A Sorcerer’s Journey

Vol 28 Chapter 1653: What do you need?

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang...

The vegetable budworm monster and the metal terminator are all super-regeneration and strong. After all, the metal terminator is more capable than the vegetable budworm monster. After several hourglasses, these vegetable budworms are terminated by metal. The energy bombardment became a slag, and the regenerative capacity came to an end.

However, these are just for fun. Regardless of the Saiyan or the demon wizards, attention has already been concentrated on this sudden black terminator.

The black terminator is strong in hiding, disguise, and sneak attack. It is extremely rare to appear in this way.

I don’t mention the thoughts and thoughts of the people in Saiyan. At this time, through the icy mechanical shackles of the Black Terminator, Green in the heart of the Taiji Magnet World has passed the Skynet sensor, and they have a preliminary understanding of these Saiyan people. .

"It seems that the accident came to this time and space. There is no choice to conflict with the resident wizard. Can you prepare for negotiations? Yeah, the true spirit is dedicated to the last step. It is better to have more things to see how these people want to solve. ”

Muttered to himself, after a pause, Green Yinsen said: "No matter what happened there, no matter how you get along here, the peak biota of 350 million years ago is a valuable study. Specimen, think of ways to get a batch."

Glutinous, whistling, whistling, whistling, whistling...

The sea water violently bubbling with bubbles, and with the sound of "嘭" and "嘭", it was the high-level Saiyan Bibi Luo who rushed out of the deep sea with a spiral-grained sorcerer.

Many Saiyan people in all directions have quieted down, and all their attention has focused on this only high-level Saiyan.

"Bibiro adults."

The black-and-black female Saiyan leader is the closest to the higher-ranking Saiyan in the Legion. In addition, it showed amazing qualifications at the time of its birth, and Bibi Luo also looked at it with great enthusiasm. Libby has not lived up to high expectations. The fighting power seems to have no upper limit. It has grown steadily. Now it has reached the peak of the middle-class Asians and will soon surpass one million combat power!


Bibi Luo's face was a bit serious, and it was obvious that he found something, but other Saiyan people have not found it. This is caused by the different upper limit of combat power detection glasses activated by different combatants.

Mo Libi saw that Bibi Luo was so serious, and he was silent and no longer spoken. He followed Bibi Luo's eyes and stared at the junction of the fluorescent green sea and sky, which he hoped to discover in advance.


Finally, there was a reaction on the combat force detection glasses, and then Mo Libi was shocked by the number of beatings in the combat force detection glasses. There is no doubt that this is two strong enough to compete with the superior Saiyan combat strength. .

7723450, 9903499!

Although the value of the combat power is too high, even if one heartbeat and one breath will affect the combat power value, the high and low creatures can truly sway the starry sky.

"7,720,000 combat strength, 9.9 million combat power! Adult?"


Bibi Luo still calmly stands tall, and soon, blood rain and magic dolls are coming from the horizon and approaching at an alarming rate.

With such high combat effectiveness, the medium-sized Asian combat force detection glasses can also perform rough data detection, but in the lower-class Saiyan glasses, it is a series of "..." symbols, representing the unknown.

call out! call out!

Blood rain avatars and magic dolls appear in front of this group of hunters, staring at Bibi and many Saiyas.

No matter who you are, when you first see this creature group, you will clearly perceive the amazing vitality and wildness in these bio-groups. The energy of the burgeoning is like a storm, and it will come on the face.

The **** rain and the magic doll are watching the Saiyan, and the Saiyan are also observing these two superpowers with millions of combat power.

The first is the blood and rain, which is like an elemental creature. The surface is undulating, there is no specific form, and the bright red blood is red. When you observe it for a while, it seems that there are thousands of mourning phantoms coming out of the body.

Another magic doll, only half of the body, like the dilapidated doll of the poor girl family, the only button eyes slowly rotate, observe the surrounding, the other half blame the black smoke, like a burning black flame.

Other than that...

Blood rain on the shoulders, an ornamental waste bird?

"Two masters! Hey... Eight Lords!"

The spiral-grained sorcerer came to the front of the **** rain and the demon doll, and acted as a wizard etiquette. The face was slightly excited and slightly relieved. It seems that the sacred tower sorcerer is really paying attention here and pays attention to the dynamics here. I actually sent the two.

If you send a general sacred sorcerer, I am afraid that it will not be handled well!

As a sacred sorcerer, the spiral pattern can also know some secrets of the world of the world through various kinds of information, such as the real high-end power of this world expedition!

According to legend, this **** rain is dominated by the sorcerer's sacred sorcerer's body and the incarnation of the great witchcraft, and the permanent cure with the supreme power is equivalent to reshaping life.

As for the master of this magical doll, it is said that the sacred sorcerer of the annihilation tower was summoned from distant unknown time and space at great cost.

In order to conquer the true dedication of the world of the earth, the sacred sorcerer of the annihilation tower is also exhausted.

As for the soul partner of the annihilation tower, the soul of the slaying sorcerer is too big in the base of the annihilation. The number of appearances is much more than that of the annihilation tower, so that everyone knows that this spleen’s temper is retreating, but not Dare to touch the brow.

"Oh, hard work, the base will soon send a wizard to build a transmission array. You don't have to worry about other matters. I will hand it over to us."

Xiao Ba waved his wings, indicating that these little wizards could retreat. Soon, there were only a lot of Saiyan people in the sky.

"Our Saiyan people are fighting people and are keen on fighting. As long as the wizard can afford the price, they will conquer any world for the wizard. Even the newborn Saiyan baby is dangerous for the inferior planet creatures~www. Mtlnovel.com~ Two respected wizards, don't know if we need our Saiyan service that was accidentally lost?"

Bibiro’s words have at least temporarily admitted that the wizard has an employer qualification.

"This kind of thing is not under our control. Let's go and talk to the tower of annihilation. He has something to do now, and if you want to cooperate with him, I will talk to him. We are only responsible for the battle."

The evil smile, the **** rain and the unscrupulous scan of many Saiyan people floating in midair.

"Go and go, don't listen to him!"

The little gossip wings, refuting the **** rain, a look of embarrassment, smiling and contrasting than Luo Luo: "You rest assured, our wizard is a peace-loving race, the most annoying is those who fight and kill. Is it not good to live in peace? You see, you need an employer. We need to fight to defend peace. Every need is taken. Wow, this is a natural fit! Wow, you can rest assured that the wizarding world has money. There is no flower at all, it is all those who love peace as well, because they admire the noble morality of the wizarding world, and keep you satisfied."

One by one, with a small eye, Xiaoyi is optimistic about your appearance. (To be continued.)

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