A Sorcerer’s Journey

Vol 29 Chapter 1691: Wizard World War (13)

At the same time, as if the six-star true spirit wizard is in control, the phantom body is one, and the thin palms are taken from nothingness, and a dandelion is caught.

"What is this? Who! Sneaky, come out!"

I no longer pay attention to the water rapids that can't form too much threat in all directions. The old witches look around in all directions. In her vision, there is a willing life to join the battlefield and cover the whole bloom with its amazing number.

But all such willing creatures have one thing in common, that is, it is difficult to be killed.

And this willing life body is extremely fit with the wizard's will, no doubt, this is a true spiritual wizard!

The wizarding world is such a true spiritual wizard, the general ability of all true spiritual wizards, even if the six-star true spirit wizard who has not returned to the wizarding world for a long time is widely known, but has never heard of this will The true spirit wizard.

I am afraid that there will be unknown variables.

"Ah... you are promoted to the real spirit!"

The mermaid king's throat can not help but give off a refreshing 呻 + 吟, combined with her graceful posture, 婀 窈窕 窈窕, soft and lubricated beauty, really makes people think.

The black acne on the mermaid king is fading a lot. At the same time, with a dandelion gently in the clay pot, one of the worms completely dissolved in the water is taken away, and the water is being washed and purified.

There is no doubt that this is the free dandelion that advances into the real spirit in the universe!

After a dandelion gathers, a free dandelion face is formed in front of the mermaid king.

"You still have a lot of parasitic eggs in your body. Your water power is their nutrients. If you don't clear them, you can never get out of danger. Because you are in battle now, you can't suspend the use of water. I can only enter your body. Hypnotize them and eat me soon."


It sounds weird to let others eat themselves.

The mermaid king naturally knows the bottom of the free dandelion, but it has not disappeared for many years. I thought that with the fall of the Greenway expedition, I didn’t expect it to be amazingly invincible.

However, as a piece of dandelion flew into the mermaid king's belly, the mermaid's discomfort was significantly weakened, and the physical strength became full again, dispelling the hesitation of the mermaid king's heart.

On the other side, the **** rain and the huge face suddenly "hahahaha" laughed.

"You still have such ability after you advanced, it's amazing!"

Laughing, the **** rain is no longer blindly hiding, as if no longer afraid of the consumption of the Almighty Soul, and actually hardened with the four-star real spirit wizard, roaring: "You have the support of the wizarding mainland, I have new Jin Erhuan Zhenling Wizards support, come on, hurt each other, Laozi will play with you today to die, wow hahahaha!"

When the free dandelion appeared, it reversed the disadvantage of the mermaid king and the **** rain, but this is obviously not her full strength.

Now she, although the actual volume can not be compared with the beginning of the dark sacred ancestors, but in terms of life forms, there is no difference between the two!

As the six-star real spirits snarled, gradually, tens of thousands of dandelions gathered into a face.

The six-star true spirit wizard stares at the strange face in the layered water rapids, and sighs: "Who are you, why should you intervene here?"

Free dandelion calmly said: "Respected Digalana master, maybe you have forgotten the little wizard who once followed you expedition, but you clearly remember everything, I was just a negligible assistant wizard at that time, and insisted I am on my own path, and it turns out that I am right."

It seems that there is still a story unknown between the two, but the free dandelion has not been described any more, because she can no longer find the achievements of the struggle period in the face of the ancient spirit that has completely forgotten herself. sense.

After a pause, the free dandelion stared at the 22nd district where the distant side was covered by the absolute defense. He continued: "From now on, I will be the new second ring of the wizarding wizard in the world of wizards, who will take the lead in the world of the wizarding world and assist you. The Guardian and the Sixth Ring Spirit Wizard protect the Wizarding World and are responsible for cultivating medical wizards, providing new hopes for the Demon Expedition to be hit by the Desperate Wizards! And as a friend of the Sorcerer Green, I will also be the King of His Wizards. The loyal supporters of the plan end the chaotic era in which the faction wizards fight for their interests."

