... It’s a reward for giving you a good hand in advance. Oh, metal fires can only be used to the best of your ability."

In this way, Green took a deep breath and took out the Skynet crystal ball, and contacted the second ring of the real spirit wizard free dandelion.

"You insist on it as much as possible. If you can drag it to me, it will be best to fight. If you can't, I will try to seal the three of us together... Time is on our side!"

Immediately, the three-color light of Green looked at the distant horizon in the other direction.

"Six-ring true spirit wizard, congratulations."

A seven-color ray of light runs through the wizarding world, and the elements shine into the void. The earth's crust of the holy tower changes at this moment, and the magical powers of the great towers of the sacred castles are intertwined.

A round of true spirit wizards have completed the fate of the lever handover, officially retired to the city of eternal sky, the six-ring true spirit wizard officially took over the elemental inheritance!

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