A Sorcerer’s Journey

Vol 29 Chapter 1663: The rise of the abyss

Two hundred and fifty years later. Fiction"%

The Tower of the Destroyer Tower is located at the intersection of the Wizarding 6 and the Deep Abyss. It is located in the 22nd District of the Second Ring Road. It has become a rich central hub in the outer ring of the Second Ring Road. There are even rumors of abyss sculpt traders. Through the magic mouth, through the college to the Wizarding University.


The magic light column rises into the sky, and the element cloud forms a whirlpool that envelopes the wizarding school and lasts forever.

Now the dean of the Sorcerer's College of the Tower of the Destroyer is one of the three great wizards known as the Demon Hunter of the Second Ring Tower, known as the Sergeant Garrot.

Light golden skin, a pair of eyes like the ghost of the deep seal of ice crystal, cool and wise, Sion Digarrot back with a pair of metal wings, holding a lot of zero-strength power in the crystal ball, so to ensure the Skynet crystal ball Communication.

At the other end of the crystal ball, Green's disciple Cappuccino's unparalleled tower sorcerer, after a brief exchange with Saindi Garrot, closed the crystal ball contact.

"has arrived at the edge of the wizarding world community..."

In the depths of the eyes, there was a glimpse of the sorcerer who touched the outside of the laboratory. Sain Digarot took up the crystal ball and looked at it.


This is a two female wizard who is holding a top secret letter with a complex rune code.

After receiving the envelope, Saindi Garrott enters his own magical elements. The sound of "噗", the envelope burned out, and a large crystal dust filled.

"The dean, the mechanical wizard has broken through some of the guardian rules of the universe, bypassing the great annihilation tower, and got the core technology of Vantage quantum technology."

This turned out to be a top secret letter from the universe of the universe, and only such an intelligence.

Saindi Garrot took a deep breath and dispelled the crystal dust, and the eyes fell into deep hope.


Swinging his hand, Sain Digarotte said: "It doesn't matter. The most important thing now is to guard the college, wait for the great annihilation tower to return to the sacred sorcerer, and complete the spiritual devotion. Hope... the tower of great annihilation The Witch Wizard can complete the Spiritual Dedication before the machine and the abyss are finished."

As the dean of the Tower of the Sorcerer of the Destruction, he is able to stand on the height of the vision of civilization, and must belong to the peerless genius of none of the hundreds of millions.


Mechanical wizard, abyss wizard.

A city in the sky of eternal sky, a dark abyss in the darkness of the earth, between the two is separated by a wizard. There are not many opportunities for direct connection. Only some senior wizards exchanged each other, but did not expect the battle of civilization. After that, the two have the most direct contact, for the contact of the new generation of wizarding world hegemony.

The battlefield between the two for the hegemony of the wizarding world is the Wizarding University.

Although the elemental wizards are involved in deterrence, the two try to transfer the battlefield to the remote areas of the desert and even the endless oceans. However, first, after the elements and machinery compete for hegemony, then through the abyss and mechanical hegemony, this is the destruction of the wizarding 6 ecosystem, for the wizard The weakening of the world will is no less than the loss brought by the metal destroyer civilization during the war of civilization.

Roar! Roar! Roar! Roar! Roar……

The overgrown dragons roared, and a pair of sacral wings smashed through the sky, soaring into the distance.

This is a team of abyssal conjoined wizards who seem to be performing a secret mission. Above the wizarding level 6, there are only a few legendary powerful native creatures that can rival these abyssal dragons.

After the ancestors of the predecessors of history, the masters of the world on the Wizarding Kings 6 have long since become extinct, and they are the source of the wizards. Nowadays, there are only a handful of powerful creatures other than wizards on the Wizarding University.

The abyss of this team was flying in the nature reserve of the six-ring ruled shelter. Suddenly, several sorcerers flew out of a spaceship in the distance, and the smashing of "咻", "咻" and "咻" came over. In front of this team of abyss refining wizards.

