A Sorcerer’s Journey

Vol 28 Chapter 1655: Saiya

"Hey, young master, this is the fighting nation, the Saiya people."

Xiao Ba fell on Green's shoulder, and the wings pointed to the Bibi Luo and his party in the corridor outside the hall.

Because Green needs to preside over the dimensional dimension ball, and the infinite energy of the perpetual motion machine maintains multiple ice-sealed tunnels to ensure the wizard's mining efficiency for the heart of the Taiji magnet world, Green can't stay away from the center of the earth for too long.


Putting down the scrolls in his hand, Green squats with the extreme abyss magic wand, slowly standing up from the animal skin seat and staring out toward the hall.

Most of the elemental wizards give a feeling of being a scholarly scholar, and Green is no exception. At first glance, there seems to be no threat.

"The Saiyan friends from afar, I already know about your business. You can rest assured that the Wizarding World not only has enough resources to hire the Saiyan people, but also has a broad mind to embrace the Saiyan people and let the Saiyan people The battle instinct is played. More importantly, the wizarding world is strong enough to form a large enough wizarding alliance. There are hundreds of millions of ethnic groups similar to the Saiyan in the wizarding league. The alliance is not afraid of any challengers."

Say, Greenton paused, and the three-color squint stared at Bibi Luo, saying: "Then, the Saiyan people are going to join the Wizarding League, become a member of the Alliance under the rule of the Wizards, or intend to exist in an employment relationship. ?"

At this time, the Saiya people have stepped into the hall under the leadership of the magic doll and the blood rain, and they sat down in the elemental seat, and their eyes gathered on the incomparably mysterious sorcerer's leader.


Fighting power: 1934658.

This is the leader of the sorcerer of this legion?

Why is there only 1.9 million combat power on combat power detection glasses?

Can it be said that these super power wizards are the aristocrats of all wizards, equivalent to the royal family of the Saiyan people, with the extra special ability that the ordinary ethnic groups do not have! ?

Just watching the blood rain and the magic doll standing silently behind the annihilation wizard, seems to have been used to being ruled by it, Bibi Luo affirmed his own conjecture.

As a superior Saiyan, Bibilo conquered and destroyed the planet, and the vast starry sky of Saiyan’s star field, I do not know how much it was developed with his underarms, although he was ready to accept the employer, but the Saiyan There will never be an employment relationship between the two. In the process of continuous learning and cognition, one day the Saiyan people will limit their instincts to the limit and replace the position of the former employer through war rebellion.

This is how the Saiyan people live.

In such a frequent battle, Bibi Luo naturally knows that the real combat power of some biota is not that the Saiyan combat force detection glasses can accurately calculate, and rely too much on combat power to detect the eyes. Once they encounter those ethnic groups, it is very likely that they will get extremely profound lessons.

"嘭", Bibi Luo knees on one knee, the left hand caress the front chest to ceremonial, low: "The Saiyan people are fighting people, except for accepting the rule of the Saiyan royal family, they will never join and accept other organizations. Domination, this is the tradition of the Saiyan people, so I chose to accept employment."

"Oh, well, the wizard respects your traditions. But! I have to declare in advance that the rewards of the wizard's mission can only be paid by the sorcerer's currency, to the Saiyans, and..."

Green's sinister mysterious laughter echoed in the hall.

"And, the Saiyan people must not join the dispute of rights between the Wizarding Leagues in any way. This needs to be established in the form of a fate contract, which means that the Saiyan army can only appear outside the Wizarding League."

"What is the witch coin?"

Bibi Luo asked the key.

With a bang, Green bounced a wizarding coin and fell to Bibi.

"This is the witch coin. It is not special in itself, but it gains value because of the condensed wizard's will. It is the general equivalent in the Wizards' Union. It is the common currency in the Wizarding League. Well, the Saiyan people can The Wizards Union trades in any world. This is the proof that the wizard loves peace and rejects the war. How about?"


Jingle Bell!

Bibi Luo, who is contemplating, came up with a weird communication device.

"Bibiro adults!"

On the other end of the communication device, there was an agitated sound. Bibi Luo frowned: "What happened?"

"Bibiro is a man! Yes, yes... is the Prince of the Fourteenth, the Prince of Xing of the Saiyan king is hidden in the ranks, and came here with us!"

Panic voice, conveyed a message that surprised Bibi Luo, shocked and stunned.


Bibiro even refused to consider himself in the process of negotiating with Green, and said: "The Prince of the Fourteenth? You are talking about the little prince Saqajita?"

In addition to its own strong qualifications, the Saiyan royal family must have a very high combat strength at birth, and the growth rate is far beyond the average growth rate of the Saiyan people. The most terrible thing is that the royal family grows with almost no capping power!

The true symbol of the royal family's special identity is hidden in the depths of the royal family's blood, the legendary Super Saiyan transformation ability!

As for the Prince of Saqqita IV, the youngest prince of the Saiyan royal family, Bibi has only seen a limited number of times.

When Saqajita was born, the combat power reached 500. This is a very rare genius among the ordinary Saiyan, but it is only a general level among the Saiya royals. It is not worthy of any special attention, especially in him. When the twin brothers were born, they reached the 30,000-year-old genius, and they almost became the waste of no concern...

"Bibi Luo, you are sure that we are now in the time and space after 350 million, can't return again?"

In the communication device, the indifferent low voice replaced the previous panic horror sound. There is no doubt that this person is the prince of Xacacita XIV!

"I'm afraid... yes!"

Bibi Luo said bitterly, a Saiyan king was exiled by time and space!

"Oh, hahahaha, great, I can finally get rid of the brothers and sisters who are tall and self-conscious! Father, look at it, I want you to know who is the true genius of the Saiyan! ”

Ghost sneer in the communicator device~www.novelmtl.com~ Bibi Luo no longer cares about the other, after greeting Green, he panicked and left.

the other side!

At this moment, Green also took out the Skynet crystal ball, was shocked by the news that the metal continent suddenly conveyed, and even ignored the Saiyan who was negotiating to stay.

The three-color light is not clear, and the little eight on the shoulder is also stunned by the look: "That old thing, what is he doing here!?"

"Black Witch King! So, he has gained enough illusory biological resources, has Hessian returned from the chaotic world?"

Greentown settled down.

The black witch king altar descended on the metal continent of hope, and it proved to be helped by a ring of true spirit wizards. Otherwise, with its incomparable quality of life, it is difficult for ordinary means to bring it to a world of virtual worlds.

Then, the purpose of this trip should not be yourself! (To be continued.)

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