A Sorcerer’s Journey

Vol 29 Chapter 1693: Wizard World War (15)


The whistling silver-white flame brilliance is more and more close to this coastline, and Green has been able to clearly feel the unbearable pressure of the horrible monster that rushed to the face.

Above the earth, the giant trees and the roots of the trees rise up and are attracted to the air by the chaotic gravitational rules, followed by a violent shock wave, smashing, smashing, smashing, smashing, these stone trees They have turned into the debris of the sky, re-sprinkling the earth, and a lashing groove that extends to the end of the sky is formed.

Villages along the way.

Ordinary civilians have not been able to survive this change. However, the concentration of metal ore in the remnants of these villages is obviously higher. With a cry, the robots burning silver and white flames are drilled out of the soil. Remote sensing should take the direction of the silver-white fireball in the air and try its best to chase it.

More and more robots, small robots but the size of the fingers, the shape is strange, large robots are the field of ultra-high-density large-scale mines, every kilometer of kilometers caused a "trembling" tremor in all directions.

However, the source of the silver-white metal fire is too far away. These contaminated robots that have been exposed to metal fires gradually lose their energy support and revert to the original metal element form, with only a small part continuing to chase forward.

The wizard's explanation is that a wonderful rule affects these metal elements and causes them to be activated abnormally.

Green stood at high altitude, while continuing to suppress Ashura in the sea, staring at the metal continent that swooped down!

The horrific pressure on the face has caused the light of the Green Body to change shape, as if it were squeezed and deformed, it may explode at any time.

The robe of the representation is not like the shaking, and it has forced a colorful and forgotten rune to keep moving. Even the annihilation changes in the real body can no longer be hidden. It is like a black hole that devours light, and the light is twisted in all directions. Converging to its true body, exudes a high-frequency shock wave that is heart-rending, fearful, and unclear.

Under the face of truth, the cheeks are slightly painful, and the long blond hair flutters behind them. The three-color light has a firm belief in the moment, and the original balance has not moved. The truth balance magic wand in the hand points to the "metal continent" that comes to the face, exhausting Fully fiddle with the double-force change.

"A round of him..."

Ashura paused and struggled, staring at the "metal continent" that Fu rushed over. Even if the ancestors of the former ancestors were in front of the metal continent burning with silver and white flames, it was so small, I am afraid that even the black witch king The ancestors who ruled the battlefield are just a little bit in front of them. This is a real continent, comparable to the main continent of the small world!

"It's a metal fire! He used metal fire to pollute your city of the sky! Get away, you can't bear the positive impact, you are looking for a dead end!"

During the battle between Ashura and the real spirit wizard, although it was repeatedly contacted, it was only a collision between the two sides. A round of real wizards even the Decisive metal destroyers rarely summoned, and I have seen metal fires. This kind of power can stand! ?

The heart leaps wildly, and at this moment, because Green is concentrating on screaming and screaming, he has lost the will to suppress Ashura, so that Ashura has regained the sorcerer's will of the mainland, the sea bottom, Ashura's two-legged gravel soil, from the throat The hysteria in the depths roared, and the ancestors of the people continued to expand and expand, and they opened up a layer of ocean torrents and plucked the ground.


A roar of human ancestors, after the blade of the Abyss of the Abyss opened a sea, tens of thousands of ocean torrents pulled around and left the frontal collision of the silver-white fireball.


Layers of stacked white halo spread, Green holds the truth balance magic wand, and the wilderness of the throat is also like a beast.

at last!

Under the data analysis of Green's truth, his resistance has already played a substantial role. This unmatched giant has completely offset the original impact trajectory.


Almost with the true life of the Greens ancestors, the violent air flow makes the ancestors can not help but to protect the cheeks, and a little standing in the air.


Then, the violent hurricane stirred up the power behind the world. Green and Ashura turned to face the gusty wind and curled up. After a while, screaming, a tens of thousands of meters of waves came from the depths of the ocean. The legendary catastrophe floods are nothing more than this. Even the king of the scorpion whales who control the altar of the sea king has never thought of causing such a tsunami in the ancient hegemony. I am afraid that such a tsunami wave will destroy all the creatures along the sorcerer's continent. Until the edge of the Second Ring Santa.

