A Sorcerer’s Journey

Vol 28 Chapter 1661: return

Ten days later.

"These wizards have excluded us. First, landing on that artificial planet, there must be some secrets!"

Fourteen princes Sakajita looked at the sky and muttered to the metal planets of large and small space fortresses, space airships, and virtual motherships.

Tens of thousands of Saiyan people wandered around the open base, and now the entire base is empty and abandoned by the wizards.

"The dragons have been left here by the wizards, it won't..."

Mo Libi guessed against the bad side.

At this moment, "咻", the high-level Saiyan Bibi Luo flew out of the abandoned tunnel.

“Those ores have been completely mined, and it’s hard to imagine how much ore they have gained through such a long time.”

Bibi Luo muttered to the side of the prince of Sai Ya, and looked at the horizon with both eyes. The combat force detection glasses "嘀嘀嘀嘀" rang, and then continued: "The wizard is the disciple of the sorcerer Wang San, although our combat power detection For those elements, the position of the wizard is very different. Even so, his growth rate is too amazing these days."

Bibi Luo pointed out that it was the third disciple of the Three Brothers, and the only holy sorcerer who remained in the world of the Earth.

The demise of the world of the earth, the rule of great destruction in the eyes of Ansimo, almost in the presence of figurative, wandering in the world on the eve of this demise, Andsimo only felt that he was constantly being replenished by inexhaustible power, and Inside Anse Seymour, there seems to be a faint voice telling him that a chance of a qualitative change is waiting for him, and this opportunity is coming soon!

call out!

Anderse Seymour came to Saqajita, Bibi Luo, and Mo Libi, and calmly said: "My mentor needs to make some final planning arrangements. You are not a member of the Wizarding League. You will inevitably be with some reckless creatures. There is a contradiction, so you still need to know the most basic rules. You should understand the rules of the wizard here in the past two days. There is still one month away from the demise of this world, which is enough for us to make a comprehensive arrangement. On the metal continent, the exclusive area is divided for the Saiyan and the dragons."

After all, and regardless of the reaction of these Saiyan people, Anderse Seymour flew to the dragon family.


嗡呜, 嗡呜, 嗡呜...

"Warning! Warning! This is not in the exercise. This is not in the exercise. The world of the earth is about to be destroyed. All the wizards immediately return to the metal continent of hope. All the wizards will immediately return to the metal continent. If you need help, please immediately make a final signal... ..."

In the world of the earth, every secret base and mining tunnel has metal robots to carry out the final publicity and broadcast to prevent the witch from happening unexpectedly and fail to return to the metal continent of hope.

Of course, it is not excluded that some wizards choose to leave the last time of their lives here.


Hope that the metal continent.

The metal continent completely retains the wizard's world rule environment. For thousands of years, many children born by wizards have grown up in this huge base. Even many children have learned through advanced studies in the wizarding tower and become higher wizards.

Without exception, these children have become part of the rule of the Green Wizards. In their lifetime, they are the wizards who can sense the power of nature. They can adapt to the natural environment of most of the world, and the spiritual power can grow to 100 points more easily. peak!

Compared to ordinary humans in the wizarding world, this is a true evolution compared to the wizard apprentices who used to be formal wizards!

The power of desperation of the black wizards in these natural wizards did not produce any effect.

Each of the sorcerers who responded to Green’s call can only send one person to participate in Green’s expedition summary meeting. This is a summary of the world expedition, and it is also the promise of Green’s plan for the future sorcerer’s ancestors. In addition to the Lord, the Holy Mark Wizard, and the family representatives, there is also the First Class Medal of Honor, the Special Medal of Honor for the Wizards, and the High Dawn Wisdom Wizard.

“First of all, we mourn the witch martyrs who have fallen into this distant world community in order to complete this expedition.”

Green got up from his seat, solemn and solemn, bowing his head and saluting, and the object was a tall monument.

In the wizarding world, such substantive mourning and salute was belonged to Green, and the participants took a moment to squint and followed Green to get up and bow down.

Tens of high-ranking wizards have suppressed the silent salute, and they are shocked.

Through this process, the vast majority of the sorcerers who have fallen from their friends are respectful to Green.

The commemoration of the sorcerers' songs is often a conceptual process, belonging to the individualized emotions of the wizards, and has never had such collective actions.

For a long time, Green also took the lead to get up: "Li Bai."

Thousands of wizards once again sat down, listening carefully to the words of the sacred tower sorcerer, and trying to figure out his will. Everything Greene said here today, in the distant future, may be the world of the wizarding world. Rules, and the wizards here will become the historical witnesses of the new era of wizards!

