A Sorcerer’s Journey

Vol 28 Chapter 1652: Cyborg?

咔嚓, 咔嚓, 咔嚓, 咔, 咔嚓...

On the dead sea surface with fluorescent green pollution, the floating three-meter-diameter spherical aircraft door has been opened and the "snap" has been opened. One Saiyan has opened the mask and the body floats away from the spherical aircraft. Look at this strange, desolate and dead planet.

Oh, oh, oh, oh, vomit!

After the female Saiya who had explosive power and vitality drank the polluted seawater, they spit it out again. The brown-black hair opened and frowned. "The water of this planet has too much adverse effect on the body and pollutes the purity of our "qi". If it is not a worthless garbage planet, it is a special planet with extremely bad conditions."

嘀, 嘀, 嘀, 嘀, 嘀, 嘀, ......

The Dark Lord Wizards are in all directions, monitoring the Saiyans who have rushed into the world of the Earth. They are carefully guarded. After the female Saiyan people look around, the combat power detection glasses show the combat power of these dark magic wizards.


"Oh? Is it a legion, the combat power is still pretty good, although there are no creatures with more than 10,000 combat power, but the planet of this size can be formed, and one or two elites who are comparable to the superiors of the Saiyan are born. Not surprising, how do you say over the Biro?"

It’s no wonder that after all, the dedication of the spirit is coming to an end, and the Legion deployed by Green has already left. This wizarding corps is only symbolic, but I did not expect it to be such a mess.

More than 5,000 dark wizards said that they didn’t say much, and they said that there were a lot of them. Only a four-level sacred sorcerer in the spiral pattern was accompanied by the superior Saiyan.

If this group of Saiyan people broke into the air, it would be a short period of time to break the battle between the two sides. Now, any introduction can suddenly become a fuse, triggering a battle between the two sides!

A Saiyan who was about a meter or so came to the female Saiyan.

The Saiyan height is generally between one meter and five to one meter. This is a rare one. The Saiyan is really rare. The hairstyle is very strange. It seems that there is a clover on the bare head. The guy with the impact of the texture of the super cannon.

"This group is called a wizard. The name of Bibi Luo is to see their ethnic leaders first. If there is any potential to become our employer, return to it or say it after the root cause. This is a high-quality planet that can destroy this. The ethnic group of large-scale planets, this group should have some strong players who are comparable to the superior Saiyan."

After the tall Saiyan responded, they stopped talking.

"It’s really boring. I thought it would be a big fight, but after I’ve been chasing it for 350 million years, I still don’t know if I can return. I hope that I will arrange a new task earlier than the Biro.”

The female Saiyan said, and it flashed to the side of the hunting magic dark wizard with the highest combat power.

The combat power detection glasses mark the 8094 combat power. As a three-level wizard, this kind of combat power is not low.

"Witch, when will your leader arrive?"

The third-level sorcerer wore a black gauze mask on his head, swaying purple and swaying on a dark red python, facing the medium-sized Saiyan so close-up oppression, but still maintaining The wizard's demeanor and hoarseness are low: "The world is about to be completely destroyed. The great annihilation tower sacred sorcerer has no meaning on this planet. He is ready to leave. Can you see the annihilation tower? The sorcerer is not I am willing to wait for the will, but the welcoming messenger is already on the road, and it should not take too long to travel through the recent distance.

"Interesting, it's a disciplined legion! So, waiting here is boring, why don't we just play it?"

Said, the female Saiyan took a few seeds from the hidden pockets of her chest, and the corner of her mouth smirked with a smile: "This is an interesting thing found in a medium planet I conquered. I named it a vegetable sprout. The worm, in its seed or seed period, only needs to give a small amount of water. No matter how bad the environment will quickly evolve into a vegetative worm with a combat power of about 3,000. Why not pick a few players to play?"

During the talking of the female Saiyan, several seeds fell into the sea, and even the seawater polluted by the fluorescent green energy gradually turned up the waves, and the green giants gradually rushed out of the sea, and the volume was scared. It has been more than 50 meters and is still expanding.

"Hey, Morley is taking out that thing again..."

“The ability of the vegetable sprouts to regenerate is also very difficult for some inferior Saiyan people. It is something to cultivate the unsuccessful Saiyan combat strength. See how these wizards are capable.”

There are more than 100,000 Saiyan people on the sea, but there are dozens of medium-sized Saiyan people. This proportion is exaggerated and exaggerated. It is worthy of being the bio-ethnic group known as the fighting nation after 350 million years ago!

The history of the Saiyan people, when their weak hours are attached to the powerful ethnic group, conquers any planet they want after paying resources, and the Saiyan people are proud of the fact that the Saiyan ethnic group has grown stronger during the ongoing campaign. Ambition and cruelty will swallow everything!

The dark wizard was silent for a moment, and saw the roaring rotten buds in the sea, and he knew that the initiative was in the other hand and responded: "Take me to play with you."

As the Dark Wizard waved his hand, it turned out that several metal terminators were flashing away, rushing toward the giant buds.

Speaking of these metal terminators, if they are not due to the negative magnetic metal powder researched by the Wizarding World, these metal terminators are almost indestructible. If every metal terminator remembers the metal, it needs to be destroyed dozens of times. If you kill, the loss of the lower wizarding corps will be completely different.

If this is the case, the eruption of the sacred mark wizard in the wizarding world after the war of civilization will not begin.

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang...

In this kind of "playing" process, the female Saiya people turned to a thin and calm Saiyan person behind him: "Dr., the man-made man of this wizarding civilization has more than 7,000 combat power, which is equivalent to a qualified inferior. Saiyan combat strength, if you give you enough resources, can you want to create such a combative man-made person?"

It seems that the Saiyan people seem to be evolving in two different directions, Seiya warriors and Saiyan scholars.

“My research on man-made people is based on biological cells. It is obvious that these artificial people are very different from our research. Even in our Saiyan community, no similar technology has been found, maybe...”


Suddenly, the intensive alarms of the combat force detection glasses made the middle-class Saiyan people surprised. www.novelmtl.com~ looked in the direction of the dark magic wizard.

I saw that the black terminator floated like a jelly, and gradually formed a humanoid form. It was Green who used the invisible Saiyan in the spiral-grained sorcerer crystal ball to use what was once left in this sea. It is also a faint deterrent protection measure to have a black terminator for other azimuth observations.

"The combat power is 65,000, which is equivalent to the combat strength of the medium-sized Asian soldiers!"

The female Saiyan leader took a deep breath and bowed down to the doctor behind him: "Dr., it seems that your man-made plan is approved by the time!"

Different from the scientific research of the general ethnic group, the scientific research of the Saiyan scholars is all about the design of the auxiliary Saiyan warrior to improve combat effectiveness and combat style, including the doctor's man-made plan, but also to train the next class. The Asians proposed that they had not been approved and approved a large amount of research funding.

However, the Saiyan people did not expect that in this future time and space, there are actually ethnic groups who have created the "artificial man" equivalent to the middle-class Asians!

"Great! Then the research resources that I proposed before..." (to be continued.)

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