A Sorcerer’s Journey

Vol 29 Chapter 1662: Elemental wizard vacuum period

The smoke is rising slowly.

Looking at the gaze, the ruins of the ruins of the mainland are everywhere, and the pillars of smoke rise from the gully. It seems that they have been penetrated into the depths of the earth by the beams of light. The pillars of smoke have risen and fell into the dark clouds of darkness, and they are dark and depressed.

The wizarding continent experienced the invasion of the metal robot army in the battle of civilization, and the battle of the elemental wizard mechanical wizards, the ecological environment tends to deteriorate, and countless low-level creatures are gradually extinct. Now the wizard apprentices can only be from the ancient wizard laboratory biological specimens. And in classical books, learn about the knowledge involved in these lower biological specimens.

This was followed by a generation of wizards. At the time, Green was not sighing for the extinct ancient creatures.

"Oh... the elemental wizard is defeated, and I don't know what the wizarding world will be."

The current patriarch of the Sorcerer’s family sighed.

Even as a sorcerer's family patriarch, he has certain rights and visions. However, in the face of the wizarding world, the pattern is not too small and humble at the moment, and it is impossible to control the pattern.

"I thought that after the war of civilization, the family would revitalize. I didn't expect the war between the elemental wizard and the mechanical wizard to break the family plan again. Elder Anglia, what good advice do you have, what do I wait for, what is the family decline? It’s all in our generation!”

The family patriarch is just a second-level wizard.

It can be seen that in order to complete the enthusiasm of the previous family patriarch, in order to survive the third civilization war, in order to revive the Erlang family, the Moorish chief has done his best and every day, the life of the singer has made his look look good. With a few white spots, I am afraid that I will never again enter the third-level wizarding field.

The elder of Anglia, the second-round family leader, is a female third-level wizard.

A peacock feather wizard robe, Anglia brown skin white, black pupils reveal the wisdom of the light, standing at the top of the family watchtower, overlooking the land of the sorcerer's mainland.

Angelina sees the patriarch so confused, can not help but comfort: "At least, the super magic hand wizard tower is still,"

Elemental wizards and mechanical wizards fight for hegemony, although both sacred sorcerers moved the battlefield to the sacred and the void world, minimizing the impact on ordinary humans, and even if it was only the wizarding school war, the sorcerer was destroyed on the mainland. There are also thousands of sorcerer towers, and these sorcerer Tata masters are undoubtedly the mainstays of the elemental wizards.

Even rumors, because of this hegemony and fallen saint marks wizards, not a few!

Sadly and ridiculously, it has clearly won the victory of civilization, but the cruelty has not ended. Every ruin after the war of civilization will inevitably experience a similar war, representing the rebirth of a wizard system.

And with the defeat of the elemental wizards, the wizarding families of the wizarding continents still don't know what it means, but they know that the future will only be no better.

The Moorish chief heard Angela comforting and sighed and sighed: "Yes, as long as the super magic hand sorcerer tower stands, we are one of the biggest support families of the Wizarding Tower of the Super Magic, at least not because of the world. Change and die."


At this time, Anglia suddenly smiled mysteriously.

"After a while I went to the sorcerer's tower of the sorcerer's hand, it was a reward, yes, the elemental wizard was defeated, but...we did not fail! The adults forgot the sorcerer's sacred sorcerer Already?"

"You mean..."

What the Moors have vividly recalled.

"You mean that a thousand years ago, the sacred tower sorcerer of the annihilation tower won the supreme prestige with the outstanding contribution of the war of civilization, and with hundreds of millions of wizarding squads landed into a city called the ancient sky, expedition to the unknown world. Do you do the dedication?"


Anglia smashed the iron, and the light of wisdom that could not be clearly revealed in the eyes, said: "It is this sorcerer's world, the singer of the sorcerer's sorcerer's sorcerer! The super-magic hand wizard tower reliable news, this The sorcerer's sacred sorcerer has already completed the dedication of the expedition, is about to complete the devotion of the true spirit, open the plan of the ancestors of the sorcerer, and join the battle of the sorcerer's world for hegemony! Intelligence has made us lose a huge opportunity."

After a pause, Angelina continued: "The hand of the super-magic sorcerer is one of the sorcerer's sorcerer's sorcerer. Although he did not follow the expedition, he also expressed support for the sacred sorcerer of the annihilation tower. In the future, we will be able to join the annihilation tower under the sorcerer's sorcerer's sorcerer, and maybe we can save the defeat!"

"Oh... by the way you said that the innate wizards secretly cultivated before the family is an opportunity?"


Super magic hand sanctuary secret.

"Cough, knowing this, it was a good choice to choose to join the tower of annihilation. The strength of these mechanical wizards is no longer the same as it used to be, even if the underground abyss sorcerer developed an abyss call, now full. During the period, the power of mechanical wizards was only a declining one."

The super devil's hand, Svervilis, was actually a state of fire damage to the soul, very weak.

As early as in the early days of the Civilization War, the hands of the Super Devils relied on a unique talent to advance to the fifth-level sacred sorcerer, and experienced the long civilization warfare. The super-magic hand, Sylvester, has been promoted to the sixth-level sacred sorcerer. However, the sub-mechanical sorcerer’s hegemony was delayed by the fire of the soul.

Beside the super devil's hand, Sylvester, there is also a female sacred sorcerer, who seems to be a nightmare wizard, and is very close to the sacred sorcerer.

"I have heard the older generation of sorcerers say that the annihilator's tower sorcerer is not only talented, but also intelligent. There is a madness from the inside out. I just didn't think that the ambition was so big. The ancestor of the wizard, the supreme king of the wizarding world!"

The witches revealed their concerns.

"To be honest, I don't want you to approach him! If the plan is successful, of course, if it is not successful..."


A ring of the world of Santa.

As long as this last eternal soul is still there, as long as there is no fighting, a true spiritual wizard will last forever and remain in the final deterrent of the elemental wizard.

"Elemental wizard faults... did not expect ~www.novelmtl.com~ talented elements wizards will appear in the talent crisis after the war of civilization!"

During the war of civilization, no matter whether the seven-ring true spirit wizard or the second-ring true spirit wizard, they are the wizards who can bear the ultimate sorcerer of the elemental wizard. Even the sacred sorcerer of the annihilation tower is considered qualified, but now there are accidents in succession. Leading to the inheritance of the fate of the magical wizard in the hands of a ring, it can not be passed down!

Three rings, five rings, six rings, eight rings, nine rings...

Thinking for a long time, nowadays, among the five elements of the true spirit, only the six-ring true spirit wizard can be used as one.

With its special rules, if it is able to obtain the miraculous power of the rule of fate, the light of wisdom, and the blessing of the power of the king, it will surely gain extraordinary improvement. However, it is precisely because of his special rules that it is inevitable to bear the dimension magic. Curse, I am afraid to pass on the fate to him, but it hurts him!

"If the annihilation tower sacred sorcerer can honestly accept the inheritance, it will not be so much, the ancestors of the sorcerer... Hey, you will not understand the power of the Black Witch King and the 17th round! Although Pumiroche I can't shoot, but even if the spill is enough, you can suffer, but unfortunately I was hit hard during the Second Civil War, otherwise..." (To be continued.)

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