Situated in the throne of the supreme throne, standing on the shoulders of the small eight, the face of the truth of Green Truth overlooks the clouds and many wizards, this is the largest conference held by Green so far, enough to influence the meeting of the wizarding world.

"The implementation of the wizard's ancestral plan cannot be separated from the support of hundreds of millions of war sorcerers. It is supported by the people of insight who are not in the family of wizards. It is inseparable from the support of thousands of wizards and sorcerers. The support of the great representatives of the Wizarding Alliance is inseparable from the support of countless people living in the world of the Wizards. Your dedication to the Wizarding World, I can’t forget, history can’t be forgotten, the wizard who lives in the future of the Wizarding World. We can't forget! Because we all have a common ideal, that is, to end the chaos and disputes of the wizarding world, and to create a new era of unity, unity, and powerful wizarding world!"

Participants were slightly agitated, and Green's hands were pressed down to host the venue.

"The so-called ancestors of the wizards refer to a new era, and in the plan of the ancestors of the wizard, the whole consists of three parts."

Green put out a finger and his eyes focused.

"The first is to complete the excessive transformation of ordinary humans into natural wizards in the wizarding world, complete the qualitative evolution of the ethnic group, and use this as an opportunity to completely resolve the contradiction between the black wizard and the human civilians, as a strong foundation for the return of the wizarding world."

Slowly, Green reached out a second finger.

"The second is to complete the popularization of the law. The authority of the wizarding law will override the rules of the major sacred towers, and will be cast by various factions, representatives of lower-level wizards, representatives of holy marks and wizards, and sacred wizards. The absolute majesty of the law is maintained by the hunters and the violent organs of the ancestors of the wizards."

Finally, Green stretched out three fingers.

"Maintaining the absolute authority of the King of the Wizards, as a precautionary measure in wartime, arranging the strategic plan for the Demonstration Expedition, in order to gather all the forces of the Wizarding World, destroy any enemy, and rapidly expand the community of the Wizarding World."

Having said that, Greenton paused and said slowly: "As for the contributions of all of you, it is clear that the number of delegates in the future lawmaking process..."


The conference was held for three days.

Three days later, the dragon family and the Saiyan family landed on the hope, and the earthy and earthy continent was full of harvests, and gradually sailed to the depths of the void and headed for the return to the wizarding world.

Time passed, another month passed.

咔嚓, 咔嚓, 咔嚓...

The world of the earth's veins is violently collapsing, and the whole world is full of the last restlessness before the destruction. The face of Green truth has even felt that the time and space poles are being broken through layers, and the through-the-door of the grandeur of time and space is working. Gradually formed.

"Anders, let's go, the world is about to collapse. The door to one of the highest natural energy phenomena of this dimension will engulf everything in this world."

Green holds a dimensional dimension ball and has opened a space-time tunnel.

However, Andre Seymour was silent and did not move.

After a while, Anderse Seymour sighed and sighed. It seemed to make up his mind. He said: "No! Mentor, I can't go. I can feel that the real power of the big rule is guiding me, I Be sure to stay!"

"You have already got everything that has been promoted to the Sixth St. Mark Wizard. What else can you bring here? You haven't really seen it, so you won't understand the true power of the door, but you will see it in the era of the Esophagus. However, although it is only a small part of the energy after the passage of time and space, in the face of that power, any individual creature is so small, even if it is a teacher! No one can bear this dimension dimension..."

Having said that, Green suddenly stopped.

Because Green suddenly remembered, not that no creature can afford it.

Because there was such a legend in the second esophagus period, the strange creatures that once trapped in the secondary esophagus returned to the world of energy and material through the door!

Could it be that……

"Teacher! I have already decided! My soul is guiding me~www.novelmtl.com~ My body is calling me, as if there is something waiting for me in the depths of the distant unknown, only need I overcome my own embarrassment and dare to face all the manifestations of truth and truth, even if individual life will create miracles. We are the miracle that challenges higher latitudes in this dimension of dimension, and what can happen is the real miracle!"

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang...

Even at high altitudes, the intensive millions of shock waves made Green feel small. However, Ansimo was like a swinging leaf. Although it was swaying, there was no loss, as if it were a sailing ship on the ruin.

Staring at Anderse Seymour, this stubborn and stubborn disciple, since he has chosen his own path of wizarding, Green has no longer said anything, and turned to enter the door of time and space.


The milky white spot that runs through time and space engulfs Andesi, and the small and medium-sized world around the world of the Earth is affected. Some worlds have experienced ecological catastrophes, while others have been blown into the depths of the darkness. (To be continued.)

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