A white wizard's robe second sorcerer came out, and both eyes glanced at these abyss sculpt wizards, and the pupils shrank slightly, and they all turned into three-level wizards!

“This is the six-ring algae nature reserve area, which belongs to the ancient squatting recovery area of ​​the wizarding world. The ecosystem is weak. After several epochs, it has finally achieved results. The results are hard-won. According to the agreement between the elemental wizard and the mechanical wizard, the abyss sculpt wizard It is forbidden to fight any battle here, and the masters will change direction."

The white robe wizard is not humble and righteous.

"Hey, the second element of the little wizard? Go away! The mechanical wizard's defeat is now. It is no longer the time for you to rule the wizarding world. We have the special action license issued by Samsung Santa. What is the problem for the six-ring true spirit wizard? Go and negotiate with the Samsung Tower."

The leader of the abyss refining body sorcerer riding on more than 30 meters of flying dragons, black and lingering, pulled out a beast skin contract, a pair of ambiguous and fearless look.

The animal skin contract was enveloped by the magic fog, and it was not clear. The white robe witch frowned and went over. I wanted to take a good look at what the so-called Samsung Santa Special Action License is. Suddenly, the abyss refinement wizard’s 30-meter dragon A roar, horrible deterrence, let the white robe wizard instinct to retreat, showing a panic color.

Obviously there is no such thing as a Samsung special license.

"Ha ha ha ha ha, let's go!"

The abyss refining wizard "hahaha" laughed, and the other abyss sculpt wizards behind him rushed past.

"Oh, these underground people are actually..."

"Master, we inform the nearby Sanhuan Tower Demon Hunt, these abyss wizards have violated the Six Rings Santa Rules!"

Behind the white robe wizards, several first-level wizards are screaming. They are obviously the little guys who advanced after the war of civilization. They grew up in the turmoil of the elemental wizards, and they have not grasped the essential rules of the wizarding world and the true status of the current elemental wizards.

The white robe wizard raised his hand and stopped shaking his head.

"It is now in the chaos of war, the elemental wizards are defeated, the execution of the Santa's rules has fallen sharply, and we have lost even the most basic deterrent. It is only self-deprecating after pursuing it, hehe..."

The elemental wizards were defeated, and all the rules of the tower were thus weakened to varying degrees.


The sorcerer's big 6 ridiculous area.

If the battle between the elemental wizard and the mechanical wizard is in the void world~www.novelmtl.com~ does not have much influence on the wizarding world, then the battle between the abyss sculpt wizard and the mechanical wizard is true. It was carried out at the Wizarding University 6.

As for why, there is no reason, that is, the abyss refining sorcerer and ancestors of the real body as long as the foot of the wizard is 6 is the soul of eternal omnipotence!

This is that the wizarding world is broad enough and has sufficient carrying capacity and resilience. If the general large world has already formed an ecological cataclysm, it will affect the rules of the biological chain.

This is the third period of the civilized war. The new sacred sorcerers are springing up in an endless stream. In a short period of time, they not only make up for the losses of the wizarding world, but also greatly reduce the original loss. Accumulation, until these low-level sacred marks grow up, the wizarding world will ushered in a new era with a powerful posture that has never been seen before!

This is also an era of creating myths.

A round of true spiritual wizards broke the myth of the true spirit wizards and created new myths, while the underground abyss of Samsung Real Spirit Wizards is challenging this new myth!

In the prehistoric times, the ancestors swallowed the will of all the world's lords above the wizarding king, creating an unprecedented saga and creating a human wizard.

Nowadays, Samsung's true spirit wizard Ashura has swallowed up the will of the masses of the sea world and became the second "hermitage of the people". He led the abyss sorcerer into a new era and completely broke the shape of the former elementary wizards. The balance of the game is the oppression of the abyss refining wizard!

At this moment, the lacquered black ancestors stood in this ridiculous area, and Ashura’s every move was the will of the mighty sorcerer, staring at the metal giant in the sky, laughing out of the hahahaha. fear. (To be continued.)

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