In the stormy waves, Green's strength supported, and the hundreds of millions of tons of currents that slid every moment through the initial impact gradually began to weaken.


The anomalous data in the current, the green three-color diaphragm received intelligence information for the first time, the fierce element teleported away and disappeared in place.

call out!

However, the re-emergence of Green has not left this incredibly large palm range, and was photographed by the edge of this extraordinary horror palm. Under the circumstance, the truth balance magic wand gathers unmatched force and has a frontal collision. .


The milky white halo spread, the palm of the knuckle burning between the palm of the flaming metal flame and the truth balance magic wand frontal collision, a significant depression occurred, the shade of the sea in the shadow of the sea, the palm of the hand paused slightly, but the other side of the human body The state of Green, but "squeaky", was slammed out of the sea by the metal palm, and the sound of "噗" rushed to the sky.

The gust of wind passed by, and the people who had rubbed their ancestors ignited the flames. The green that fell in the eye was in the depths of the ocean. The metal giant was slowly standing up from the half-knee posture, and the combat headquarters was Its head, the sea water is steamed by its body surface, and it has already surpassed the amazing water vapor. It has already broken through the world of the wizarding world, and the huge population has gathered the energy shock wave that makes Green also shocked, and the target is locked. Green yourself!

"Hey, hey, annihilate the wizard Green, the Samsung sorcerer Ashura, you two together!"

On the shoulders of the metal giant, a round of true spirit wizard stood proudly with a magic wand, overlooking the world of the wizarding world in the void, and uttered madness, to be an enemy.


The space-based comet cannons can make a frontal impact, and the dazzling light spots cover all the light sources in the wizarding world. The sea of ​​water rises in all directions, and the elements in the high air converge into a vortex of fire, and the rules are chaotic.

In this power that is enough to completely destroy the core of the small world, Green can no longer care for the other. The balance of magic wand is recovered in the absolute defense cover shrouded in the 22nd District of the Second Ring Road, "嗡", blessing himself Human ancestors.

"The truth is righteous, absolute defense!"

Then, Green was completely overwhelmed by the burning of the milky white halo. The absolute defensive protective cover was distorted in the frontal impact, and it was not allowed to fall back to the wizarding world.

Every second, every breath, is endlessly tormented by the Greens.

I don't know how long it took, and the absolute defensive protective cover was also broken. When Green had to bear the power of the body, the space-based comet guns were also at the end, and the power was exhausted.

Snoring, snoring, snoring, snoring...


Even when it was so exhausting, the incomparable and keen insight of the truth had just restored data perception, and Green's truth balance magic wand slammed against the sudden attack on the side, "咻" Both of them retreated.

The horizon is gradually clear, and the information flow of truth is gradually recovering. Green is staring at the body. Although it is only a hundred meters of Megatron, the source of energy radiation is almost flat, and the right hand that has shivered has to burn a soul. .

On the other hand, Ashura ~www.novelmtl.com, which also suffered from the hope of the metal-continental robot attack, although there is no space-based comet gun supplement, but also has a round of real spirit wizards and Decepticons follow-up attacks, the state at the moment Very embarrassed, once again in the short interval to display the abyss summoning, supplementing the exhausted abyss dragon.

"Hey! Green, I have to see what you use to break through!"

Ashura whispered for a short break and yelled at Green.

"Ha ha ha ha, worthy of the brilliant rise of the new generation of wizarding world, suffering from such attacks, there is almost no loss of omnipotent soul! But ... annihilation of the wizard Green, the abyss of the blade of Ashura, want to rule the wizard world to wait An era!"

A round of true spirit wizards on the shoulders of the metal base robots of hope, just a little insignificant, proudly said.

Far away, the guardian of summer, Mina, stared at this scene, and did not mean to act. The guardian would never interfere with the power struggle of the wizard world.

Standing in the historical rules of the wizarding world, this is almost a foreseeable scene for the guardians.

"Green, how do you deal with being the king of wizards?"

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