A Sorcerer’s Journey

Vol 29 Chapter 1690: Wizard World War (12)

The familiar absurdity of time and space fluctuations, for the goal of this completely forgotten branding, the use of dimensional gap seals, Green will never be so constrained.

Ashura looked at the blade of the abyss in his hand. In the battle with Green, he was inadvertently branded with tens of millions of dimensional gaps, and Green was calling for the dimensional gap seal.

In other words, this is a cursed weapon at this time.


"Destroy hahaha, and it is a dimensional gap seal. It seems that your dimensional gap seal is divided into two modes. One is that the "Book of Truth" in your hand incites the second lever to summon the dimension gap rule, pollution The material energy world has an irresistible rule seal for lower organisms, and the other requires these specific runes to be locked, and the summoning dimension gap rules are directly sealed."

The blade of the abyss oscillates at a high frequency. It seems that in the process of being locked by the dimensional gap, its own spirituality has realized that it has been in an unprecedented crisis and is constantly struggling.

Ashura held the blade of the abyss in front of him, and both eyes stared at the top of the head and gradually broke through the gap rule of reality. The corner of his mouth showed a madness.

"So, just need to erase these runes?"


Suddenly, the dimension of the abyss on the edge of the rune is branded, and it burns one by one, and in the low breathing of Ashura, it instantly becomes nothingness.


Green's three-color glare eyelids squirmed in a sigh of breath, incredulously staring at Ashura, and Ashura actually burned a lot of omnipotent souls at the cost of burning the runes of these dimensions.

In a few days, Ashura’s Almighty Soul is only three times more expensive than Green!

"Young is so good!"

Green actually said that the ghost had made such a sentence.

"Although as a new lord, we have ample omnipotent soul, but you are squandered so much that you are a short-lived ghost. When your omnipotent soul is exhausted, hey, see what you do!"

In the course of Green's speech, the Book of Truth has been re-accepted, and the high-altitude rules that were originally called by Green to break through the reality have also dissipated.


Ashura mentioned that the blade of the abyss pointed to Green, and the ancestors of the abyss looked at the top of the body and sneered. "In order to gain the rule of the wizarding world, what is the price? Green, you want to be the king of the wizard." Fear of timidity, do you think that the wizarding world is already in your bag!?"

The magic in the body is getting more and more violent. Although it is said in this way, if it can't suppress Green, and continue to use the power of several times the omnipotent soul as the base of the battle, it is just a dead end after the two loses.

In this way, Ashura clenched his teeth and shook his voice from the deepest part of his throat.

"The body of the true devil, open!"


The magical rush of the face will infect the green and white halo of the green, the robe of the appearance is shaking, and the three-color glare can not help but rise slightly. Green's thoughts have negated the Grimm's fairy seal that he can't completely analyze the mystery of truth for the time being. Surgery, and used as a card against the Dark Witch King's day and night to annihilate the Great Witchcraft.

Untie self-seal suppression?

Utilizing the newly developed original sin matrix field witchcraft restrictions?

In the process of flickering of the three-color ray, in the face of the Asura people who have completely solved the true devil's body, Green has gradually made a choice.

Different from Green's use of foreign objects to strengthen the spiritual power of elemental wizards, Ashura's abyss is the strengthening of the body, although it can not be washed to the source of the magical power of the Green Wizard Tower. Eternal, but the short-lived power has almost opened a dimension with the body of Green's Extreme Abyss Magic Wand!

咻, 咻, 咻, 咻, 咻, 咻, 咻, 咻, 咻, 咻, 咻, 咻...

I saw Green's wide double robes, one after another, the stone of original sin floated up, and with the fans behind the night, the original sin stone disappeared and disappeared.

It’s awkward! It’s awkward! It’s awkward! It’s awkward...

It is only through the annihilation arc that flickers and disappears that these original sin stones are here, but they are composed of a super-matrix in a special arrangement by Green, and its scope is vast.

The relationship between the original sin and the stone is removed. This matrix itself has nothing to do with the original sin seal of the world. It is the ruins of the matrix of Green's research on the esophagus hope.


"do not come……"

"I am afraid..."

The matrix forms an absolute field, covering Green and Ashura, and the mysterious powers of joy, anger, sorrow, music, fear, sorrow, injury, and sorrow are all endless.

The person who completes the true devil's body is the ultimate body of Asura, looking around in all directions.

Field witchcraft is not uncommon, but Green is such a strange field, which he has never seen before, and from the layered "illusion", he has obviously been affected by this field.

Green calmly said: "This is the legacy of a powerful legendary creature in the world. The attack on the essence of life will ignore the role of the Almighty Spirit. The person killed by it is a super-dimensional kill. It will only be in this. Dimensions leave a complete shell, wandering all day, no thoughts. I use its legacy to combine the matrix of the deep illusory space and time unknown to create the original witchcraft matrix witchcraft, although it can not play It’s really powerful, but it’s just for the time being, and it’s enough to delay the end of your true devil!”

Ashura has always been empty left-handed. At this time, there is a black water, and it is like a bracelet.

"It seems that this time I really have to play!"


More than ten days later.

The battles dominated by the Second Ring Santa area have also changed over time.

"The sea races, as long as the wizard's will is still there, the world will not have you to intervene. Living is the greatest gift that the wizard has given you! In an attempt to use your despicable body to confuse and destroy the wizard, and to take advantage of the wizard's world rights. I want to give you a good long memory!"

The six-star true spirit wizard has already taken the absolute advantage!

In contrast, the mermaid king originally had a delicate black skin on the skin, and it has grown into a horrible black pox, dense and confusing, and let the mermaid king omnipotent spirit expel and purify, but there will always be residual It will be infected in a short time.

As a result, even the hands of the mermaid king who played with the clay pots became powerless. In the face of the powerful six-star sorcerer, the ghosts were not attacked, and they were in danger. They almost consumed the omnipotent soul to maintain the battle with one-sided disadvantage.

"hold onto!"

However, the Sea King Festival can only be stalemate with the five-star real spirit wizard. It is a delusion to support the mermaid king. www.novelmtl.com~ Anxiously, the Sea King Festival looks at the positive and the magical body of the four-star real spirit witch. The **** rain is only a little better than the mermaid king, but it is also hard to be suppressed by the other side.

Give up?

The Neptune Festival had to consider leaving the blood of the leader to leave the world of the wizarding world as a possibility for the wandering community to find a new world to survive and prosper.

However, it also knows the power of the wizarding world. I am afraid that after this war of reunification, no matter who rules the world of wizards in the new era, it will inevitably open the road of crazy expansion.

At that time, not only the sacred marks will be seen in the spring, but the ancient sorcerers who have been baptized by the war of civilization will also open the path of the true spirit. In a short time, the wizards of the wizard world will reach an appalling number. To restore the glory of the wizarding world in the ancient times, and even surpass!

Yep! ?

The Sea King Festival was keenly aware of a strange wave in the air, and could not help but be convinced: "Dandelion? Which is the real wizard?" (To be continued.)

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