Free dandelion becomes the new second ring true spirit wizard in the wizarding world!

The figure of the six-star true spirit wizard once again felt like a few figures in the transformation and jumping, gloomy said: "So, you have to join this battle?"

"Yes! I believe that with my support, I will never let the battle here affect Green."

The Second Ring Spirit Wizard is full of confidence.

"Hey! Hahahahaha! Auxiliary true spirit wizard, you are also the first person in the world of wizarding, so let me see what you have, dare to be so crazy! One star, there are many Out one, are you still not coming out?"

Hearing this saying, the Sea King Festival, the king of the mermaid, the eyelids slammed, the breath is uncertain!

The abyss of the earth, but also one star, two stars, fighting knights three dominate!

It’s awkward...

The blue silk thunder was fleeting, suddenly, a black-gray wizard robe appeared on the edge of the battlefield, holding a dark red staff on the right, holding a black crystal ball on the left, and the eyes were shrouded in a mist of elements, just in the Sixth Ring Santa The area defeated the star of the Green Prose of the annihilation source!

As one of the three elements of the Wizarding World, one of the three elements of the sorcerer's sorcerer, the elements, the body and the doubles, and both of them reach their peak. There is no doubt that the wisdom and wisdom of a true sorcerer is far beyond ordinary people's imagination!

The strength of the elements is superimposed on each other. Coupled with the long years, the power of a true spirit wizard is not as strong as the top of the wizarding world, but it is also one of the mainstays of the wizarding world.

At this moment, the one-star sorcerer who appeared on the battlefield was bitter in the black crystal ball: "You also saw the potential of the annihilation wizard. Perhaps this will be the last chance for our underground abyss sorcerer!"

In the black crystal ball, it is a two-star sorcerer, and the same elements are used to stir up the sorcerer.

Silence for a long time, the two-star true spirit wizard still insisted: "Sorry, my elemental heart told me that the little guy will only turn the wizard world into the second abyss world. One star, I want you to know, we are A refining wizard, but we are also the elemental wizards who survived that war. We are the rules of the sorcerer's wizards created for the more powerful wizarding world, not the magical world of the wizarding world!"

Take a deep breath, a star spirit wizard swallowed a bitter water in his mouth, silently closed the crystal ball, and looked at the earth under his feet.

I don't know when, there is a figure wearing a hat and a cloak, sitting on the stone wall of the cliff, letting the energy wave between the two sides dominate the waves, the dawn of the shadow It is so firm and silent.

This person is the most understated and legendary true spiritual wizard in the abyss of the Wizarding World.

After the legendary wizard accidentally accepted the blood test of the ancient wizard, step by step into the myth of the peak!

However, compared with the past, the battle knight Xeon master has changed a lot, so that people can not feel any breath of his breath, as if it is just a common stone.

"You shouldn't come."

A star sorcerer overlooks the ground fighting knight Xeon, who dominates the figure, and the voice is a bit gloomy.

"I heard that there will be laws involving the Asians in the rules of the King of the Wizards. www.novelmtl.com~ The Wizarding World under the Rule of the Wizards, although there are no more civilians to achieve legendary knights, these Asians will be persevering for the Cavaliers. The college provides ample blood, because you and I know that once the era of the innate wizards is opened, the wizards will no longer be limited to the wizarding world!"

After a pause, the knight of the fighting knights continued to follow: "Every knight has to bear the pain of far beyond the imagination of the wizard, and the knight has never had a way out, just like those of the sea. Only the king of the wizard The law made me see hope, so I have to come!"

Slowly, the fighting knight stood up, so under the rough and ruined sword, the sword was revealed, and the two scorpions staring at the high-spirited sorcerer, sullenly said: "You should not come!"

As the ruined sword slipped into the hand, a sigh of relief released, and stunned, the high-altitude one-star sorcerer and the sorcerer’s eyes burst into an incredible surprise, and his mouth opened as if he saw the most absurd and incredible thing.

"Eternal Soul!!?"

The abyss of the earth, the first true eight-level life, turned out to be the forever marginalized knight of the fighting knight! (To be continued.)

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