A Sorcerer’s Journey

Vol 28 Chapter 1654: Nonsense 8

After a few hourglass hours.

More than 100,000 Saiyan people, not all of them entered the space-time transmission array, so only a small number of Saiyan people followed Bibi Luo, led by blood rain and magic dolls to the base of extinction, and most other Saiyan people were in the spiral road Under the leadership of the sorcerer, while visiting the world of the world where there is no vitality, he will enter the road before the base of destruction.

"Hey, peace-loving race? These wizards dare to say!"

A low-ranking Saiyan sneered at it.

All the way to the flight, this planet is terrible, these Saiyan people feel deeply malicious and cruel, but these wizards seem to be okay, never put such a cruel scene in their hearts, which makes the Saiyan people feel great The sense of crisis.

These wizards are full of evil, and have alternative wisdom and unique values, and more importantly, they show discipline, which should be a historical ancient civilization.

"Well, everything is in accordance with the arrangement of Bibi Luo! We have completed the initial mission, and now come to this strange time and space, to survive is the most important."

In this way, tens of thousands of Saiyan people are riding in the spherical aircraft, and "咻", "咻", "咻", and "咻" are gone.


On the other hand, the small batch of Saiyan who followed the demon doll and the **** rain to the base of the devastation, was first shocked by the metal continent that radiated the golden color of the base.

"That... that is!?"

Mo Libi looked up, brown and black hair opened, and one hand constantly adjusted the combat force detection glasses in an attempt to make a detailed observation of the strange artificial planet in space.

However, it is hoped that the distance between the metal continent and the world will take a while. Although it is already possible to see the metal continent of hope in the emptiness of the sky, it is only the face of Green truth that you want to observe thoroughly at such a distance. Can do it in front of it.

"Ah? Hey..."

Xiao Ba has a strange tone, and his small eyes are sloping and turning, his eyes are not shy: "This is the proof of the peace of the wizarding world! It is used to spread the platform of peaceful and friendly thoughts, to spread the wisdom of the advanced nature of the wizarding civilization. It is also used for humanitarian relief to help some of the world's homeless groups of people not to be extinct, such as the rescue of the world. We call it the city of the sky, the meaning of the witches in the city of dreams, representing peace. And beautiful."

The **** rain heard the explanation of Xiaoba on the shoulders, and the body was ups and downs, like a balloon that was about to explode, trying to restrain himself.

Xiaoba flew in front of the road, and the patrolling wizards and metal robotic corps were neatly ceremonial. This kind of mechanical and personal combat strength was closely combined with the ethnic group, and formed such intensity, the Saiyan star was 350 million years ago. There is no such thing in the field, and the people of Saiya keep an eye on everything around them.

Since the gravitational magnetic field of the Earth's veins has lost the strong restraint rules, the subspace vortex that originally hangs in the earth's world and the sky has disappeared all the time. Instead, it is a **** round moon space fortress and an AT force field cover virtual aircraft carrier.

Some of these giant aircraft are not suspended in the sky, and some are between the metal continent and the base of destruction.

The survival of the Earth's world is very difficult. Therefore, the base of the destruction of the world has already transported a large number of slave monsters and the lower wizards to various space fortresses and virtual motherships. Thus, the vast base of destruction has become more empty and the work efficiency has improved. .

The magic doll looked up and the button eyes silently looked at the hope.

In the vast expanse of the esophagus, it guards the hopes of the unknown, but it does not know how many eras, but in the end it is not hopeful, but the annihilation of the wizard not only returns to the material energy world through hope, but even summons it. In the world of material energy, it is now used as a platform for war.

According to his explanation, the slogan of hope is the casting of the wizarding world?

It should be impossible...

The magic doll will not easily believe in Green's words. In the long cognitive years of the magic doll, I have become accustomed to the hope of being a eclipse of the second eclipse. I hope it will always be an unsolved mystery, instead of being a legend, I am witnessing. history.

"You see, it is a dragon family, an indigenous creature of this world, what a beautiful and lovely ethnic group, and also because of the destruction of this world and endangered race. In this world, once evil gods enslaved them, spreading ignorance Faith, the evil gods are also the obstacles for the wizards to spread love and peace. In the absence of a way, the wizarding world can only wage war to overthrow the violence + politics, defend peace, but who thinks of them, hehe..."

Speaking of the key point, Xiao Ba actually used his wings to cover his eyes, sobbing out, a sorrowful look, and hating everything in the world that is too cruel.

"Who can think that their counterattacks before their death are so mad, even their mothers are so ruined. The evil they never thought about the other creatures in the world, it is too cruel, so I am more convinced. The wizards did everything! Just pity the dragons and they have become endangered species. It is precisely because of this that the wizards have worked hard for them, rather than spending huge amounts of energy on the city of the sky to save these dragons, not to watch The disaster happened."

Xiao Ba is simply full of guns, nonsense, blood and rain can not listen to it, coughed a voice: "Come on, do not affect the rescue operations of these wizards, this planet is not much short time."

"Ah! Right, look at the head of the Eight Lords, hurry, Green is waiting for you in front of you. With the knowledge of Master Green, I believe that you will be happy to meet your Saiyan people."

Under the leadership of Xiao Ba, everyone walked quickly to the center of the base.

The Saiyan scholars and the Saiyan warriors who followed Bibiro are constantly observing everything in the base of extinction, and the "Drips" combat effectiveness evaluation frequency frequently sounds.

At this time, the Saiyan people have completely resisted their arrogance and ambition. The combat power that this base can form is obviously not a Saiyan army that can fall into this strange time and space to compete.

Bibi Luo followed the annoying bird in front of him and looked heavy.

Although it was only the tip of the iceberg, this group of wizards made Bibiroben feel a great threat. From their false expressions, Bibi Luo seemed to see their inner ridicule.

This feeling is like the fact that Saiyan scholars look at the inferior ethnic biological specimens on the experimental platform when they study science. www.novelmtl.com~咚,咚,咚,咚...

The footsteps echoed in the metal corridor, Bibi Luo felt a rare feeling of sorrow, the corridor was disturbed by the dense energy layer, unable to explore the specific combat power of the leader of the annihilation tower sacred sorcerer who had not yet met, and also imagined The specific form of the sacred tower sorcerer.

However, it has been determined that even in the fighting force on the surface of the base, in addition to the two guys in front of the eyes, there are several energy bodies with a fighting power of over one million or even beyond.

Layers of guards, the advanced energy machinery technology in the base has made the Saiyan scholars unstoppable, the Saiyan warriors are full of seriousness because of the faint pressure in all directions, the teeth are critical, and every cell is in a tight state before the battle.

"Oh, it’s over!"


As the metal gates that were banned were slowly opened, in the slightly dimly lit room, behind the original candlelight, a figure on the high seat of the animal skin slowly raised its head, and the gray, red and blue lights gaze over. (To be continued.)

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